







汉语拼音:mài mǎi






  1. 售出购进,交易。

    《周礼·天官·小宰》:“听卖买以质剂。”《史记·平準书》:“ 式 既在位,见郡国多不便县官作盐铁,铁器苦恶,贾贵,或彊令民卖买之。” 宋 周密 《武林旧事·游手》:“又有卖买物货,以伪易真。” 梁启超 《法理学大家孟德斯鸠之学说》:“凡有所卖者,必有所自利,既自鬻以为他人奴,则非真出於卖买明矣。”



  1. Restriction and constraints of each trading market and order type still applies.


  2. I believe Alipay is the best way to protect both sellers and buyers in trading.


  3. They are having a sale. Buy one get one free.


  4. A disciple who is good business sale and purchase of fish, his face Yang Zhao smile.


  5. Stock Suspended taking effect during the week and remaining effective on last trading day of the week


  6. Herein the seller and buyer has made the agreement of following terms and conditions of selling goods as follows


  1. 如果我真的要去卖枪, 就要干大卖买。

    If I was going into the gun trade, I was going to aim high.

  2. 就把乐器卖了买啤酒了。

    Sold our instruments to get more beer.

  3. 我要把汽车卖掉买一辆自行车。

    I'll sell my car and buy a bike.

  4. 请在卖蔬果部门买些黄瓜。

    Please get some cucumbers in the vegetable section.

  5. 炒买炒卖股票

    speculate in stocks

  6. 贱买贵卖。

    Buy cheap and sell dear.

  7. 买炒卖外汇

    foreign currency dealing.

  8. 强迫买或卖

    Buy or sell under coercion.

  9. 买一送一, 即买即卖

    buy one and get one free available upon purchase

  10. 私下买/ 卖某物

    to buy/ sell something under the counter

  11. 再卖三件就买得起咱们相中的毛巾了。

    Three more and we can afford that towel we've had our eye on.

  12. 由于价钱节节上升,你只须买低卖高,买高卖更高。

    As the prices kept climbing,you only needed to buy low and sell high,buy high and sell higher.

  13. 我们可以从做外卖的中餐馆买些东西来吃。

    We can get something to eat from the Chinese takeaway.

  14. 但是, 希望低买高卖?

    However, the hope that buy low and sell high ?

  15. 但是,希望低买高卖?

    However ,the hope that buy low and sell high ?

  16. 买回卖空出去的股票

    cover short

  17. 拟定各种租, 买, 卖合同

    Preparation of any related document concerning the rental of purchase of the premise

  18. 同一个建筑物, 不能在一个回合内卖了又买回来。

    Buildings may not be sold and then bought again in the same game turn.

  19. 卖了气压计买一个足够长的卷尺测量楼高

    Sell the barometer. Purchase a tape measure long enough to measure the height of the building.

  20. 你知道的嘛, 贱买贵卖!

    Buy low, sell high, you know.

  21. 清代博爱李自奇卖地契李仲买地契的史料价值

    The Historical Value of the Title Deed Sold by Li Ziqi and Another One Bought by Li Zhong

  22. 漫天要价, 就地还钱。愿买愿卖。

    Dishonest deals involve dishonest prices.

  23. 以商定的价格买或卖的权力。

    The right to buy or sell property at an agreed price.

  24. 要想赚钱就得贱买贵卖。

    If you want to make money, buy cheap and sell dear.

  25. 选时就是为了实现低买高卖。

    When the election is to achieve the buy low sell high.

  26. 我们必须尽可能的低买高卖。

    We have to sell expensive and buy as cheaply as possible.

  27. 要卖掉新买的轿车令我伤心极了,但我实在支付不起。

    I was heartbroken at having to part with my new car, but I just couldn't afford it.

  28. 如果你想要赚钱, 你必须贱买贵卖。

    If you want to make money, you must buy cheap and sell dear.

  29. 爱情不能买和卖, 只能以爱来报答。

    Love can neither be bought nor sold, its only prices is love.

  30. 有客同心当骨肉,无钱买酒卖文章。

    Has a guest flesh, no money together when buy wine sells articles.