


1. 看 [kàn]2. 看 [kān]看 [kàn]使视线接触人或物:~见。~书。~齐。观察,判断:~病。观~。~好(根据市场情况,估计某种商品好销)。~透(透彻深刻地了解或认识。亦称“看破”、“看穿”)。~风使舵。访问,拜望:~望。~朋……





汉语拼音:kàn pán






  1. 供陈设的糕点果品。也有用猪羊等熟食的。

    宋 吴自牧 《梦粱录·宰执亲王南班百官入内上寿赐宴》:“每位列环饼、油饼、枣塔为看盘。看盘如用猪、羊、鸡、鹅、连骨熟肉,并葱、韮、蒜、醋各一楪,三五人共浆水饭一桶而已。”



  1. The sight of foam was a red flag that the dish may have strayed too far from the simplicity of this Peruvian staple.


  2. Intraday market monitoring is not a sacrifice by any means and enhances the system.


  3. Due to the application of statistical techniques-by-one, as opposed to the old dragon and tiger Kanpan accuracy greatly enhanced.


  4. In telling. You can put 10 points as decomposition points. At the beginning of 10 is a new trend.


  5. You are very rare look dish when, play golf or you are in most time is in Pacific a certain isle fishes.


  6. No, dear reader, I was so busy talking I barely looked at what was on my plate and so ate it.


  7. In addition to the financial position placed outside the home, if often go to read the tape, the best wear citrine Shouzhu more effective.


  8. I like the design of the interface Kanpan.


  1. 我来看一看盘轮。

    I check the disk wheel.

  2. 投入大量的精力看盘, 总结。

    Kanpan putting in a lot of energy to sum up.

  3. 你能教看赌球或者看盘不?

    Can you teach watching ball game gambling or a set or not ?

  4. 传统的理财软件,要求您目不转睛,专心致志看盘。

    Traditional financial management software, request that you rivets attention and dedication kanpan.

  5. 需要图表分析的软件, 可让你制定看盘策略, 并获得技术支持。

    Get a charting program that allows you to build watch lists, and technical supports.

  6. 从盘面上看,盘中热点切换频繁。

    From surface, the hot spot after switching frequently.

  7. 我看那些盘碟她早该洗完了。

    It'seems to me that she has had plenty of time to have finished the dishes.

  8. 行, 让我们看这个电气模拟盘, 这会帮助你们更好的理解。

    All right, lets look at the electrical mimic board so as to help you to understand better.

  9. 我想复制那盘录像带以便在家看。

    I'd like to dub that videotape so I can watch it at home.

  10. 天呀!看看那些脏碗, 盘, 碟。

    Gee! Look at those dirty bowls, plates and dishes.

  11. 你可以看到第二盘和第二自卸车。

    You can see the second platter and the second dumper.

  12. 她转身看了一下闹钟的夜光显示盘。

    She turned over and looked at the illuminated dial of her alarm clock.

  13. 她转身看了一下闹钟的夜光显示盘。

    She turned over and looked at the illuminated dial of her alarm clock.

  14. 少给我脸色看, 当自己是调色盘啊。

    I looked less to see himself as a palette ah.

  15. 很难说。我们复盘看看。好象你在开局时出错了。

    Difficult to say. Lets analyse. It seems to me that you made a mistake in the opening.

  16. 但是其他时间, 它的作用仅仅是让餐盘看上去比较漂亮。

    But other times, its job is just to make a mealtime plate look pretty.

  17. 嘉莉看到自己要赢这一盘了,开心地笑了。

    The latter laughed gleefully as she saw the hand coming her way.

  18. 她把头发盘起来,因此今天晚上她看上去很漂亮。

    She looked beautiful tonight because she had done up her hair.

  19. 那么,你们想不想去看看能不能要一份那盘录像带?

    So, you guys want to go see if we can find a copy of that tape?

  20. 她一直看着锅炉上的刻度盘,指针已指向了250度。

    She kept looking at the dial on the boiler. The needle had reached 250 degrees.

  21. 看这个放大器和衣架水果盘,你就会知道我在讲什么了。

    Look at Amplifier, the coat hanger fruit bowl and you will know what I am talking about.

  22. 各位能看到这2位销售员 都拿着一个小小的黄色食物盘

    And you can see that each of the experimenters is actually holding up a little, yellow food dish.

  23. 把托盘给她看

    Show her the tray.

  24. 有时,月亮看上去宛若圆盘。

    Sometimes the moon looks as round as a plate.

  25. 圆盘看起来像一张石器时代唱片。

    The disc looked like an Stone Age record.

  26. 我们称之为开盘看外盘, 走势看政策。

    We call it the opening set to see outside, look at the trend of policy.

  27. 而这道腌鲱鱼盘看起来也不错。

    And the pickled herring platter looks good, too.

  28. 仔细看仪表盘上的指针如何摆动。

    Watch how the needle on the dial oscillates.

  29. 你能做给我看如何格式化磁盘吗

    Can you show me how to format a disk

  30. 再转身看到一盘黄黄黑黑的面食。

    Then turned to see a black and yellow tone bread.