







汉语拼音:qiāng jué







  1. 枪毙。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致曹靖华》:“看 日本 报,才知道本月七日,枪决了一批青年,其中四个(三男一女)是‘左联’里面的。” 吴组缃 《山洪》三三:“镇上和 黄龙溪 那边已经被这种‘暗岗’拿住四五起有汉奸嫌疑的人,情节确凿的立刻枪决了。”



  1. Back home, she knocks me down with a roundhouse, puts her boot on the back of my neck and executes me with a bullet to the back of the head.


  2. One defector testified that while in a camp, he had witnessed his mother and elder brother publicly executed for attempting to escape.


  3. Since one man had no pistol, they agreed to snoot it out on horseback with rifles.


  4. It was perfectly possible that before he was shot the whole drama of his arrest and interrogation would be enacted all over again.


  5. During the wartime, anyone who collaborated might be sentenced to be shot.


  6. For an unpleasant moment I thought I had been summoned to be shot.


  7. A local employee said the municipal police had used the site for mass executions into the 1980s.


  8. A dozen or more of them were shot to death by their fellow soldiers, he said.


  9. The method used for execution in China is already changing, with a gradual switch from firing squads to American-style injections.


  1. 押赴刑场执行枪决

    be sent to execution ground and executed by shooting

  2. 他们本人要就地枪决。

    They will be summarily shot

  3. 定于黎明将他枪决。

    He is to be shot at dawn.

  4. 他被行刑队执行枪决。

    He was executed by firing squad.

  5. 与敌人勾结者一律枪决。

    Any one who collaborates should be shot.

  6. 他被判有罪,处以枪决。

    He was found guilty and condemned to be shot.

  7. 战后他们因囤积而被枪决。

    After the war, they were shot for hoarding.

  8. 这些犯人已由行刑队枪决。

    The prisoners were executed by firing squad.

  9. 其余的人被带走并被枪决。

    The other people were taken away and shot.

  10. 所有叛国通敌的人都枪决了。

    Anyone who collaborated was shot.

  11. 那个士兵因逃跑而被枪决了。

    The soldier was shot for desertion.

  12. 海盗头子命令将人质就地枪决。

    The pirate chief commanded that the hostages be shot on the spot.

  13. 他听过强盗被枪决前的谈话

    He heard the bandits talking while they were waiting to be shot.

  14. 士兵们准备枪决战俘时, 战俘蔑视着他们。

    The prisoner glared defiance at the soldiers as they prepared to shoot him.

  15. 那士兵因煽动同志谋反而被枪决。

    The soldier was shot for inciting his comrades to insurrection

  16. 传出消息说所有犯人都会被枪决。

    A message was sent forth that all the criminals would be killed.

  17. 在事件发生了九天之后, 他们被枪决。

    Nine days after the events, they were shot.

  18. 一位替罪羊遭到免职, 可能已被枪决。

    One scapegoat was sacked and possibly shot.

  19. 囚犯们被靠墙站成一排, 然后被枪决。

    The prisoners were lined up against the wall and shot.

  20. 船员夺船未遂, 均以叛乱罪被枪决。

    The crew tried to seize control of the ship, and were shot for mutiny.

  21. 他面临敌人进攻时当逃兵,被枪决了。

    He was shot for desertion in the face of the enemy.

  22. 他下令枪决5名无武装的未经审讯的囚犯。

    He ordered the shooting of five unarmed, untried prisoners.

  23. 如果群众大会作出决定, 就可以把犯人枪决。

    Culprits could be shot if the mass meeting so decided.

  24. 战争期间所有叛国通敌的人都可以判处枪决。

    During the wartime, anyone who collaborated might be sentenced to be shot.

  25. 举行军人葬礼时的鸣枪队或执行军事枪决的班。

    A squad formed to fire volleys at a military funeral or to carry out a military execution.

  26. 少校以上的军官, 凡是跟原来部队走散了的, 一概枪决。

    They were executing officers of rank of major and above who were separated form their troops.

  27. 在被宣判犯有叛乱罪和叛国罪后,他们昨天被枪决了。

    They were shot yesterday after being convicted of mutiny and high treason.

  28. 我的命令是集中营里每十个人要有一个被枪决。

    My orders are that one man in every ten shall be shot in this camp.

  29. 穆拉特毫不退缩地直视着执行枪决的行刑队员们的眼睛。

    Murat had looked into the eyes of the firing squad without flinching.

  30. 于是警察逮捕了说谎的大江健三郎, 数日后执行枪决。

    Therefore police have arrested Kenzaburou Ooe who lies, after several days, carries out executes by shooting.


  1. 问:枪决拼音怎么拼?枪决的读音是什么?枪决翻译成英文是什么?

    答:枪决的读音是qiāngjué,枪决翻译成英文是 execute by shooting; shoot