







汉语拼音:rù zhàng







  1. 见“ 入账 ”。



  1. The hedges had made close to half a billion dollars and stood to make more as the stocks continued to fall.


  2. Make sure all the revenues are entered correctly and balanced with the Front Office System.


  3. A company buys the bonds with a discount, the accounting treatment is to book the added value at the maturity of the bonds step by step.


  4. The results of associated companies are accounted for by the company on the basis of dividends received and receivable.


  5. Inventory gains shall be accounted for at original historical cost or at the historical cost or at the historical cost of similar inventory.


  6. and the banking, negotiation or other use of any payment shall not constitute an acceptance by ABC.


  7. It is taken into account in proportion to the cost it was obtained. Furthermore, it shall be amortized within the valid period.


  8. The business operator who gives discount to the other party and pays commission to the middleman must truthfully enter them in the account.


  9. Deferred investment losses shall be accounted for based on the difference between the appraised value and the book value of the investments.


  1. 未入帐存款

    unrecorded deposit.

  2. 未入帐费用

    unrecorded expenses.

  3. 未入帐负债

    unrecorded liabilities.

  4. 一切开支必须入帐。

    All expenditure must be entered in the account book.

  5. 未满期责任的入帐

    portfolio outgo

  6. 确保记帐凭证及时入帐。

    Make sure all the journal vouchers are entered in on a timely basis.

  7. 有必要把一切开支入帐。

    The entry of all expenditure is necessary.

  8. 对此次订购,请予以入帐。

    Kindly make a note of this order.

  9. 我这个月的薪水存款没有入帐。

    I didn't get my pay deposit this month.

  10. 投入资本应当按实际投资数额入帐。

    Invested capital shall be accounted for at the amount actually invested.

  11. 预提,待摊费用的跟踪核对及入帐

    Provision and deferred expense account follow up and posting

  12. 接受折扣、佣金的经营者必须如实入帐。

    An operator accepting a discount or commission must enter it in the book facually.

  13. 雇员可享的年假于雇员应可取得时确认入帐。

    Employee entitlements to annual leave are recognised when they accrue to employees.

  14. 应付债券应当按照已发行债券的票面价值登记入帐。

    Bonds payable shall be accounted for based on the face value if the bonds issued.

  15. 现金及现金等值物乃于资产负债表内按成本入帐。

    Cash and cash equivalents are carried in the balance sheet at cost.

  16. 联营公司的业绩由本公司根据已收及应收的股息入帐。

    The results of associated companies are accounted for by the company on the basis of dividends received and receivable.

  17. 要求按天计算利息,并在月结日入帐。利息计算方法如下

    It is required that interest be accrued on a daily basis and billed on the cycle day. Intended interest calculation methods are as follows

  18. 存货乃按成本及可变现净值两者中之较低者入帐。

    Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and value.

  19. 这个人 在退休时能有工作收入的百分之一百五十的入帐

    Yes, this person retired at 148 percent of their working income in retirement.

  20. 油驳船的费用请记入船主帐上。

    The charge of the oil barge will be entered in the shipowners account.

  21. 第3,做调整分录,记入日记帐并过入分类帐。

    Third,make adjusting entries,journalize and post them in ledger accounts.

  22. 上一天没入的帐我都及时补了上去。

    I carried over the receipts from the day before that I didn't credit.

  23. 您可以用现金、信用卡、支票方式付款或入房帐。

    You may either pay in cash, with credit card, cheque or charge to your room.

  24. 这些收入都记入现金帐的借方, 因此, 增加了资产。

    Such receipts are debited to the Cash account, thus increasing the asset.

  25. 将业务单据中的资料转入日记帐的过程叫作过入日记帐。

    The process of transferring the information contained in the business document to the journal is known as journalizing.

  26. 一般的做法是先把调整分录记入日记帐, 然后才过入分类账。

    The general practice is to record adjusting entries in the journal before they are posted to the ledger.

  27. 请把10美元记入我得帐上。

    Please credit my account with ten dollars.

  28. 请把10美元记入我的帐上。

    Please credit my account with ten dollars.

  29. 我们会决定你需要什么样的支票,然后把这记入你的帐上。

    We'll decide what kind of checks you want and then charge your account for them.

  30. 未入帐存未

    unrecorded deposit.