


1. 看 [kàn]2. 看 [kān]看 [kàn]使视线接触人或物:~见。~书。~齐。观察,判断:~病。观~。~好(根据市场情况,估计某种商品好销)。~透(透彻深刻地了解或认识。亦称“看破”、“看穿”)。~风使舵。访问,拜望:~望。~朋……





汉语拼音:kàn wàng







  1. 观看。

    鲁迅 《彷徨·离婚》:“﹝她﹞便偷空向四处一看望,只见她后面,紧挨着门旁的墙壁,正站着‘老畜生’和‘小畜生’。” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》三二:“ 王先生 的眼光里流露着热诚,向全堂同学一个个看望,切盼大家回答。”

  2. 探望;问候。

    《儿女英雄传》第三回:“这日,有向来拜从 安老爷 看文章的 梅公子 --也是个世家--前来看望。” 冰心 《去国·两个家庭》:“我更是担心,勉强他在医院住下,慢慢的治疗,我也天天去看望他。”



  1. I was going to go seeher last night but it got late and I thought it would be better to go this morning when she was more rested.

  2. Turns out she was dressed up to visit her child but sadly the locale of the visit was a graveyard.

  3. The last student I saw was a junior and it gave me a good perspective on how the next years may look for the others.

  4. "He is going to go and visit with the victims of the cyclone, it is going to be strictly a humanitarian visit, " she said.

  5. Prudence came down to see us a few days after this and confirmed what Marguerite had told me.

  6. Eleanor died where she fell, and was subsequently visited by elephants not only from her own family, but from four other families as well.

  7. Then, two weeks later, I was working late so I could take the next day off to be at the hospital for Helen's birth.

  8. Before he got aboard the train, his uncle Garol paid him a visit and told him about the dangers of travel.

  9. The purpose of my visit to this city is to talk business on the one hand and to see my old friend on the other.


  1. 来看望我。

    For checking on me.

  2. 来看望宝宝

    to be a part of this baby's life.

  3. 母亲看望婴儿

    Mom's visiting her kid.

  4. 看望她的妹妹

    visit her sister.

  5. 我去,看望家人。

    I'm just.Visiting some family.

  6. 我去,看望家人。

    I'm just. Visiting some family.

  7. 我去,看望家人。

    I'm just. Visiting some family.

  8. 他日再来看望。

    I'll call on you again some other time.

  9. 要去看望看望他了。

    I'd like to visit him.

  10. 安娜斯来看望海龟。

    Anansi came to see Turtle.

  11. 简急忙前去看望他。

    Jane hurries to see him.

  12. 她难得去看望姨妈。

    She rarely visits her aunt.

  13. 我们会去看望彼此。

    And we would visit each other.

  14. 他去看望祖父母了。

    He's visiting his grandparents.

  15. 他定期看望父母亲。

    He made a regular visit to his parents.

  16. 她时常来看望我们。

    She comes to visit us every now and then.

  17. 他们特意来看望你。

    They have come here on purpose to see you.

  18. 我常常去看望祖父母。

    I often visit my grandparents.

  19. 我们常去看望祖父母。

    We often go to see grandparents.

  20. 每次我去看望他

    His Chief of Staff avoids my eye.

  21. 我打算明天看望你。

    I mean to call on you tomorrow.

  22. 吉米时常来看望我。

    Jimmy comes to visit me now and again.

  23. 我问她我可否去看望她。

    I asked if I might call and see her.

  24. 还是谢谢你来看望我

    Still, thanks for coming to visit.

  25. 他许诺要来看望她。

    He made a promise that he would come to see her.

  26. 我昨天看望了我的伯父。

    I visited my uncle yesterday.

  27. 我去北京看望我的阿姨。

    I went to Beijing to see my aunt.

  28. 我是去看望我的男朋友的。

    I was visiting my boyfriend.

  29. 昨天我去看望了我奶奶。

    Yesterday I visited my grandmother.

  30. 昨晚我顺便去看望他。

    I went around to see him yesterday evening.


  1. 问:看望拼音怎么拼?看望的读音是什么?看望翻译成英文是什么?

    答:看望的读音是kànwàng,看望翻译成英文是 visit



词目:看望 拼音:kànwàng 同义:探望;拜望;探访;探视。