







汉语拼音:yuè jū






  1. At the moment, the Great Sage leapt out of the furnace with his as-you-will cudgel, knocked all soldiers down and left.


  2. A cormorant dived into the water next to me and leaped back to the surface just inches in front of my kayak.


  3. After two years' transition, Zhang's academic performance gradually improved and she was in the top 5 of Senior Two.


  4. Up From Nothing: Amazing Stories of Starting at the Bottom and Rising to the Top.


  5. Just as Chen had said, China quickly regained the top spot after strong performances on the rings.


  6. There's still quite a stretch to the top slot, but a full 75% of Chinese think it will beat the US in the medals table this year.


  7. Second, for the first time, students from China numbered more than those from any other country.


  8. Turning to United's table-topping win, the defender revealed the Reds set out to stifle the opposition and then steal a goal.


  9. Nestled close to the Bavarian Alps, Munich, or Munchen, reigns as Germany's most popular tourist destination.


  1. 跃居世界首位

    leap to the first in the world.

  2. 跃居世界前列

    leap into the front ranks of the world.

  3. 跃居工业国第六位

    Leap to sixth place among industrial countries

  4. 德国跃居欧洲主导地位

    The Rise of Germany to Predominance in Europe

  5. 翻译学校跃居世界顶尖15校。

    Interpretation school bounds into world top15.

  6. 美国从第六位跃居第二位。

    The US leapt from sixth place to second.

  7. 东风商用车销量跃居榜首

    The selling quantity of Dongfeng commercial vehicle jumping onto the list top

  8. 不少重要产品产量跃居世界首位。

    The output of many major products comes first in the world.

  9. 福克斯跃居到附近的獾洞。

    Fox leapt into a nearby Badger hole.

  10. 这本书一下子就跃居畅销书榜首

    The book rocketed to the top of the bestseller list.

  11. 在还剩几秒时突然加速跃居第一。

    Forged into first place with seconds to go.

  12. 粮, 棉等主要农产品产量跃居世界首位。

    The output of such major farm produce as grain and cotton now ranks first in the world.

  13. 这个学生特别努力, 不久就跃居优等生之首。

    The student worked especially hard and soon went to the top of the honours list.

  14. 东京上升两位跃居第二, 使得伦敦下滑到第三位。

    Tokyo, it moved up two spots to second place.

  15. 这部电视连续剧开播后不久, 收视率便跃居首位。

    Shortly after the TV serial was first aired, it shot to the top of the ratings.

  16. 这场胜利使他们连超三个队,跃居第二位。

    The win allowed them to leapfrog three teams to gain second place.

  17. 销售量激增, 这本书跃居纽约时报的畅销书榜首。

    Sales boomed, and the book reached the top of The New York Times bestseller list.

  18. 我国氧化铁产量跃居世界第一,出口形势仍然严峻

    Ferrous oxide output up to the first in the world, and still being faced with severe export situation

  19. 晚清冷兵器时代的结束,使拳术跃居诸艺之冠。

    With the cold weapon era ending in the late Qing Dynasty, the Chinese boxing leapt to the highest in all arts.

  20. 这样, 安哥拉跃居对华贸易获利国中得第7位。

    These figures place Angola in7th place among the countries which most benefit from trade with China.

  21. 这样,安哥拉跃居对华贸易获利国中的第7位。

    These figures place Angola in7th place among the countries which most benefit from trade with China.

  22. 雅典又陡然再次焕发出光芒, 跃居同盟首脑的重要地位。

    Once more Athens flared into importance as the head of a confederation.

  23. 爱因森国际综合考场年考量考试信誉度跃居西南第一。

    Einsun jumps to the first place in credit in the comprehensive test for the amount of annual examination in Southwest China.

  24. 早在战国时期,它就被看作经典,汉代跃居群经之首。

    Early in the Warring States Period, it was a classic and it stood out among all the classics in the Han dynasty.

  25. 我国民航在运输总量上已跃居全球第二, 仅次于美国。

    Civil aviation transport volume of our country has jumped to second in the world, only next to the United States.

  26. 星系际介质全不是死水一潭,它正跃居宇宙演化的中心舞台。

    Far from an austere backwater, the intergalactic medium is turning out to be the central staging area for cosmic evolution.


  1. 问:跃居拼音怎么拼?跃居的读音是什么?跃居翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跃居的读音是yuèjū,跃居翻译成英文是 to jump or leap to a higher ranking



跃居 yuèjū [vault] 跨过某个阶段,跃升为 [某个地位]。