




1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:dāo tóu







  1. 刀的尖端。亦指刀身。

    《宋书·胡藩传》:“以刀头穿岸,劣容脚指,於是径上,随之者稍多。” 唐 杜甫 《后出塞》诗:“千金装马鞭,百金装刀头。”《西游补》第七回:“你自家不敢出头,倒教三四寸乳孩儿拿着些柴头木片到俺这里来祭刀头,俺的宝刀头説与我,不要那些小廝们的血吃,要 章邯 血吃。”

  2. “还”的隐语。还归。刀头有环,环、还音同。

    唐 徐彦伯 《鼓吹曲辞·芳树》:“藳砧刀头未有时,攀条拭泪坐相思。” 宋 范成大 《余与陆务观自圣政所分袂留此为赠》诗:“一语相开仍自解,除书闻已趣刀头。” 明 杨珽 《龙膏记·藏春》:“临岐分手浑难定,浪卜刀头无準。”参见“ 大刀头 ”。



  1. The utility model relates to a screwdriver which has the functions of a screwdriver with a flat cutter head and a cruciform screwdriver.


  2. Avoid excessive tip segment, the bottom slot, so that the gap is too small for the slot bottom note glue.


  3. The cutter head is covered with a cavity of the hemispherical cutter head.


  4. Mainly products : diamond cutting blades, diamond cutting segments, diamond core drills , diamond polishing tools, diamond wire saw etc.


  5. The rotary cutter follows the shape of your face to adjust to the perfect angle , which makes the shaving closer and more comfortable .


  6. Independently floating double heads and unique cutting technology for satisfying shaving performance.


  7. The design steps of injection mold for the shaver frame were introduced in detail, mainly introduced the slide core-pulling mechanism.


  8. The paper was aimed at investigating the quantitative relation between formulation parameters of bits and performance of diamond saw blade.


  9. The impact of voltage, number of piezoelectric and damp on scalpel vibration amplitude is analyzed.


  1. 刀头对刀头

    blade against blade.

  2. 硬质合金刀头

    carbide bit.

  3. 高速镗削用可平衡镗刀头

    Balanceable Boring Heads for High Speed Boring

  4. 请将刀头逆时针方向旋转。

    Turn the wrench counter clockwise direction.

  5. 圆锥形接触式激光刀头设计

    Design for Conical Contact Laser Probe

  6. 自动刀头摆动式凿眼机

    Automatic microtome knife sharpener automatic oscillating spindles chisel mortiser

  7. 金刚石锯片刀头的激光焊接

    Laser Welding on the Diamond Saw Blade Segment

  8. 它这个刀头是一种合金的。

    The head of it is a kind of alloy.

  9. 带有角形刮刀头的腭剥离器

    Palate dissector with angular spatula end

  10. 有铜焊硬质合金刀头的侧铣铣刀

    Side milling cutters with brazed hardmetal tips

  11. 半球形刀头套的空腔罩住刀头。

    The cutter head is covered with a cavity of the hemispherical cutter head.

  12. 津航浚218船绞刀头得改制工艺

    Improvement technique of reamer head on JIN HANGJUN 218

  13. 津航浚218船绞刀头的改制工艺

    Improvement technique of reamer head on JIN HANGJUN 218

  14. 新型人造金刚石刀头的研制与应用

    Development and Application of The New Synthetic Diamond Tip

  15. 硬质合金刀头磨削机, 数控式

    Grinding machine for for hard metal tool tips, numerically controlled

  16. 切割过程中,可实现两种刀头压力。

    During the cutting it can reach two kinds of force of the cutting tools.

  17. 调整轴向调整装置,就可以调整刀头的直径。

    The axial regulator is adjusted to adjust the diameter of the tool bit.

  18. 刀头的磨损实质即金刚石的磨损与胎体的磨损。

    Virtually the wear of diamond segments consists in the wear of diamond particles and matrixes.

  19. 释放垂直调整锁定杆,让刀头离开工件。

    Unlock the plunge lock lever. This will allow the router bit to disengage the work.

  20. 人工视觉调准和双刮刀头可供选择。

    Manual vision alignment and dual squeegee head options available.

  21. 砖石用直柄镶硬质合金刀头的钻头

    Parallel shank masonry drills with carbide tips

  22. 激光兰宝石手术刀头温度分布特性的研究

    Research on Temperature Distribution of Sapphire Laser Surgical Probe

  23. 分层式高效率金刚石切边刀头的研究

    Research of Sandwich Style Effective Diamond Blades of Cutting Border

  24. 镶有硬质合金刀头的莫氏锥柄端铣刀

    End mills with morse taper shank, with hardmetal tips

  25. 天井钻机扩孔刀头的形式及工作参数的计算

    On the forms of reamer header for raise borer and the calculation of their working parameters.

  26. 刀头的刀柄和刀头分开使用铜焊焊接,容易更换刀头。

    Blades and segments are welded by braze, which facilitate change of segment.

  27. 用粉冶法生产金刚石刀头的几个技术问题

    Some problems on the production of diamond segments with a powder metallurgy technique

  28. 金刚石碎岩刀头的结构影响着碎岩工具的加工效率。

    Structure of artificial diamond bit tool influenced efficiency cutting rock. Trapezoidal laminal bit tool was adopted.

  29. 刀头座装有磁石,手柄上有凹槽,可储存各种刀头。

    The screwdriver bit base is provided with a magnet, and the handle is provided with a groove which can store various screwdriver bits.

  30. 分别分析了刀头不同角度与出射光强的关系。

    The relationship between the angle and the light intensity is analyzed.


  1. 问:刀头石花菜拼音怎么拼?刀头石花菜的读音是什么?刀头石花菜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刀头石花菜的读音是dāotóushíhuācài,刀头石花菜翻译成英文是 Gelidium subfastigiatum