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汉语拼音:cāng shēng
《书·益稷》:“帝光天之下,至于海隅苍生。” 孔 传:“光天之下,至于海隅苍苍然生草木,言所及广远。”
《文选·史岑<出师颂>》:“苍生更始,朔风变律。” 刘良 注:“苍生,百姓也。” 唐 杜甫 《行次昭陵》诗:“往者灾犹降,苍生喘未苏。” 明 杨慎 《李光弼中潬之战》:“儒者纸上之语,使之当国,岂不误苍生乎?” 邹韬奋 《经历》三二:“有害尽苍生的党,有确能为大众谋幸福的党。”
宋 无名氏 《张协状元》戏文第三五出:“状元真大才,衙门面向两扇开。你还不曾会读书,苍生还相见,休要来。”
Well you know, it's a time to get together with all your family and be thankful for everything!
额,你知道的,在这一天,大家聚在一块,感谢苍生万物。I created, saved, and called you and commanded you to live a life of service.
答案错误。我创造世界,挽救苍生,召唤并任命你服务他人。It is great to be alive, on this day, in this place, with things just as they are.
人活着是多么美好啊!就在今朝,亦在此地,与苍生共处。As a leader, he must be from DuDu, put all of life are used to benefit the whole degree melts the decree by destiny.
作为一个引领者,必须自度度他,把生命的全部都用来造福苍生度化有缘上。Tao Yuan-ming of this young man has "big economy in the common people" at all, but unfortunately he was ill-timed.
年轻时的陶渊明本有“大济于苍生”之志,只可惜他生不逢时。But I said King says truth for people, we will sing paean for him.
我斗胆学者说一句:君为苍生说人话,才为君王唱赞歌。Good mind is broad, generous, and tolerant of the universe for the benefit of mankind the common people.
善良的心胸是博大、宽宏的,能包容宇宙万物,造福于人类苍生。"Outside the King" is means a submarine repair hair from the inside of the Jeju people bosch, Lee Ji-existence of the common people care.
“外王”则昭示着一种由内修潜发的博施济众、利济苍生的实存关怀。For the welfare of common people, this matter must be blocked.
The common people are plunged into an abyss of misery.
一年前, 你在茫茫的苍生。
That thou wast in the world a year ago.
Unabated, the Emperor continued his scourge.
I only have two tears in my life half for the beauties and half for the lives
Then we pray together to the common people for the world now!
愿苍生生往东方, 愿世间万物自由。
May all beings living to the East, all beings of the universe be free.
苍生笑, 不再寂寥, 豪情仍在痴痴笑笑。
The light wind laughs, brings along with lonesome. Shadows fall on my sheeves, there is nothing but naked passion.
Jesus is thirsting for our love, and this is the thirst for everyone, poor and rich alike.
等到繁华落尽, 苍生白头, 终将是那场迟来的邂逅。
When the busy fall, people will be bald, the late love.
为了替后世苍生着想, 我劝你还是打消这项任命案吧!
For the sake of offspring, I hope you will give up this appointment.