




1. 毛 [máo]毛 [máo]动植物的皮上所生的丝状物:~笔。羽~。~织品。~骨悚然。轻于鸿~。像毛的东西,指谷物或草:不~之地。衣物上的霉菌:老没见太阳都长~了。粗糙,没有加工的:~布。~估(粗略地估计)。~坯。不是纯净的:~利。~重……



汉语拼音:tù máo






  1. 家兔毛和野兔毛的统称。

  2. 细嫩的茶叶上的白毫,借指茶叶。

    唐 吕岩 《大云寺茶诗》:“兔毛甌浅香云白,虾眼汤翻细浪俱。”



  1. Then, the snail climbed onto the rabbit's back difficultly. He hold her hair tightly and Mother Rabbit began to run.


  2. Textile raw material &products: slipper, apparel, bedding sets, wool, cashmere, rabbit hair cloth and linen, cotton.


  3. Dyeing performance of rabbit hair treated with low temperature plasma is researched in this article.


  4. Clad as serving girls in layers of drab grey rough spun, they wore brown woolen cloaks lined with white rabbit fur.


  5. Flash imitation downstream of rabbit hair yarn sporadic demand price trend mainly to stable.


  6. The brushes are varied, and white goat's hair, black rabbit's hair and yellow weasel's hair are three major types.


  7. This rabbit fur scarf gives you a warm winter despite the chillness in the air.


  8. Alpaca, Mohair and Angora rabbit hair were mostly used in rough products because of their poor sp inning property.


  9. Can you seriously think of anything that couldn't be vastly improved with a covering of faux rabbit fur?


  1. 兔皮,兔毛

    The fur of a rabbit or hare.

  2. 女士兔毛大衣

    Gallery Camel Faux Rabbit Fur Coat.

  3. 兔毛衬里的手套。

    gloves lined with rabbit

  4. 安哥拉兔毛围巾

    angora scarf

  5. 我的领子只是兔毛的。

    My collar is only rabbit.

  6. 兔毛纤维的酶处理

    Enzymatic treatment of rabbit hair fiber.

  7. 兔毛织物的掉毛探讨

    A Discussion about Fibre Shedding of Rabbit Hair Fabric.

  8. 肩头装饰兔毛修身背心

    PHILOSOPHY adorn rabbit hair wool gilet

  9. 兔毛变性及纺纱研究

    A Disscussion on the Modification and Spinning of Angora Fiber

  10. 兔毛领棉大衣双色

    DESIGN Cotton Quilted Coat Two Colors

  11. 兔毛纤维试验取样方法

    Sampling method of Angora rabbit hair for testing

  12. 兔毛纤维长度试验方法

    Test method for measure length of Angora rabbit hair

  13. 兔毛领可卸羊毛大衣

    Burberry Wool Coat Rabbit Hair Movable

  14. 兔毛卷曲掉毛改性处理

    Keywords rabbit haircrimpdepilationmodification treatment

  15. 兔毛含杂率试验方法

    Test method for the percentage of impurities in Angora rabbit hair

  16. 兔毛纤维白度试验方法

    Test method for whiteness of Angora rabbit hair

  17. 兔毛结构和性质的研究

    Investigation on Structure and Property of Rabbit Hair.

  18. 兔毛产品的生产工艺探讨

    Discussion on the process the rabbit hair products.

  19. 兔毛纤维卷曲性能试验方法

    Test method for crimp properties of Angora rabbit hair

  20. 巴宝莉兔毛装饰纯羊毛大衣

    Burberry Wool with Rabbit Hair Coat

  21. 兔毛纤维微酸处理的研究

    The research of rabbit hair treated with acid.

  22. 纯兔毛大衣呢产品的开发

    Development of Overcoating of Pure Angora Rabbit Hair

  23. 兔毛纤维的微观形态学结构

    Micromorphology structure of rabbit hair.

  24. 兔毛乙醚萃取物试验方法

    Test method for extractable matter by ether from Angora rabbit hair

  25. 彩色兔毛的性能与产品开发

    Properties and application of the nature colored rabbit hair.

  26. 兔毛纺纱用和毛油剂的探讨

    Exploration on Oil Emulsion used in Rabbit Hair Spinning

  27. 兔毛改性处理及性能测试分析

    Modification of rabbit hairs and its property analysis

  28. 她戴着一副兔毛衬里的手套。

    She wears a pair of gloves lined with rabbit.

  29. 有少许兔毛沾在一丛大蓟上。

    There was a bit of rabbit's fur caught on a clump of thistles.

  30. 环境湿度对兔毛机械性能的影响

    The effect of ambient moisture on the mechanicalproperties of the rabbit hair


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