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1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……
1. 期 [qī]2. 期 [jī]期 [qī]规定的时间,或一段时间:定~。限~。~限。学~。量词,用于刊物或其他分期的事物:第五~。盼望,希望:~望。~冀。~盼。~待。限度:“征敛无~求索无度”。必,决定:“~死,非勇也”。〔~颐〕指人……
汉语拼音:zhōng qī
周恩来 《关于党的“六大”的研究》:“从整个过程来看,党的领导在大革命初期对的多,错的少;中期有对的,也有错的。” 邓小平 《我国经济建设的历史经验》:“从五十年代中期到七十年代……我们完全或基本上处于没有外援的状况,主要靠自力更生。”
There were two other films that I saw later on, in the mid-1960s, that had just as much of an effect.
后来,1960年代中期,我还看了另外两部对我影响深远的电影。In the medium term, the best and most likely policy would be a move to a heavily managed float, rather than an upward adjustment of the peg.
从中期来看,最好也是最有可能采取的政策是过渡到严格管理的浮动,而不是对盯住汇率向上进行调整。In a sense, medium-term fiscal policy is all about saving for a rainy day.
从某种意义来说,中期财政政策是未雨绸缪。Ever since the election, Tom DeLay and his staff had been firing up the right-wing networks to demand my impeachment.
国会中期选举之后,汤姆·迪莱和他的同伙一直在组织右翼力量势必要弹劾我。How much will the economy matter in November's mid-term elections, and which party will gain from it?
经济在11月的中期大选中会占多重分量?哪一方将从中获益?Any attempt to increase price mid-project will result in no further pay and immediate termination of any and all previous agreements.
任何企图提高价格中期计划将导致进一步的薪酬和没有任何和所有以前的协议立即终止。In the mid-20th century, governments began to get out of the business of deciding which couples were "fit" to marry.
20世纪中期,对于决定什么样的人‘适合’结婚这一问题,政府开始不再干涉。He calls it a 'midcycle correction in growth, ' not a 'deterioration that ends in recession. '
他说这是“经济增长的中期修正”而不是“最终导致衰退的经济恶化”。During the recent midterm election campaign, Palin was one of the most popular campaigners for Republican candidates around the country.