


1. 倒 [dǎo]2. 倒 [dào]倒 [dǎo]竖立的东西躺下来:摔~。墙~了。~塌。~台。打~。卧~。对调,转移,更换,改换:~手。~换。~车。~卖。~仓。~戈。倒 [dào]位置上下前后翻转:~立。~挂。~影。~置。把容器反转或倾……


1. 背 [bèi]2. 背 [bēi]背 [bèi]人体后面从肩到腰的部分:~脊。~包。~影。物体的后面或反面:~面。刀~。~后。~景。用背部对着,与“向”相对:~光。人心向~。向相反的方向:~地性(植物向上生长的性质)。~道而驰。避开,……




液体移动:~水。~汗。~血。~泪。~程。~泻。~质。~水不腐。汗~浃背。随波逐~(随着波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡,喻没有主见,随着潮流走)。像水那样流动不定:~转(zhuǎn )。~通。~寇。~浪。~离。~散。~失。~沙。~露。~萤。传播:~言……



汉语拼音:dào bèi rú liú








  • 【解释】:背:背诵。把书或文章倒过来背,背得像流水一样流畅。形容背得非常熟练,记得非常牢。
  • 【示例】:她把说明小册子的英文部分似乎已经读得~了。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语;多指背诵


  1. Such a line. An old movie scene that every officer Raine ever knew could quote verbatim.


  2. Melissa loves Shakespeare. She has seen all of his plays so many times that she knows all the lines by heart.


  3. Life, perhaps we recite every word of the work content, so that the neglect of the needs of a number of simple steps.


  4. They are drummed so often into me that I could recite them backward.


  5. Now I knew most of the Brotherhood arguments so well that I could repeat them in my dream.


  6. I read your repeated for the text, that text will allow me Daobeiruliu, let me warm in the confused.


  7. You can recite it by number and you remember it long after the result of the test has been sent in to Prime Net.


  8. Every reach one point, it is speech of 20 minutes first, answer a query next, a few come down, speech content already know sth thoroughly.


  9. Zhang Jie's singer fan is called the star, I am a star, takes the star, I may know by heart Zhang Jie's material, fierce.


  1. 我对这本书是倒背如流。

    I know this book backward.

  2. 他能把许多古典作品倒背如流。

    He can run off many classics from memory.

  3. 他们能把元素周期表倒背如流。

    They know that periodic table backwards and forwards.

  4. 她现在对这个剧本肯定是倒背如流。

    She must know the play backwards by now.

  5. 所有演员对剧本都熟知到可以倒背如流。

    All the actors know the play backward.

  6. 这孩子五岁时就能把许多唐诗倒背如流。

    The child could reel off many poems of the Tang Dynasty at the age of five.

  7. 最后冲刺得一个月内, 我将40篇范文倒背如流。

    I memorized40 sample passages during the final month.

  8. 最后冲刺的一个月内,我将40篇范文倒背如流。

    I memorized40 sample passages during the final month.

  9. 那本书你读了很多遍,现在一定能倒背如流了!

    You've read that book so many times you must know it backwards by now!

  10. 我强迫自己不断地听这些东西, 现在我可以倒背如流了。

    They are drummed so often into me that I could recite them backward.

  11. 尽管对信的内容已经能够倒背如流了,他还是又看了一遍。

    He read the letter again although already he could have recited its contents blindfold.

  12. 他能倒背如流地背诵整部圣经。

    He can fluently study The Bible from Z to A.

  13. 那女孩倒背如流地朗诵功课。

    The girl rattled off her lessons.

  14. 我倒认为它流得迟缓了,也变得冷了,很冷了。

    I thought it was sluggish in its course, and cool, quite cool.

  15. 靠山山会倒、靠水水会流,不如靠自己好!

    Falling back mountain, bying water will flow, depend on oneself!

  16. 而且他也昏迷不醒的倒在地上, 还流着血。

    It was a direct hit. The jug shattered into pieces over the back of his head and he fell to the ground, unconscious and bleeding.

  17. 特里当时的反应是泪流满面地瘫倒在雨水浸透的球场。

    He responded by slumping down on to the sodden pitch in tears.

  18. 说到这里,媚兰又泪流满面,把头倒在枕头上哭了起来。

    Melly collapsed into tears and laid her head on the pillow.

  19. 他倒底流了多少血?

    How much blood had he lost ?

  20. 流出,冒出排出,流出或倒出物品

    To pour forth, emit, or release contents.

  21. 躺倒在地, 你泪水横流,

    Lay down on the ground and let the tears run from you

  22. 倒使从一容器中流出。

    To make stream or flow, as from a container.

  23. 我倒在地上,几小时地泪流满面。

    I feel to the ground and wept for hours.

  24. 第一个流着血倒下的是败者!

    First one down and bleeding is the loser!

  25. 第一个流着血倒下得是败者!

    First one down and bleeding is the loser!

  26. 编制飞 续 飞谱的倒雨流计数技术

    Inverse rain flow counting technique for constructing a flight by flight load spectrum

  27. 颜回继续倒水, 宥坐翻过去, 水全部流出。

    Yan Hui continued to pour, the stool turned over, all the water outflows.

  28. 这海水好像在低潮时会倒逆流回大海。

    The water seems to retrograde back into the ocean low tide.

  29. 医生倒在椅子里呆望着灰烬,流起泪来。

    He sank into the chair, and brooded over the embers, and shed tears.

  30. 约翰打了汤姆的脸, 汤姆跌倒在地上, 鼻子流出血来。

    John hit Tom in the face, Tom fell to the ground and blood down his nose.


  1. 问:倒背如流拼音怎么拼?倒背如流的读音是什么?倒背如流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倒背如流的读音是dàobèirúliú,倒背如流翻译成英文是 to be able to recite backwards - know something th...



【倒背如流】:dào bèi rú liú 倒着背诵像流水那样顺畅,形容诗文等读得很熟。 汉典上的


【拼音】:dào bèi rú liú

