







汉语拼音:wěi yú



  1. "Then you must be a fool, " then tuna said. And with a disdainful flick of his tail, he swam away.


  2. Albacore tuna consumption should be limited to no more than 6 ounces a week since it contains more mercury than canned light tuna.


  3. "They can be quick over a short distance, but they're not a free-swimming ocean fish like a tuna or a mackerel, " he said.


  4. But as soon as he saw a large tuna swimming by, the little fish piped up, "Excuse me, but I'm thirsty. "


  5. The tuna do not need to be dosed with chemicals to keep them tasting fresh during transportation.


  6. We have no other choice but to act now and propose a ban on commercial bluefin tuna fishing.


  7. A new reformist government is hatching plans to establish the island as a pit-stop for international tuna boats to refuel and repair.


  8. He knelt down and found the tuna under the stern with the gaff and drew it toward him keeping it clear of the coiled lines.


  9. Bouillon, clam juice, juice from canned tuna, and water also can be added to dry foods to increase water intake.


  1. 我喜欢吃鲔鱼。

    I love tuna fish.

  2. 我喜欢吃鲔鱼。

    I love tuna fish.

  3. 我们准备了鲔鱼

    We prepared some tuna fish

  4. 海苔鲔鱼细卷


  5. 金瓜鲔鱼炒米粉

    Fried Rice Noodles with Fish and Pumpkin

  6. 来份鲔鱼砂锅饭。

    The tuna casserole, please.

  7. 那你爸一定有补过黑鲔鱼吧?

    I am sure your dad has caught bluefish tuna before right?

  8. 一份鲔鱼沙拉三明治和一杯牛奶。

    A tuna salad sandwich and a glass of milk.

  9. 老先生和小木偶爬到鲔鱼背上。

    The old man and the puppet climbed onto the tuna's back.

  10. 有满福堡, 法国土司跟鲔鱼三明治。

    We have egg muffins, French toaster and tuna sandwiches.

  11. 此时, 有一只鲔鱼向他们游了过来。

    Then, a tuna swam up to them.

  12. 黑鲔鱼超珍贵的,还不一定捉的到呢。

    Bluefish tuna is very precious; we may not even catch one.

  13. 她却端给我鲔鱼和四盘的薯片

    She brought me a tuna melt and four plates of curly fries.

  14. 我们有鲔鱼罐头,鲑鱼罐头以及像桃子这样的水果罐头。

    We have canned tuna, salmon, and fruits like peaches.

  15. 有鲔鱼叁明治给你冰箱里还有凉拌卷心菜。

    There's tuna fish for sandwiches and you'll find coleslaw in the fridge.

  16. 关心龙虾,就能让喜爱海鲜的饕客不理会鲔鱼?

    Does considering the lobster allow seafood lovers to disregard the tuna ?

  17. 皮诺奇和格培多爬到鲔鱼身上迅速离开,

    Pinocchio and Geppetto climbed onto the tuna and sped off.

  18. 除了鲔鱼自己以外, 没有人能从外观分辨活鲔鱼的雌雄。

    No one can tell a live male from a live female except another tuna.

  19. 叉型尾尾鳍有一个深深地凹曲或后缘内凹,例如鲔鱼。

    Forked caudal fin A caudal fin with a deeply concave or excavated hind margin, such as in tunas.

  20. 旗鱼虽然也可以吃,但鲔鱼和马林鱼才是真正的猎捕对象。

    Although swordfish were certainly considered edible, tuna and marlin were thought of as strictly objects of the hunt.

  21. 奶及罐装鲔鱼都是经处理后较安全或可以保存更久的例子。

    Examples of foods that are made safer or have a longer shelflife through processing are UHT milk and canned tuna.


  1. 问:鲔鱼龙类拼音怎么拼?鲔鱼龙类的读音是什么?鲔鱼龙类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲔鱼龙类的读音是,鲔鱼龙类翻译成英文是 Thunnosauria


