


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 渝 [yú]渝 [yú]改变,违背(多指感情或态度):忠贞不~。生死不~。中国重庆直辖市的别称。因为重庆境内嘉陵江古称渝水,“渝”也作为重庆的简称沿用至今。……



汉语拼音:bù yú







  1. 不改变。

    《诗·郑风·羔裘》:“彼其之子,舍命不渝。” 毛 传:“渝,变也。” 南朝 梁 刘孝标 《广绝交论》:“风雨急而不輟其音,霜雪零而不渝其色。”《好逑传》第十八回:“节义以不渝为奇,而不渝于曖昧之时为更奇。” 周恩来 《在柬埔寨王国会议和国民议会联席会议上的讲话》:“维护世界和平,同世界各国友好合作,是 中国 坚守不渝的外交政策。”



  1. Aurelia Louise tells us that she loves us so much, that we are like her special children, and that her commitment to us is for life.


  2. yet all morally defaced and decayed as he was, was he not her own, her very own, the idol of her deathless worship?


  3. The recipe to become rich is to follow the advice of those specialists and adhere to it all through their lives.


  4. I swore to you my love would remain, and I'd swear it all over again and I.


  5. A day is a chance encounter; a year says love.


  6. They had three children, and she was fiercely loyal to him, even after friends as well as does came to regard him as sleazy and corrupt.


  7. The only difference between a caprice and a life-long passion is that the caprice lasts a little longer.


  8. I swore to share your joy and your pain, and I'd swear it all over again.


  9. I swore to share your joy and your pain, and I swear it all over again.


  1. 他们发誓友谊永恒不渝。

    They swore eternal friendship.

  2. 无瑕的爱情是永恒不渝的。

    Perfect love does last eternally.

  3. 不渝的忠诚始终不变的奉献

    Unswerving allegianceunswerving devotion.

  4. 一切诺言都必须坚守不渝。

    Keep to every promise you have made.

  5. 他是我历久不渝的朋友。

    He is been a consistent friend to me.

  6. 这是我们坚持不渝的信念。

    That is our ongoing conviction.

  7. 我对我妻子的爱情永恒不渝。

    My love for my wife is eternal.

  8. 晓畅即是他忠实不渝的志趣。

    Lucidity has been honest and continued intention.

  9. 晓畅即是他忠实不渝得志趣。

    Lucidity has been honest and continued intention.

  10. 我对金钱产生了永生不渝的想法。

    I formed my lifelong opinions about money.

  11. 我对金钱产生了永生不渝得想法。

    I formed my lifelong opinions about money.

  12. 基金会确实是一项终身不渝的承诺。

    The Fund is truly a lifelong commitment.

  13. 他们发誓友谊永恒不渝。真正的友谊恒久不变。

    They swore eternal friendship. True friendship lasts forever.

  14. 一旦订立不可违背的盐约,就应信守不渝。

    Once you have made a covenant of salt, you should keep to it.

  15. 我们的恩人知道自己的崇高天职, 他必将信守不渝。

    Our benefactor knows his lofty destiny, and will be true to it.

  16. 有人对你说爱你致死不渝时,你是什么感觉呢?

    How does it feel to have a guy profess his undying love to you?

  17. 时间会证明一切的,将会知道对你的爱永志不渝。

    Time will tell. you'll see my love for you is eternal.

  18. 对于和平共处五项原则,我国一贯是恪守不渝的。

    Our country has always adhered faithfully to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

  19. 对于他上面的隆尼,这盏灯是一个忠实不渝的朋友。

    For Lonnie above him, the light was a steadfast friend.

  20. 这是件困难的工作,但如你坚持不渝,最后是能成功的。

    It's hard work but if you hang on you'll succeed in the end.

  21. 这得看这番暂时得情感里, 是否含有生死不渝友谊得萌芽。

    That would depend upon whether the germs of staunch comradeship underlay the temporary emotion.

  22. 其他人则认为胡已经展现了其立场, 并将坚持不渝。

    Others think that Mr. Hu has already shown his colors and will stick to them.

  23. 宝贝我过去对你发过的誓言仍历历在目,我将爱你不渝。

    I swore to you my love would remain, and Id swear it all over again and I.

  24. 这得看这番暂时的情感里,是否含有生死不渝友谊的萌芽。

    That would depend upon whether the germs of staunch comradeship underlay the temporary emotion.

  25. 即使世界彻底改变了我的人生,我对你的爱也终始不渝。

    The world may change my whole life through. But nothings gonna change my love for you.

  26. 有的人平生只见过一次面,却已是终生不渝的朋友。

    Some people only once in his life surface, they are lifelong friend Leo.

  27. 那么,既然他可能已经死了,你就要抱着这种感情终生不渝了?

    And now that he's probably dead you are cherishing it to your heart.

  28. 让未知孵化我不渝的信仰,坚持在浩瀚人生巨流里前航!

    The unknown hatches my unswerving belief, makes me persist in sailing against the billow of life.

  29. 南丁格尔却坚持不渝,并在1853年成为伦敦一家小医院的院长。

    Nightingale pressed on,and in 1853 she became superintendent of a small London hospital.


  1. 问:不渝拼音怎么拼?不渝的读音是什么?不渝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不渝的读音是bùyú,不渝翻译成英文是 To not change.