







汉语拼音:ān shè







  1. 安置;布置。

    《红楼梦》第一一○回:“地下婆子们已将牀安设停当,舖了被褥。” 清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·草河录上》:“縴道每里安设围站兵丁三人。” 胡云翼 《西泠桥畔·老闸捕房附近》:“巡捕房为加意保护他们,安设了重重的电网、炮车,手枪队。” 老舍 《牺牲》:“屋里安设得很简单,除了原有的那份家具,只添上了两把籐椅,一张长桌,桌上摆着他那几本洋书。”



  1. In General, the use of a video camera installed in a bar mechanically, and travel to and from moving around with a set of strobe unit.


  2. placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword . . .


  3. Hot bubble ink-jet printer needs to be installed in each cartridge ink-jet mouth: this will increase the cost of the ink cartridge.


  4. Apply a little oil to rust-proof and easy to install.


  5. Depending on the sleeve should be installed with a custom made of thickness.


  6. Die fixed in rubber drum, bottom slab you can be installed on and a protective layer of cushion for the imprint on the drum.


  7. install carbon brush, using a fine sandpaper and grinding carbon brush contact tongtou.


  8. This principle is to use the ink-jet printing piezo actuator device to be fixed in ink spray nozzle pressure continuous injection.


  9. Pyramids have traps are laid within the pyramid to stop archaeologists and builders from coming out, or seeking the treasures.


  1. 安设拱形支架

    arch setting.

  2. 基座安设在岩石上。

    The foundations repose upon rock.

  3. 安设电机, 但不安设碳刷。

    Assembly motor, but does not install the carbon brushes.

  4. 沉没滚属于板滞安设。

    Floating roll belong to regulating mechanism.

  5. 在山顶上安设一个气象观测站

    Set up a weather station on the mountaintop.

  6. 套筒答根据所用安设带的厚度定做。

    B in A behind, hiding inside a coat, and his hands reach out from a coat sleeve.

  7. 胶印机得安设和调试处事也很次给。

    The installation of an offset printing press and debugging work is also important.

  8. 胶印机的安设和调试处事也很次给。

    The installation of an offset printing press and debugging work is also important.

  9. 滚筒轴承的精度越来越矮, 安设越来越便当, 败坏越来越单一。

    The precision of the roller bearing, andand more convenient and maintenance and more simple.

  10. 安设胶带越不不硬, 制卡和会员卡制作成果越好。

    Install the tape gets card printing and membership card making.

  11. 拔取字体时必给夺目搁置照排机已安设功的字体。

    Select fonts use imagesetter to consider when you have installed a font.

  12. 拔取字体时必给夺目搁置照排机已安设功得字体。

    Select fonts use imagesetter to consider when you have installed a font.

  13. 已按计划沿撤离通道安设了发亮的出口标志。

    Luminescent Exit signs have been installed along evacuation passages in the premises as planned.

  14. 而网纹辊的刮刀安设法有顺时针与逆时针法。

    But the roller blade installation method for a clockwise and counterclockwise.

  15. 而网纹辊得刮刀安设法有顺时针与逆时针法。

    But the roller blade installation method for a clockwise and counterclockwise.

  16. 安设印版时拔取厚度为4。05毫米的不塑性垫材。

    When you install plate thickness 4.05 mm elastic gasket materials.

  17. 安设橡胶坝或翻板闸抬高水头,提高机组出力。

    Erecting rubber dam or flap gates to increase water head and unit output.

  18. 不求不朱安设的传不静编制也是由歪齿轮构成。

    Inking device drive system is also composed by helical gears.

  19. 如果激振点安设得当,这个要求在实际上并不重要。

    This requirement is not essential in practice if the locations of the exciter stations are chosen judiciously.

  20. 黎巴嫩政府请求联黎部队按照国际标准安设浮标线。

    The Government of Lebanon requested UNIFIL to install a line of buoys in conformity with international standards.

  21. 不幸地是,那个通常给他们安设期望值的人还没来。

    Unfortunately the person who usually sets up their expectation hasn't turned up.

  22. 衬垫得采取和安设不妥也是爆发花版得一不小成分。

    Liners are improper selection and installation is to produce a version of the flowers.

  23. 衬垫的采取和安设不妥也是爆发花版的一不小成分。

    Liners are improper selection and installation is to produce a version of the flowers.

  24. 印版成像后, 须经过单一冲洗, 并被迫安设在印版滚筒上。

    A printing plate Imaging through simple cleaning and automatically installed on the printing plate cylinder.

  25. 可用一架显微镜,在其焦平面上安设光阑来控制现

    The field of view can be limited by inserting a stop in the focal plane of microscope.

  26. 沿珊瑚礁的差别所在所搁放的台子儿被用来安设活石。

    At various locations along the reef, platforms were created to hold live rock.

  27. 最后很多戏剧和打架拉吉雅利安设法说服纳拉珊。

    Finally with lots of drama and fights Raj Aryan manages to convince Narayan Shankar.

  28. 约柜安设之后,大卫派人在耶和华殿中管理歌唱的事。

    These are the men David put in charge of the music in the house of the Lord after the ark came to rest there.


  1. 问:安设拼音怎么拼?安设的读音是什么?安设翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安设的读音是ānshè,安设翻译成英文是 to set up; to install



安设 : ān shè 安装设置:~空调器ㄧ在山顶上~了一个气象观测站。

安置;布置。《红楼梦》第一一○回:“地下婆子们已将牀安设停当,铺了被褥。” 清·李斗《扬州画舫录·草河录上》:“纤道每里安设围站兵丁三人。” 老舍《牺牲》:“屋里安设得很简单,除了原有的那份家具,只添上了两把籐椅,一张长桌,桌上摆着他那几本洋书。”