







汉语拼音:jīng chà








  1. 亦作“惊吒”。惊讶诧异。

    宋 叶适 《与吕丈书》:“大抵以乍出坑谷,忽见天地日月,不觉欣跃惊诧,过於高快。”《警世通言·杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》:“ 十娘 遽投之(百宝箱) 江 中。 李甲 与 孙富 及两船之人,无不惊诧。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十一:“﹝ 焦大郎 ﹞大惊咤道:‘奇怪,奇怪,有这等事!’” 清 汪懋麟 《在昔一首赠前廷尉李映碧先生》诗:“在昔 庄烈 朝,国事足惊咤。” 清 宣鼎 《夜雨秋灯录·东邻墓》:“生虽惊诧,然见其縞衣翠袖,娇小温柔,不觉其爱之深,而畏之浅也。” 朱自清 《温州的踪迹·绿》:“我第二次到 仙岩 的时候,我惊诧于 梅雨潭 的绿了。”



  1. I'm constantly amazed at how much some money people blow on the Great White Wedding.

  2. How can one be surprised, then, if I never feel more affection for the face of this country than amid its poorest men?

  3. Today, I got to my weekly drama group a bit late. Everyone looked surprised when I walked in.

  4. The jaw of one of the best horn players in the world dropped as he listened to a student exhale a rich tone from his French horn.

  5. I looked for our ship and , to my surprise , it was still there and still in one piece . 'I think I can swim to it , ' I said to myself .

  6. So they were doubly oppressed. Now younger black women are extremely active, to the surprise and amazement and dismay of men their own age.

  7. Many Samaritans who met him on his travels, as well as journalists and others, were rather taken aback by Mr Varah in person.

  8. But, what astonished me was the presence of a big TV set and a DVD player in a house that did not even have running water.

  9. One international telecommunications expert was amazed at how free Vietnam is compared to other nations, in this one respect at least.


  1. 她一脸惊诧。

    Sue's face lit up with surprise.

  2. 新来者令人惊诧。

    Newcomers strike amaze.

  3. 她的声调充满了惊诧。

    Her voice was full of surprise.

  4. 弗拉多惊诧地望着山姆。

    Frodo looks at Sam in surprise.

  5. 我听到此事颇为惊诧。

    I was taken aback when I heard of it.

  6. 教师惊诧地听着她讲。

    The schoolmaster heard her with astonishment.

  7. 她惊诧的瞪大了眼睛。

    Her black eyes were huge and rimmed with white.

  8. 她惊诧的瞪大了眼睛。

    Her black eyes were huge and rimmed with white.

  9. 看到这情形他惊诧不已。

    He was amazed at what he saw.

  10. 刚到投影场, 让我惊诧!

    Just arrived the projection field, let me be amazed!

  11. 她脸上现出惊诧的神色。

    A look of amazement appeared on her face.

  12. 她脸上现出惊诧的神色。

    A look of amazement appeared on her face.

  13. 我的话使他惊诧和愤怒。

    He was appalled and angry.

  14. 有着令人惊诧的洞察力

    of the forest that was astonishing.

  15. 他工作效率之高让我惊诧。

    I was amazed at his efficiency.

  16. 他工作效率之高让我惊诧。

    I was amazed at his efficiency.

  17. 是吗!他们最惊诧的是什么呢?

    Really! What are they amazed at?

  18. 她惊诧何以会有过这种情景!

    She marvelled how such scenes could have been!

  19. 惊诧使他站在那儿不动。

    He was rooted to the spot by surprise.

  20. 人群中传出一片惊诧之声。

    A gasp rippled through the crowd.

  21. 最令人惊诧的是铬,佩恩说。

    The biggest surprise was chromium, Mr Payne said.

  22. 他带着迷茫惊诧的神情望着我。

    He looked at me in blank amazement.

  23. 她很是惊诧,但并不怀有敌意。

    She was surprised and puzzled, but not hostile.

  24. 她惊诧的神情表明他猜对了。

    Her look of surprise told him that he had guessed right.

  25. 她惊诧的是他竟然没怎么改变。

    She was amazed how little he had chaned.

  26. 他家的奢华装修让我惊诧不已。

    I was surprised by the rich furnishing of his place.

  27. 他家的奢华装修让我惊诧不已。

    I was surprised by the rich furnishing of his place.

  28. 但这过程可能充满了痛苦和惊诧。

    But this can be a very painful process full of surprises.

  29. 他走了进来,一脸的惊诧之情。

    He came in with a stunned look on his face.

  30. 听着果子的这些话, 南王惊诧不已。

    The man was marvelled at the words of the fruit.


  1. 问:惊诧拼音怎么拼?惊诧的读音是什么?惊诧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊诧的读音是jīngchà,惊诧翻译成英文是 be amazed



【拼音】 jīng chà

【词性】 形容词

【同音词】警察 经查 敬茶 景差



【语文同步】 李甲与孙富及两船之人,无不惊诧。 冯梦龙《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》高中四册·课文·8