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明 郎瑛 《七修续稿·事物·眼镜》:“少尝闻贵人有眼镜,老年观书,小字看大。” 清 赵翼 《陔馀丛考·眼镜》:“古未有眼镜,至有 明 始有之,本来自西域。” 清 青城子 《志异续编·曾文元》:“生平不用眼镜,亦由性惯。” 赵树理 《催粮差》:“快到上山的地方,他拿出一付红玻璃眼镜戴上。”
Believe that many of my friends understand stealth perspective glasses, but you know not the light limiting perspective glasses is what?
相信很多朋友都了解隐形透视眼镜,但你知道不限光透视眼镜是什么吗?He was a big man, perhaps a few years older than I, with short dark hair parted to the side and rimless glasses.
他很魁梧,大概年长我几岁,留着黑短发,梳向一边,带着一副无框眼镜。Such lenses could act as both sensors and displays, providing new ways for data to pass in and out of the body.
这样的眼镜即可做传感器又可做显示器,为将数据导入和导出身体提供了新的途径。After what seemed a long time I was trapped in the rock. The ledge was no longer there before me; it had been an optical illusion.
仿佛过了很久,我给困在石壁上了。下面的那个平台不见了,原来那只是我的眼镜产生的幻觉罢了。It's one of the most jaw-dropping moments of the book, the sort of thing you can't wait to see in a movie.
这是原作中最让人大跌眼镜的情节之一,你绝对迫不及待想在电影中看到它。As the man did not wear his glasses, the nurse takes out of her bra her beautiful breast and offers it to the man.
由于那个男人没戴眼镜,护士就摘掉了胸罩,露出漂亮的乳房,送到男人跟前。All these play an effective role in helping you to think with your eyes and ears.
这些会有效地帮助你用眼镜和耳朵去思考。Take a few quiet minutes, relax in a comfortable place, close your eyes, and imagine that the date has changed.
花几分钟安静的时间,在一个舒适的地方放松自己,闭上眼镜,想象一下时间已经改变了。He wore a pair of round silver rimmed-glasses which gave him at first glance a studious or, at least, a methodical appearance.