







汉语拼音:qǐ yòng









  1. 运用;采用。

    明 高攀龙 《与管东溟书》之二二:“其他种种法门,皆由此起用。”

  2. 指封建时代官员遭父母丧,守制尚未满期而应召任职。

    《警世通言·况太守断死孩儿》:“﹝ 况钟 ﹞因丁忧回籍,圣旨夺情起用,特赐驰驛赴任。”参见“ 起復 ”。

  3. 旧指重新任用已退职或黜免的官员。

    清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·岳青天》:“﹝ 岳起 ﹞后与将军某抗,罢官。今上亲政,首起用为 山东 布政使,俄调任 江苏 巡抚。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷五:“未几,王师征 金川 ,果復起用。” 蔡东藩 《清史演义》第五六回:“ 琦善 、 奕山 、 奕经 、 文蔚 四人,虽因措置乖方,革职逮问,嗣后又復起用。”

  4. 泛指提拔任用。

    老舍 《四世同堂》五一:“他们应当改弦更张,去掉几个老 汉 奸,而起用几个新 汉 奸。”



  1. Films featuring children were born out of necessity to tell stories in an environment governed by the Islamic Code.


  2. Reading was as much a part of our daily routine as eating breakfast together.


  3. Right now, we have got with small ones we can always do it in different ways, but later we'll think of that of that way.


  4. Of course Mrs. Darling brushed him, but he began to talk again about its being a mistake to have a dog for a nurse.


  5. Then the sons of Aaron shouted, they sounded with beaten trumpets, and made a great noise to be heard for a remembrance before God.


  6. He appointed Tang Fei as the Air Force was the "Premier" while Lee accepted the recommendations of his ming as "chief of staff" .


  7. The around-the-world flight is scheduled to take place in 2012 with an updated version of HB-SIA.


  8. I thought it would be rough sharing one bathroom with eight people, but then our hot water tank burst. Now we have no water.


  9. The breakfast room is quite a busy area and a little small for the amount of people at breakfast.


  1. 攒起用来肥田

    save to fertilize soil

  2. 抬起用的垫子

    lifting cushions

  3. 破格起用专业人才

    Break a rule to appoint professional personnel to important position

  4. 你如何决定该起用哪套方案?

    How do you decide which projects to take on?

  5. 那个板球队缺员厉害, 只好起用二队。

    The cricket team was so short of players that they had to call on the second team.

  6. 这家新图书馆上星期正式落成起用。

    This new library was officially opened last week.

  7. 他将在下一场比赛中起用我。

    He would play me in the next match.

  8. 他在起用他的新助手时非常谨慎。

    He is very cautious about launching his new assistant.

  9. 本课程自2004年起用平易视觉化英文讲授。

    This course has been taught in plain, visualized English since 2004.

  10. 加沙国际机场是在一天前起用的。

    The Gaza International Airport was put into operation a day earlier.

  11. 我知道,契悟真心、从真心起用能够有所成就。

    I now know what can be achieved by finding and acting from our Pure Mind.

  12. 我认为在决赛中我们应起用布朗。

    I think we should play Brown in the finals.

  13. 香港的首个私人飞机机库在1998年起用。

    Hong Kongs first privatejet hangar opened in 1998 to no demand.

  14. 善于发现和大胆起用年轻优秀的科技人才。

    We have to become adept at identifying young promising scientists and technicians and boldly give them responsible work.

  15. “折手纸工”这个词在18世纪初开始偶然起用。

    The word"origami" came to be used occasionally by the beginning of the 18th century.

  16. 在某些农林害虫防治中起用林丹前景的探讨

    Prospects for reinstating lindane in partial crop and forest insect pest control

  17. 试看六根如何起用,观察自己得动机及活动得后果。

    See how you function, watch the motives and the results of your actions.

  18. 比起用外貌, 我更想用演技来塑造俊表。

    Compared with appearance, I also to use acting to shape Jun table.

  19. 自从起用了新网站, 我们得男装收入已经翻了三番。

    Our revenue for menswear has tripled since we launched the new site.

  20. 自从起用了新网站, 我们的男装收入已经翻了三番。

    Our revenue for menswear has tripled since we launched the new site.

  21. 一旦实体获得起用顾问的授权,它就很不愿意放弃。

    Once it has received an adviser authority, an entity is extremely reluctant to give it up.

  22. 很明显我们在一个还未起用的地下水管道的竖井入口

    Apparently, this was an access shaft to an underwater aqueduct which has never been activated.

  23. 西非的马尼拉环作为货币之一从15世纪起用来买卖奴隶。

    The manilla rings of West Africa were one of the currencies used from the 15th century onwards to buy and sell slaves.

  24. 西非得马尼拉环作为货币之一从15世纪起用来买卖奴隶。

    The manilla rings of West Africa were one of the currencies used from the 13th century onwards to buy and sell slaves.

  25. 他说,演员表不会包括任何明星,冯导演将会起用新人。

    He said the cast won't include any stars and that Feng will cast newcomers.

  26. 相信谢晋尢其感动他在一部电影女儿谷中起用了赵薇。

    Xie Jin must have been particularly moved he hired Zhao to star in a movie, Nu Er Gu.

  27. 理事机构还可以起用这种程序, 将申诉提交给调查委员会。

    The Governing Body can also initiate such a procedure and refer a complaint to a Commission of Inquiry.

  28. 此外,28个是该年各不同应急救济行动中起用的常备资源。

    In addition,28 standby resource engagements were used for different emergency and relief operations during that year.

  29. 山田大胆起用当时只演黑帮片的高仓健,令他形象一新。

    He is joined by a man recovering from a broken heart and a girl he picked up along the way.

  30. 因此, 本轮与鲁能队比赛中, 马林只能紧急起用第四外援萨萨。

    Therefore, the epicycle and Team Luneng compete, Maring can only appoint fourth foreign aid Sa Sa urgently.


  1. 问:起用拼音怎么拼?起用的读音是什么?起用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起用的读音是qǐyòng,起用翻译成英文是 employ

  2. 问:起用亲戚拼音怎么拼?起用亲戚的读音是什么?起用亲戚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起用亲戚的读音是,起用亲戚翻译成英文是 nepotism

  3. 问:起用亲戚的拼音怎么拼?起用亲戚的的读音是什么?起用亲戚的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起用亲戚的的读音是,起用亲戚的翻译成英文是 nepotic