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单纯、独一、集中在一件事上:~长(cháng )。~使。~心致志。独自掌握和占有:~利。~车。~有。~断。姓。……
汉语拼音:zhuān kuǎn
In the case of pension arrangements, this could take the form of an earmarking order or pension sharing order against retirement benefits.
在安排的情况下养老,这可以采取或组成专款专用为了退休金为了分享对退休福利。But it is still both a sizeable proportion of our budget for Asia, and a sum of money which, sensibly spent, can help us make a difference.
但在我们的亚洲区预算中,这是相当一笔数额了。使用得当的话,这笔专款将发挥十分重要的作用。In the future, a certain proportion of the company's profits will be specifically used for the operation of "Green Cross" organization.
未来,“十方建筑”将从其公司收益中每年按收益比例划拨专款支持“绿十方”公益组织的专业运作。This is the force of will which had enabled her to reserve the fund intact .
正是这种意志力使她能够不动用专款。Jonathan Parker is legally deaf, but oversees large sums of money as a fund accountant for a Portland, Maine, financial services firm.
帕克(JonathanParker)是一位法定聋人,但他在缅因州波特兰的一家金融服务公司担任专款会计师,负责监管大笔款项。Many students are hip to the latest trends, chasing after fashion and famous brands as if the family money was for nothing else.
很多大学生都紧跟最新潮流,追求时尚名牌,就好像是家里给的生活费就是奢侈消费的专款。Thank you for your generosity and leadership! The fund is only for building fund.
感谢您率先慷慨捐款!您或您公司的捐赠款项将作为购买中心大楼的款项专款专用。The congresswoman's husband was an unmitigated jerk : not only did he abandon her , but also he took her campaign funds !
那个国会女议员的丈夫是一个十足的卑鄙小人:他不仅抛弃了她,而且把她的竞选专款也拿走了!Securing additional annual funding for a state grant program to implement the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.