







汉语拼音:xū zhì



白白地丢弃、扔掉。唐 韩愈《李花赠张十一署》诗:“秖今四十已如此,后日更老谁论哉?力携一罇独就醉,不忍虚掷委黄埃。”明 梁辰鱼《浣纱记·允降》:“看 江 东海西俱入款,是苍天赐 吴 越 国,这光阴百年难遇,岂容虚掷?”清 王士禛《池北偶谈·谈献三·苏门孙先生言行》:“岁月虚掷,良可浩叹!”鲁迅《华盖集续编·空谈》:“这并非吝惜生命,乃是不肯虚掷生命,因为战士的生命是宝贵的。”



  1. 白白地丢弃、扔掉。

    唐 韩愈 《李花赠张十一署》诗:“秖今四十已如此,后日更老谁论哉?力携一罇独就醉,不忍虚掷委黄埃。” 明 梁辰鱼 《浣纱记·允降》:“看 江 东海西俱入款,是苍天赐 吴 越 国,这光阴百年难遇,岂容虚掷?” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈献三·苏门孙先生言行》:“岁月虚掷,良可浩叹!” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·空谈》:“这并非吝惜生命,乃是不肯虚掷生命,因为战士的生命是宝贵的。”



  1. It was on the whole a rare amusement, which, continued too long, might have become a dissipation.


  2. Time is always mercilessly circulation, it urged us not to consider the result of too much loading time.


  3. This, in turn, are warning us precious time in the Mo loading, the time to cherish, love life, the use of every minute, not to waste it.


  4. In ignoring Deng Xiaoping's admonition to bide its time, Beijing is squandering soft power accumulated over a decade.


  5. During the times when we are free to do whatever we please, we are often deceived by this freedom into wasting time unknowingly.


  6. But as thirty year olds, we no longer have too much time to waste.


  7. Our life is made by time. To waste one minute is to waste part of our life.


  8. where I spent so many years, and ruined and wasted.


  9. Don't loiter away your time.


  1. 别虚掷光阴。

    Don't loiter away your time.

  2. 智力投资, 决非虚掷

    Money spent on the Brain is never spent in vain

  3. 无端虚掷了多少时光。

    How many days have been idly spent.

  4. 我无法忍受年轻人虚掷青春。

    I can't bear young people casting away their youth.

  5. 用于教育之金钱决不虚掷。

    Money ent on the brain is never ent in vain.

  6. 他很后悔年轻时虚掷光阴。

    He regrets having fooled around in his youth.

  7. 别虚掷你的寸金光阴吧。

    Don't squander the gold of your days.

  8. 用于教育的钱决无虚掷。

    Money spent on the brain is never spert in vain.

  9. 用于教育得钱决无虚掷。

    Money spent on the brain is never spert in vain.

  10. 一个仍为其虚掷的青春悲

    An old man who still moans about his misspent youth

  11. 虚掷, 失去因赌博而挥霍或输掉

    To waste or lose by gambling.

  12. 为爱而付出的时光决不会虚掷。

    Any time that is not spent on love is wasted.

  13. 年轻人啊, 为何你们整日裹足不前而虚掷光阴?

    Young man and woman, why do you stand here all the day idle ?

  14. 如此一来, 难免要虚掷极宝贵的时间了。

    All this would consume time, the most precious element of all.

  15. 当你生活没有权威,你自然而然的行为就是虚掷光阴。

    When you live without authority, your default behavior is to squander your time.

  16. 这个男人虚掷了她生命中最珍贵的七个年头。

    This man had wasted seven of the best years of her life.

  17. 这个男人虚掷了她生命中最珍贵得七个年头。

    This man had wasted seven of the best years of her life.

  18. 他虚掷了很多钱在房产上,现在吃饭都没钱了。

    He threw a great deal of money into real estate in vain. Now he can't even afford a meal.

  19. 但对30岁的人来说,我们没多少时光可以虚掷了。

    But as thirty year olds, we no longer have too much time to waste.

  20. 而网中最灿烂的每一条线都是一段虚掷的时光?

    Whose brightest threads are each a wasted day ?

  21. 而网中最灿烂得每一条线都是一段虚掷得时光?

    Whose brightest threads are each a wasted day ?

  22. 接受了弄掉钥匙的惊慌无力,度过了非常浪费的虚掷光阴。

    Accept the fluster of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.

  23. 这样做并非是我虚掷了光阴, 而是大大延长了我有限的生命。

    They were not time subtracted from my life, but so much over and above my allowance.

  24. 我宁愿把一日之计在于晨的最宝贵的光阴这样虚掷。

    Many a forenoon have I stolen away, preferring to spend thus the most valued part of the day.

  25. 孤独而无聊的人, 总觉得日子无滋无味, 于是便虚掷光阴。

    Lonely and bored people feel that life without mayonnaise tasteless and then loading time.


  1. 问:虚掷拼音怎么拼?虚掷的读音是什么?虚掷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虚掷的读音是xūzhì,虚掷翻译成英文是 To cast aside for no reason.



xū zhì   1、白白地丢弃、扔舍。

唐 韩愈 《李花赠张十一署》诗:“秖今四十已如此,后日更老谁论哉?力携一罇独就醉,不忍虚掷委黄埃。” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·空谈》:“这并非吝惜生命,乃是不肯虚掷生命,因为战士的生命是宝贵的。” 2、指虚度,浪费。明 梁辰鱼 《浣纱记·允降》:“看江东海西俱入款,是苍天赐吴越国,这光阴百年难遇,岂容虚掷?” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈献三·苏门孙先生言行》:“岁月虚掷,良可浩叹!” 茅盾《三百年后孵化之卵》“余既醒,深悔此一睡,盖待理之事滋多,何能虚掷光阴。”