


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà lóu







大楼 [dà lóu]
  1. 高大的楼房。




  1. Equally, the material is strong enough to be used for sci-fi-style pedestrian bridges within the building.


  2. So just take 10 minutes off, get out of your office building, and breathe fresh air for a while.


  3. And what they were saying on this occasion was that our competitors had to build new buildings for the new technology.


  4. Gunshots could be heard near the square as the sun set; a tree and building adjacent to the renowned National Museum caught on fire.


  5. Locally, he said, Occupy worked to help tenants at a building in the neighborhood around the church mount a rent strike.


  6. Katherine Hachinski, who had been knocked off her chair by the blast of heat exploding from the neighboring tower, was one of those.


  7. There was one job, the outside of a large house that stood on elevated ground overlooking the town.


  8. Upon exiting the building, I tear around the corner to my parked patrol car and threw myself against the hood in exhaustion.


  9. The lower terminus is only a five-minute walk from the Bank of China Building.


  1. 大楼管理员

    Building manager.

  2. 大楼朝西。

    The building looks west.

  3. 雄伟的大楼

    a noble building

  4. 东闵纪念大楼

    Dong Min Memorial Building.

  5. 大楼综合症

    A Cue for sick building syndrome.

  6. 交运大楼过道

    Aisle of Shanghai Jiaoyun Building.

  7. 大楼管理员,大楼管理员

    Building manager, building manager.

  8. 中客饭店大楼

    Shenke hotel

  9. 整栋大楼警戒。

    Hey,secure the building.

  10. 大楼的西侧楼

    the west wing of the building.

  11. 联合国大楼平面图20

    Plan of the United Nations Building20

  12. 设计大楼前厅

    Reception Hall of Office Building.

  13. 鲑鱼撞进大楼

    Flying Fish Statue Goes Through a Building

  14. 大楼与河邻近。

    The building neighbors upon the river.

  15. 她是大楼管理员

    She's the building manager.

  16. 大楼之间有树。

    There are trees in between the buildings.

  17. 大楼于1983年竣工。

    The building was finished in 1981.

  18. 比如100万得大楼。

    For instance the building of 1 million.

  19. 比如100万的大楼。

    For instance the building of 1 million.

  20. 大楼的内部结构

    the internal structure of a building

  21. 爆炸使大楼晃动。

    The explosion shook the building.

  22. 大楼正在建造中。

    The building is under construction.

  23. 长沙湾政府大楼

    Cheung Sha Wang Government Office Building

  24. 大楼被全部烧毁。

    The building was burnt to the ground.

  25. 合肥物流办公大楼

    Hefei flows the office block

  26. 大楼外表很气派。

    The exterior of the building is very imposing.

  27. 大楼出入人员复杂。

    Too many people come and go.

  28. 房产税务局的大楼

    House property tax office building

  29. 多高的大楼啊

    What a high building it be!

  30. 首先 大楼需要花钱

    First, bricks and mortar cost money.


  1. 问:大楼拼音怎么拼?大楼的读音是什么?大楼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大楼的读音是dàlóu,大楼翻译成英文是 building, tall building, multi-storied building...

  2. 问:大楼梯拼音怎么拼?大楼梯的读音是什么?大楼梯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大楼梯的读音是dà lóu tī,大楼梯翻译成英文是 grand stairs

  3. 问:大楼防灾中心拼音怎么拼?大楼防灾中心的读音是什么?大楼防灾中心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大楼防灾中心的读音是dà lóu fáng zāi zhōng xīn,大楼防灾中心翻译成英文是 building safety center

  4. 问:大楼自动化系统拼音怎么拼?大楼自动化系统的读音是什么?大楼自动化系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大楼自动化系统的读音是dà lóu zì dòng huà xì tǒng,大楼自动化系统翻译成英文是 building automation system

  5. 问:大楼分层建筑物所有权拼音怎么拼?大楼分层建筑物所有权的读音是什么?大楼分层建筑物所有权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大楼分层建筑物所有权的读音是dà lóu fēn céng jiàn zhù wù suǒ yǒu quán,大楼分层建筑物所有权翻译成英文是 ownership in horizontal divisions of a buildin...

  6. 问:大楼内楼层面积分别产权法拼音怎么拼?大楼内楼层面积分别产权法的读音是什么?大楼内楼层面积分别产权法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大楼内楼层面积分别产权法的读音是dà lóu nèi lóu céng miàn jī fēn bié chǎn quán fǎ,大楼内楼层面积分别产权法翻译成英文是 law on separate property in the space in buildin...