




有效验:~验。~丹妙药。聪明,不呆滞:~巧。机~。~慧。敏捷的心理活动:~机。~感。~性。精神:~魂。心~。英~。旧时称神或关于神仙的:神~。精~。反映敏捷,活动迅速:~活。~犀。~便(biàn )。关于死人的:幽~。~魂。~柩。……



汉语拼音:shén líng






  1. 神的总称。

    《公羊传·僖公二十一年》:“吾赖社稷之神灵,吾国已有君矣。” 唐 杜甫 《渼陂行》:“咫尺但愁雷雨至,苍茫不晓神灵意。” 清 李渔 《玉搔头·媲美》:“若不是神灵把手相提,几使你苦海茫茫沉到底。” 杨朔 《蓬莱仙境》:“命运并非有什么神灵在冥冥中主宰着,注定难移。命运是可以战胜的。”

  2. 魂魄。

    《大戴礼记·曾子天圆》:“阳之精气曰神,阴之精气曰灵。神灵者,品物之本也。” 孔广森 补注:“神为魂,灵为魄。” 清 刘大櫆 《书田氏封股事》:“儒者曰:人之既死,则其神灵将散而无所不之,故为重为主以栖之。若其体魄,既与神灵离而为二矣,掩藏之而已。”

  3. 犹威灵,圣明。

    《汉书·卫青传》:“ 青 固谢曰:‘臣幸得待罪行间,赖陛下神灵,军大捷,皆诸校力战之功也。’” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·封禅》:“昔 黄帝 神灵,克膺鸿瑞,勒功乔岳,铸鼎 荆山 。”

  4. 神异。

    《史记·龟策列传》:“龟甚神灵,降于上天,陷於深渊。” 明 张居正 《答王鉴川书》:“天子生而神灵,十岁即能信任辅臣,亲决大政。” 清 孙枝蔚 《溪南八首次祝京兆韵为吴尔世作》之一:“树有神灵枝更异,岁逢时节果先尝。”



  1. People agonized , prayed, and even sacrificed their children to keep the gods happy. All that religion has been a waste of time and emotion.


  2. For the interior parts ought to be such, and a man ought to be seen by the gods neither dissatisfied with anything nor complaining.


  3. Without written records, they knew the gods of every night, the small, fine details of the world around them and of immensity above? .


  4. But I will never give up. One, to see your beautiful smile again. One, to beg the blessings of the Gods. I wait for that days.


  5. Most of these Mayan pyramids had a platform on the top on which was constructed a smaller building, dedicated to any of the Mayan deities.


  6. As you know, many are here from far distant places to witness and learn and take their experiences home.


  7. In other cultures or religions, if somebody used this kind of name for such a sacrilegious dish there would be a huge fight.


  8. The gods wanted to put him to the test and restored him to health very quickly. Soon he was up and out of bed.


  9. The dream -- and diction -- of a God, did the world then seem to me; coloured vapours before the eyes of a divinely dissatisfied one.


  1. 神灵的显现

    A revelatory manifestation of a divine being.

  2. 破解鬼怪神灵

    Bring Ghosts and Spectres to Light

  3. 无所不知的神灵

    an omniscient deity

  4. 不死的神灵

    immortal deities.

  5. 神灵参见同义词

    spiritual beings. See also Synonyms at irrelevant material

  6. 玉神灵崇拜

    worship to mythic creature.

  7. 上帝纯粹是神灵。

    God is pure spirit.

  8. 神灵会保佑我的。

    The intelligence above watches over me.

  9. 排灯节上沐浴神灵

    Bathing the Gods on Diwali

  10. 天使是天上的神灵。

    Angels are celestial beings.

  11. 是先民祭拜的神灵。

    The ancestors worship of the gods.

  12. 将元素与神灵相连。

    Associated the elements with spiritual beings.

  13. 祈求神灵消灾降福

    pray to the gods to ward off calamities and send down blessings

  14. 神灵信仰的心理基础。

    The psychological foundation of belief in spirits.

  15. 感谢神灵把你带回来。

    But thank the spirits you're back now.

  16. 神灵对世人罪孽的惩罚

    a supernal punishment for the sins of men

  17. 浅析青海汉族的神灵崇拜

    On the Worship to God in the Hans of Qinghai

  18. 头上三尺有神灵。

    Spiritual beings dwell three feet over our head.

  19. 杀害三条生命会亵渎神灵。

    And sacrilege, three sins in killing three.

  20. 在神灵前我提出这个祈求。

    I place this petition before the God and Goddess.

  21. 神灵附体的狂喜神灵感应引起的狂喜

    Ecstasy arising from supposed possession by a god.

  22. 神灵感应、理性思维,以及从俗。

    There are three means of believing, by inspiration, by reason, and by custom.

  23. 无所不知的神灵全知的叙述者

    An omniscient deitythe omniscient narrator.

  24. 我本是天上的一个神灵。

    I was one of the spirits of heaven.

  25. 梵天给予了他这一神灵保佑。

    Brahma granted him the boon.

  26. 用相同的语言,跟相同的神灵诉说。

    the very same language, talk to the very same gods about that.

  27. 只有宽恕足以达到神灵之境界。

    Forgiveness alone is enough to attain Godhood.

  28. 在神灵启示下说出的预言。

    a prediction uttered under divine inspiration.

  29. 人们供奉祭品以求神灵息怒。

    Sacrifices were made to propitiate the gods.

  30. 如果你说一句亵渎神灵的话。

    Provided you utter a blasphemy.


  1. 问:神灵拼音怎么拼?神灵的读音是什么?神灵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神灵的读音是shénlíng,神灵翻译成英文是 spirit

  2. 问:神灵狩/GHOST HOUND拼音怎么拼?神灵狩/GHOST HOUND的读音是什么?神灵狩/GHOST HOUND翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神灵狩/GHOST HOUND的读音是,神灵狩/GHOST HOUND翻译成英文是 Ghost Hound


