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1. 铅 [qiān]2. 铅 [yán]铅 [qiān]一种金属元素,可用作耐硫酸腐蚀、防丙种射线、蓄电池等的材料。其合金可作铅字、轴承、电缆包皮等之用:~刀(指钝刀子,喻才能微薄)。~球。指用石墨等制成的书写工具:~笔。~椠(铅粉笔和木……
汉语拼音:qiān xī
晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·论仙》:“夫 班 狄 不能削瓦石为芒鍼, 欧冶 不能铸铅锡为干将。”《宋书·颜竣传》:“所铸钱形式薄小,轮郭不成就。於是民间盗铸者云起,杂以铅锡,并不牢固。” 宋 张端义 《贵耳集》卷下:“二 广 三十八郡皆有所输,或供铅锡,或供银,或供钱,岁计四五万緡。”
The invention provides a scheme for dipping lead-tin alloy for a copper-core pillar used for a lead acid storage battery terminal.
本发明提供在铅酸蓄电池端子上使用的铜芯柱蘸铅锡合金方案。The accumulator with the positive slab lattice made of this alloy has very long float charging life.
采用这种铅锡稀土合金作为正极板栅而制成的电池,具有很长的浮充加速寿命。Money is not evil any more so than copper, lead, tin, or iron that you may find in the ground.
金钱并没有害处,就像铜、铅、锡或铁这些一样,你能在地上找到这些。The drive to cut pollution and improve safety in mines has also pushed higher the cost of coal, lead, tin and rare earth metals.
中国政府要求矿商减少污染并加强安全的行动,还推高了媒、铅、锡和稀土金属的价格。Major industrial non-ferrous metals other than precious metals and minor metals; notably copper, lead, tin, zinc, aluminium, nickel.
贵金属及稀有金属以外的主要工业用有色金属,主要有铜、铅、锡、锌、铝和镍。Most popular accessories with zinc alloy, copper alloy and lead-tin alloy, stainless steel etc as ornaments material.
流行饰品大多用锌合金、铜合金、铅锡合金、不锈钢等作为饰品材料。It is applicable for producing ornaments and craftworks which are made of terne alloy, zinc alloy and other materials.
适用于生产铅锡合金、锌合金等材料的饰品,工艺品。With lead-free trend in electronic package, it is necessary to choose lead-free tin-base electrodeposits for electronics industry.
随着电子封装无铅化的趋势,选择无铅锡基镀层已成为必然。can't use chrome plating chromium anode, usually by pure lead, lead tin antimony alloy alloy, lead and not soluble anode.