







汉语拼音:mín xīn







  1. 人民的思想、感情、意愿等。

    《左传·昭公七年》:“六物不同,民心不壹,事序不类,官职不则,同始异终,胡可常也?”《汉书·息夫躬传》:“﹝人君﹞推诚行善,民心説而天意得矣。” 宋 苏轼 《送表忠观钱道士归杭》诗:“先王旧德在民心,著令称忠上意深。”《东周列国志》第三回:“ 秦穆公 乘民心之变,命 百里奚 兴兵袭 梁 ,灭之。” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·谈金圣叹》:“试翻 明 末的野史,就知道 北京 民心的不安,在 李自成 入 京 的时候,是不及他出 京 之际的利害的。”



  1. Said one: "The few words of the president were from the heart, to the heart. They cannot be read without emotion. "


  2. Last week, Biden won hearts and minds when he took his granddaughter and three colleagues to lunch.


  3. As India's politicians gear up for a general election, competitive populism is the only game in town.


  4. Was President George Bush testing the water to see if his bold vision would be a vote winner?


  5. To popular. Pope once again exposed the dark smile. Extended offered dirty hands. Gave a decisive gesture. Thumbs down.


  6. demagogues in the United States charged that the Japanese had been "ungrateful" for the outpouring of help they received.


  7. in fine spirits; a fine student; a fine summer day; made good grades; morale was good; had good weather for the parade.


  8. The point is not to stake out different positions but to own the popular issue.


  9. A brilliant populist, he has showered enough attention and largesse on poor, pious Iranians to win a place in their hearts.


  1. 民心大乱。

    The people are fearful.

  2. 那位首相失去民心。

    The Prime Minister fell from favor with the people.

  3. 日月重光,民心大悦。

    With order restored, the citizens were in great exultation.

  4. 日月重光,民心大悦。

    With order restored, the citizens were in great exultation.

  5. 舞蹈, 社会民心的风向标

    Dance, The Direction of Social feelings of the citizenry

  6. 舞蹈,社会民心得风向标

    Dance, The Direction of Social feelings of the citizenry.

  7. 新思想已逐渐深入民心。

    The new ideas have gradually permeated through the people.

  8. 福伯斯还是注重民心的。

    With Faubus, who had genuine populist impulses, racism was a political imperative.

  9. 你有一颗善良的爱民心。

    You have one kind of, merciful, people loving heart.

  10. 他用苛捐杂税剥夺百姓, 失尽民心。

    He pilled with grievous taxes and quite lost their hearts.

  11. 这就体现这旗是多么深入民心。

    That's how deeply the flag has gotten into the civic imagery of Chicago.

  12. 失去了民心 所以我没法相信他们。

    They screwed everything up, so I can't trust them.

  13. 要瓦解敌人军队, 必先收揽敌国民心。

    Now in the way of planning, thoroughness and secrecy are treasured.

  14. 那位总统候选人自称和多数选民心连心。

    The presidential candidate claimed to rap with the majority of the voters.

  15. 从民心河工程回看城雕发展中的问题

    The problems in the Development of the Urban Sculpture as in the Minxinhe Project

  16. 他出任新共和国的总统总的说来颇得民心。

    His elevation to the presidency of the New Republic was generally popular.

  17. 起义军打着救国图存的旗号,深得民心。

    The revolting army put forward the slogan of"save the nation; struggle for existence", which helped them win the love of the masses.

  18. 赢得民心所向,在反恐方面效果不是那么明显。

    Winning the hearts and minds of the population, then, matters less in counterterrorism.

  19. 他利用广播媒介来获得公众支持或安定民心。

    He used the medium of radio when he wanted to enlist public support or reassure the citizenry.

  20. 外面那样大吹大擂的目的无非是要鼓舞一下民心。

    The purpose of all the hoopla out there is to boost civilian morale.

  21. 优良的党风政风是凝聚民心, 带动发展的巨大力量

    the fine way of our Party and government is the strong cohesive force that may improve development.

  22. 退耕还林是一项得人心、顺民意的德政工程、民心工程。

    It concludes that converting cropland to forest is a project according with public opinion.

  23. 未来一年,联盟政府必将遭受民心所背的考验。

    The year ahead promises to see the coalition tested in a cauldron of unpopularity.

  24. 未来一年,联盟政府必将遭受民心所背得考验。

    The year ahead promises to see the coalition tested in a cauldron of unpopularity.

  25. 不显耀足以引起贪心的事物,导使民心不被迷乱。

    If the people never see such things as excite desire, their hearts will remain placid and undisturbed.

  26. 而我们在阿富汗的平叛运动的真正着眼点是赢得民心。

    Our counterinsurgency campaign in Afghanistan is really focused on winning the people.

  27. 执政者做事要顺乎民心,只有这样才能赢得百姓拥护。

    Only when a ruler does things in compliance with people's wishes can he win their support.

  28. 只有这样,我们才能赢得人民群众的信任和支持,赢得民心。

    Only such, we just can win the accredit of people and support, win common feelings of people.

  29. 现下他看见民心得趋向, 离开了自己而转向救主。

    Now he saw the tide of popularity turning away from himself to the Saviour.

  30. 肖福禄戎马一生,严于律己,治军有方,体民苦得民心。

    Xiao Fulu army horse life, strict armed forcesthe public body the hearts the people suffer.


  1. 问:民心拼音怎么拼?民心的读音是什么?民心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民心的读音是mínxīn,民心翻译成英文是 popular feelings; popular support; will of the...

  2. 问:民心工程拼音怎么拼?民心工程的读音是什么?民心工程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民心工程的读音是mínxīngōngchéng,民心工程翻译成英文是 A measure of the program carried out by the gover...



[common aspirations of the people;popular feelings;popular sentiments] 人民的思想、感情、意愿等 民心所向 民心稍安。——《广东军务记》 国家安危、民心得失、得民心国家必安、失民心国家必危。