




人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……



汉语拼音:mù míng







  1. 犹好名。希望自己有好名声。

    《汉书·王商史丹傅喜传赞》:“ 阳平 之 王 多有材能,好事慕名,其势尤盛,旷贵最久。”《三国志·蜀志·庞统传》:“卿好施慕名,有似 汝南 樊子昭 。虽智力不多,亦一时之佳也。”

  2. 仰慕名声。

    《白雪遗音·八角鼓·清晨起》:“原来是近隣的街坊贤母子,慕名来送小儿曹。”《何典》第八回:“那兄叫做 摸壁鬼 ,令弟叫做 摸索鬼 ,也是慕名来学的。”《人民日报》1982.3.14:“不少 中 外旅游者纷纷慕名而来, 西安 更成了世人瞩目的地方。”



  1. 'People gravitate to this city to find or to be part of the 'best and brightest. '


  2. His clients pay up to $7, 000 for a full face of injections and come to him from all over the world, some as often as six times a year.


  3. We decided to visit it out of admiration.


  4. Cancel this live appearances, and insults and gas (Note: customers are those who have heard), took over the live is a bit at a loss!


  5. This bustling city charms visitors with its beautiful palaces, ancient winding streets, colorful goods, and lively city square.


  6. For decades, surfers have made the pilgrimage to Hawaii, paying homage to its golden beaches and bowing before its world-class waves.


  7. Since the summer 2009 thousands of visitors are attracted to the OTTO BOCK health care exhibition center in Berlin.


  8. Years later, his dream came true and guests turned up in hordes .


  9. The one located at Beijing's Myun County attracts tourists from all over the country as well as internationally.


  1. 我对兵马俑慕名已久。

    I've heard so much about the Terracotta.

  2. 我们决定慕名前去拜访一下。

    We decided to visit it out of admiration.

  3. 为开阔眼界, 学生们慕名而来。

    out of sight of land.

  4. 要命的是,游客们慕名而来,经常烧烤野炊。

    Moreover, tourists often come and have picnics here, because of its beauty.

  5. 每天都有世界各地的游客慕名前来参观。

    Every day all over the world come here to visit.

  6. 四方朝山慕名纷至沓来,龙华庙会声名远扬。

    Dachaoshan come here especially for the Quartet, the famous Longhua temple.

  7. 表演太成功了,很多人都慕名而来观看。

    The performances were really a big hit and drew in large crowds.

  8. 他们必须想法挡住蜂拥而来的慕名者。

    They must do something to hold back rushing fans.

  9. 而慕名而来的诸多患者中甚至有人来自南非。

    while fielding referrals from as far away as South Africa.

  10. 吸引国内外名流慕名尔来,实至而归。

    To attract and foreign celebrities are attracted to Seoul and is to return.

  11. 就连许多外商也都慕名而来,吃后赞不绝口。

    Even foreign investors are also attracted many come to eat after the praise.

  12. 这间餐厅大部分的新顾客都是慕名而来。

    Most of the restaurant's new customers come from word of mouth.

  13. 希望所有慕名而来的食客留心,切勿浪费金钱!

    I hope that all of admiring patrons pay attention, do not waste your money!!!

  14. 该店眼镜,验光准、磨制精,众多顾客慕名而来。

    Due to accurate optometry and fine grinding of lens, this shop attracts many customers.

  15. 全世界医学界都有人慕名来观摩他的工作。

    Medical pilgrims came from all over the world to study his work.

  16. 各国专家学者、政要名流慕名光临安惠参观、交流。

    Many experts, scholars, dignitaries and celebrates come from different countries to visit Alphay and make communication.

  17. 当地建有国际机场,每年约有2万游客慕名而至。

    It has its own international airport and some 20,000 tourists every year.

  18. 最近,笔者慕名来到生物开发中心采访了杨石同志。

    Recently, author admire name will to biology developed a center to interview Comrade Yang Shi.

  19. 他的戏剧作品相比,叶芝的诗歌吸引慕名而来的通知。

    Compared with his dramatic works, Yeats's poems attract much admiring notice.

  20. 他的戏剧作品比拟,叶芝的诗歌吸收慕名而来的通知。

    Compared with his dramatic works, Yeats's poems attract much admiring notice.

  21. 她去那家餐馆并非慕名那里的饭菜而是去享受那里的氛围。

    She went to the restaurant not for the food but for the ambience.

  22. 近日,笔者慕名采访了村民代表,财务监督组长徐永辉。

    Recently, author admire name interviewed Xu Yonghui of villager delegate, financial supervisory group leader.

  23. 本职业介绍所的业务卓有成效,众多的求职者慕名而来。

    Our employment agency has done its work so effectively as to attract a lot of joBless people By its reputation.

  24. 来自全国各地的脑胶质瘤患者和其他肿瘤患者慕名而来。

    Because of good reputation, many domestic patients of brain glioma and other tumors come to Fuda Cancer Hospital.

  25. 这家医院因其优良的服务, 使许多病人慕名远道而来。

    Many patients are attracted to this hospital from afar By its reputation for excellent service.

  26. 我们有慕名而来的投资者, 他们已经是这个产品的用户了。

    And we had investors who were coming to us who were already users of the product.

  27. 他卖的羊肉汤鲜美可口,远近皆知,许多客人都慕名而来。

    The fame of his delicious mutton soup spread far and wide, bringing lots of customers.

  28. 天一阁名声极大,阁却极小,慕名而来的人多少会有些失望。

    Tianyi Pavilion enjoys a great fame but is fairly small in size, which, to some extent, disappoints the admirers coming from afar.


  1. 问:慕名拼音怎么拼?慕名的读音是什么?慕名翻译成英文是什么?

    答:慕名的读音是mùmíng,慕名翻译成英文是 be impressed by a reputation


