







汉语拼音:fǎn mù








  1. 谓夫妻不和。

    《易·小畜》:“夫妻反目。” 孔颖达 疏:“夫妻乖戾,故反目相视。” 唐 李肇 《唐国史补》卷下:“ 贞元 十二年,駙马 王士平 与 义阳公主 反目。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二七:“人间夫妇休反目,看此芙蓉真可怜。” 丁玲 《韦护》第二章一:“所以那怕是很相爱,但为了这些小事不免要常常反目的。” 钱锺书 《猫》:“ 李太太 知道他夫人为自己跟他反目,请他来家吃饭和喝茶的次数愈多。”

  2. 泛指翻脸;不和。

    《鬼谷子·抵巇》:“父子离散,乖乱反目。” 宋 苏轼 《吕惠卿责授节度副使制书》:“喜则摩足以相懽,怒则反目以相噬。”《三侠五义》第四十回:“五弟未免过於心高气傲,而且不服人劝。小弟前次略略説了几句,险些儿与我反目。” 郭沫若 《虎符》第二幕第二景:“我们兄弟姐妹之间,竟几乎争到了反目的地步。”



  1. The United States might well provide that prod if it did not fear a united Europe would turn on America.


  2. Mr. Zong has had other corporate battles, notably a bitter falling-out with his joint venture partner Danone, the French food giant.


  3. They had not been married a month before they quarreled.


  4. If this idea fails, then all the saved tax dollars in the world will not be enough to prevent the nation from turning on itself.


  5. And a person as long as a minute into enemies, and love a person but an hour, and they forget to spend a life time.


  6. Mr Cameron shied away from calling for his friend's head too, but described the allegations as "truly dreadful" .


  7. Sibling rivalry is the new barbecue stopper - at least in my circles.


  8. and blizzard and 9 cities cannot have been reached it seems that consistent, barefaced already on this incident fall out.


  9. Pakistan officially turned against its ally before the U. S. -led invasion of Afghanistan.


  1. 兄弟们反目为仇。

    The brothers are bitter enemies.

  2. 你们反目为仇了吗?

    Did you turn on each other?

  3. 与阿拉伯民族反目的民族

    a nation inimical to the Arabs

  4. 你挑拨他父子二人反目。

    You made his father turn on him.

  5. 兄弟也会因嫉妒而反目。

    Or that envy has turned a brother against his brother.

  6. 她使你的全家人与你反目。

    She's managed to turn your whole family against you.

  7. 他原来的朋友都和他反目了。

    All his former friends turned against him.

  8. 他甚至可以跟最好的朋友反目

    Turn his back on his best friend

  9. 出言不慎有时会使朋友反目。

    Carelessly spoken words can sometimes unsolder ties of friendship.

  10. 所遗家产,成为兄弟反目,争相抢夺。

    Siblings become enemies, fighting over assets that are left.

  11. 反目的从句与程度,度量状语从句的对比

    The Comparison between Anti goal clause and Degree adverbial clause.

  12. 英国看起来不会与欧盟的其他成员反目。

    Britain appears unlikely to break ranks with other members of the European Union.

  13. 他俩最终反目, 都是你挑拨离间造成的。

    They turned against each other, primarily because you had been trying to drive a wedge between them.

  14. 他俩最终反目,都是你挑拨离间造成的。

    They turned against each other, primarily because you had been trying to drive a wedge between them.

  15. 孩子之间的意见不和, 造成各家长期反目。

    The disagreement between the children was a continuation of the sempiternal feud between the families.

  16. 欧洲若与美国反目显然会有致命的后果。

    It would clearly be fatal for Europe to quarrel seriously with America.

  17. 开玩笑不可能化敌为友,却可能让朋友反目为仇。

    You can not joke an enemy into a friend, but you may a friend into an enemy.

  18. 如果合伙人之间彼此反目, 每一个人都会遭受损失。

    Everybody stands to lose if the partners fall out.

  19. 父子反目、兄弟阋墙、朋友成仇敌、别的种族敌视日裔

    Children have been turned against parents, brothers against each other, friends into foes, and other ethnic Americans against Japanese

  20. 一个人在世上最好的朋友会和他反目, 成为他的敌人。

    The best friend a man has in the world may turn against him and become his enemy.

  21. 两人有说有笑,仿佛他们间没有兄弟反目这回事。

    The two of them talked and laughed together, as though there was no such unbrotherly thing between them.

  22. 两人有说有笑,仿佛他们间没有兄弟反目这回事。

    The two of them talked and laughed together, as though there was no such unbrotherly thing between them.

  23. 不会有家庭亲兄弟之间为争夺家产的口角、反目为仇。

    Won't have family property between brothers to scramble for the bickering, and scapegoats.

  24. 没想到我这一句话竟然成了他们反目的催化剂。

    I didn't expect that a word of mine would became the catalyst for their falling out.

  25. 事实上,门多萨不久便名声大振,致使汉弗莱斯与他反目为敌。

    In fact, Mendoza soon became so successful that Humphries turned against him.


  1. 问:反目拼音怎么拼?反目的读音是什么?反目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反目的读音是fǎnmù,反目翻译成英文是 turn against

  2. 问:反目成仇拼音怎么拼?反目成仇的读音是什么?反目成仇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反目成仇的读音是fǎnmù-chéngchóu,反目成仇翻译成英文是 To become a personal enemy.

  3. 问:反目标拼音怎么拼?反目标的读音是什么?反目标翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反目标的读音是fǎn mù biāo,反目标翻译成英文是 Counter-Targeting



【词目】 反目

【拼音】 fǎn mù

【注音】 ㄈㄢˇ ㄇㄨˋ

【英译】 [fall out (esp. between husband and wife)]


【例句】 他们两个反目成仇。