


1. 把 [bǎ]2. 把 [bà]把 [bǎ]拿,抓住:~酒(拿着酒杯)。~玩(拿着赏玩)。控制,掌握:~握。~舵。看守:~守。~门儿。自行车、手推车等的手柄:车~。可以用手拿的小捆:秫秸~儿。专权,一手独揽:~持大权。从后托起小孩两腿使……





汉语拼音:bǎ lǎn






  1. 把持包揽。




  1. So I put a hand slowly toward the father, his father get on the ground, stretch the hand quickly down to me an embrace.


  1. 家里所有的事情他都能把揽上。

    He takes care of everything in the home.

  2. 家里所有的事情他都能把揽上。

    He takes care of everything in the home.

  3. 哽咽无语,她把儿子一把揽入怀中,脸上洋溢著动人的光彩。

    Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms.

  4. 母亲把孩子揽在怀里。

    The mother clasped the child to her bosom.

  5. 每次把你揽入怀中

    And as I hold your boby near

  6. 她把她揽进怀里,尽力安慰她。

    She took her in her arms and tried to comfort her.

  7. 迈克尔挨着她跪下,一下把她揽入怀里。

    Michael knelt next to her and scooped her into his arms.

  8. 总统赦免了手下的官员,把过失揽到自己的头上。

    The President absolved his officers and took the blame upon himself.

  9. 罗佰特把我揽在胸前,抚爱我,向我敞开了他的心扉。

    Luo Bai special to get me in the chest, caress me, I have to open his heart.

  10. 上帝啊, 他是多么爱她, 现在他为什么不可以把她揽在怀里呢

    God, how he loved her. Why couldn't he just take her in his arms now

  11. 她一时说不出话来,脸上洋溢着喜色,笑着把儿子揽入杯中。

    Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms.

  12. 她把孩子紧紧揽在怀里。

    She clasped her child to her bosom.

  13. 母亲把小儿子揽在怀里。

    The mother lapped her little son in her arms.

  14. 母羊目光慈祥把这一幕揽尽。

    And the ewe catches the whole scene with her kind sight.

  15. 值得称赞的是,他把一些责任揽到了自己身上。

    To his great credit, he took some of the blame.

  16. 值得称赞的是,他把一些责任揽到了自己身上。

    To his great credit, he took some of the blame.

  17. 丈夫把妻子和儿子揽在怀中。

    The man held his wife and son in his arms.

  18. 如果我们把所有功劳都揽到自己身上,那就不对了。

    It would be wrong for us to take all the credit.

  19. 他们中应该有人更进一步,把右后卫这个位置揽入怀中。

    One of them has to step forward and make claim to the position at Chelsea.

  20. 他把小车换成大车就是为了揽货方便。

    He changed the small truck for a big one in order to ship goods more conveniently.

  21. 他把小车换成大车就是为了揽货方便。

    He changed the small truck for a big one in order to ship goods more conveniently.

  22. 青春年华,能把彩虹作衣,敢上九天揽月。

    In youth, we clothe ourselves with rainbows, and go as brave as the zodiac.

  23. 我真想把瘦小的那匹揽入怀中

    I would like to hold the slenderer one in my arms

  24. 她揽着他的肩膀,将他领到一把扶手椅旁。

    She led him to an armchair, with her arm round his shoulder.

  25. 最后他的号中了,把自己所赢的钱揽入怀中。

    At last his number came up, and he raked in his winnings.

  26. 最后他得号中了, 把自己所赢得钱揽入怀中。

    At last his number came up, and he raked in his winnings.

  27. 他说,记者让其他人承担风险,到头来却把功劳揽到自己身上。

    Journalists, he says, let other people take the risks and then take the credit.


  1. 问:把揽拼音怎么拼?把揽的读音是什么?把揽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:把揽的读音是bǎlǎn,把揽翻译成英文是 To hold jealously.




拼音:bǎlǎn 英文:monopolize 基本解释 [monopolize] 把持;兜揽 把揽一院之事 详细解释 把持包揽。 《禅林宝训》卷三引《与山堂书》:“嗟乎!苟以一身之资,把揽一院之事,使小人不蒙蔽,纪纲不紊乱,而合至公之论,不亦难乎!”《金瓶梅词话》第一回:“所以专在县里管些公事,与人把揽,说事过钱。”