


1. 泡 [pào]2. 泡 [pāo]泡 [pào]气体在液体内使液体鼓起来的球状体:~沫。~影(a.佛教用“泡”和“影”喻事物的生灭无常;b.现喻落空的事情和希望)。水~。像泡的东西:电灯~儿。用液体浸物品:~茶。~菜。~饭。~汤(喻事……





汉语拼音:pào chá



宋、元、明 人喝茶,往往把干果、蜜饯等沏在茶里,叫做泡茶。后称以开水冲茶。《水浒传》第三回:“茶博士问道:‘客官,吃甚茶?’史进 道:‘吃个泡茶。’”《古今小说·新桥市韩五卖春情》:“这两包粗果,送与姐姐泡茶;银子三两,权助搬屋之费。”向春《煤城怒火》第三四章三:“﹝ 董煤师 ﹞叫老婆去守大门,嘱咐她不准任何人进来。又叫儿子拿烟、泡茶,还要给他们做饭。”



  1. 宋 、 元 、 明 人喝茶,往往把干果、蜜饯等沏在茶里,叫做泡茶。后称以开水冲茶。

    《水浒传》第三回:“茶博士问道:‘客官,吃甚茶?’ 史进 道:‘吃个泡茶。’”《古今小说·新桥市韩五卖春情》:“这两包粗果,送与姐姐泡茶;银子三两,权助搬屋之费。” 向春 《煤城怒火》第三四章三:“﹝ 董煤师 ﹞叫老婆去守大门,嘱咐她不准任何人进来。又叫儿子拿烟、泡茶,还要给他们做饭。”



  1. Handy and easy to use. Just put tea leaves in the strainer, put strainer in a cup and add hot water, allow tea to brew to your taste.


  2. If we were to simply go through life without any problems it would be like putting a tea bag into cold water .


  3. deepest winter, tea with boiling water, do not worry about split, or even placed on a slow fire burning stew, and no burst at risk.


  4. The rock mass on the surface looked like a container for making tea.


  5. When you drop in for a visit after a long day at work, your father is unsteady as he makes you a cup of tea and knocks the cup to the floor.


  6. When I got to his home on Sunday, he was making tea.


  7. "Occupation is getting up in the morning to make tea and finding a soldier in your kitchen making coffee, " said Mrs Bashir.


  8. I am going for a jog around the block. When do you think you will be home? I won't be more than five minutes. I'll make you some tea.


  9. I am too used to being able to cook a bowl of instant noodles in two minutes and get boiling water for my tea in 3 minutes.


  1. 用热水泡茶

    to steep the tea in hot water.

  2. 用开水泡茶

    steep the tea in boiling water.

  3. 泡茶用浸渍器

    tea infuser

  4. 你会泡茶吗

    KEVINHOU p can you make tea fine.

  5. 我还是要泡茶

    I'm still making tea.

  6. 冷水泡茶慢慢浓

    Cold Water Makes Tea Slowly

  7. 用泡茶的方式。

    Steep in or as if in the manner of tea.

  8. 冬凌草袋泡茶

    Rabdosia rubescens tea.

  9. 把水烧开泡茶。

    Boil the water for the tea.

  10. 我要泡茶,你要吗

    I'm gonna make some tea, you want some?

  11. 他正在研究泡茶新法。

    He is studying new ways to make tea.

  12. 你给我泡茶了吗

    Did you, uh, make some tea for me?

  13. 你也可以用枣子泡茶。

    You can make tea with jujubes, too.

  14. 有些人泡茶时间太长。

    Some people draw their tea too long.

  15. 这个盒子里有十袋泡茶。

    This box has ten tea bags.

  16. 这个盒子里有十袋泡茶。

    This box has ten tea bags.

  17. 你能告诉我怎样泡茶吗?

    Could you tell me how to make tea?

  18. 我们用干的茶叶来泡茶。

    We use dried tea leaves to make tea.

  19. 她只是做针线活和泡茶。

    She just did needlework and made tea.

  20. 他在泡茶的同时读报纸。

    He read the paper while the tea brewed.

  21. 用泡茶的方式进会浸泡。

    steep in or as if in the manner of tea.

  22. 茶壶是一种泡茶的容器。

    Teapot is a vessel in which tea is made.

  23. 用这个茶壶我该怎样泡茶?

    How can I make tea with this teapot?

  24. 你要我为你泡茶还是泡咖啡?

    Would you like me to make tea or coffee for you ?

  25. 用紫砂壶泡茶, 茶香浓郁持久。

    tea with the teapot, tea strong and lasting.

  26. 我猜你不想给我泡茶吧

    I don't suppose you wanna make some tea for me.

  27. 我将在十点钟左右泡茶。

    I'll be brewing up about ten.

  28. 你可以开过的水来泡茶。

    You can use the boiled water to make tea.

  29. 蒂松用矿泉水或者泉水泡茶。

    Ms.Tison uses mineral tor spring water por brewing.

  30. 冬虫夏草泡茶能有什么作用啊!

    Aweto make tea can have what effect!


  1. 问:泡茶拼音怎么拼?泡茶的读音是什么?泡茶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泡茶的读音是pàochá,泡茶翻译成英文是 make tea


