




1. 归 [guī]归 [guī]返回,回到本处:~国。~程。~侨。~宁(回娘家看望父母)。~省(xǐng )(回家探亲)。~真反璞。还给:~还。物~原主。趋向,去往:~附。众望所~。合并,或集中于一类,或集中于一地:~并。~功。~咎。由,……



汉语拼音:hǎi guī







  1. People with a foreign degree seem to have a more promising future.


  2. As one of the phenomena of this trend, "overseas returnees " are imperceptibly changing our professional world.


  3. He is about to give up a life-long hand professorships, to be a returnees.


  4. Now the business opportunities available on the mainland are at least as big a draw for returnees.


  5. National Science Foundation in charge of the mathematical and physical sciences. He's one of many coming home.


  6. "Returnees could bring dynamic ideas and fresh perspectives to our clients' projects, " she said.


  7. By the Shanghai Jiaotong University and Tongji University, master's and a group of young returnees constitute Dr.


  8. A few days ago saw a post online, spoke about the different British and American returnees staff.


  9. Measuring attitudes among sea turtles can be difficult, especially with all of Chinese society changing around them.


  1. 本公司由多位从海归人士组成。

    The Company by the number of returnees from members of.

  2. 我们可以探讨一下影响海归价值得因素。

    We can explore the impact of the value of returnees.

  3. 我们可以探讨一下影响海归价值的因素。

    We can explore the impact of the value of returnees.

  4. 每年, 海归数量以成百上千的速度增加。

    The phrase is a pun on haiwai guilai, meaning returned from overseas.

  5. 每年,海归数量以成百上千得速度增加。

    The phrase is a pun on haiwai guilai, meaning returned from overseas.

  6. 由上海交大和同济大学一批年轻的硕士和海归博士构成。

    By the Shanghai Jiaotong University and Tongji University, masters and a group of young returnees constitute Dr.

  7. 现在海归派人员越来越多,这将给我国的科技发展注入新鲜的血液。

    Now there are more students who have returned and they will infuse new blood into technology development in China.

  8. 百川归海。

    All rivers flow into the sea.

  9. 谷中有水名锦溪,源于大湫,注经行峡沿筋竹涧入清江而归海。

    And a water, the Brocade Stream Jinxi, rised from the upper Big Dragon Pool Daiongqiu, burbles down through the valley.

  10. 水手离海归家以后就把捕鱼枪搁起来了。

    The sailor has put his spear gun away since he returned from sea.

  11. 博爱和谐海归群在上海已经建立起一个强大的社交网络。

    The returnee group has already set up a strong network in Shanghai.

  12. 第一代海归派的上海缘

    First Generation of Returned Students in Shanghai

  13. 很明显,海归的势力正在壮大。

    The power of hai gui is visibly growing.

  14. 之前已有9名海归进入面试环节。

    Nine returnees have made it to the interview stage.

  15. 早先的一代代海归爱国的方式不同。

    Previous generations of sea turtles were patriotic in a different way.

  16. 早先得一代代海归爱国得方式不同。

    Previous generations of sea turtles were patriotic in a different way.

  17. 也有人说, 海归的动力确切地说不是民族主义。

    Others say the returnees'driving force isn't exactly nationalism.

  18. 现在大陆的商机至少对海归是一个巨大的吸引。

    Now the business opportunities available on the mainland are at least as big a draw for returnees.

  19. 现在大陆得商机至少对海归是一个巨大得吸引。

    Now the business opportunities available on the mainland are at least as big a draw for returnees.

  20. 万川归海而不盈

    Ten thousand rivers flow into the sea, but the sea is never full

  21. 南归以法莲, 北归玛拿西, 以海为界。

    On the south the land belonged to Ephraim, on the north to Manasseh.

  22. 江河都往海里流, 海却不满。江河从何处流, 仍归何处。

    All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full.

  23. 条条江河归大海。

    All rivers lead to the sea.

  24. 条条河水归大海。

    All rivers run to the sea.

  25. 千条江河归大海。

    Rivers descend to the sea.

  26. 条条江河终归大海。

    All rivers in the end flow to the sea.

  27. 海德归因论 海德归因论

    Herder?s attribution theory

  28. 挣脱而去, 重归大海

    Breaks loose and returns to the boundless sea

  29. 千条江河归入大海。

    A thousand rivers find their way to the sea.

  30. 引火归原, 导龙入海

    directing fire to its source


  1. 问:海归拼音怎么拼?海归的读音是什么?海归翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海归的读音是hǎiguī,海归翻译成英文是 People returned to their home country after fin...

  2. 问:海归派拼音怎么拼?海归派的读音是什么?海归派翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海归派的读音是hǎiguīpài,海归派翻译成英文是 Used in recent years to refer to people who go abr...



“海归”指的是海外留学回国创业的人员,谐音为“海龟”。英文可解释为People returned to the homecountry after finishing overseas study。returned students在英文中指返校生,显然不适合作为海归的翻译。也有人建议将海归一词的英文翻译定义为returned talents after studying abroad,意为从海外留学归来的人才,但是后一种解释明显偏离中性的定义而带有歧视性的褒义色彩。