







汉语拼音:zhèn shì









  1. 军队作战的布置。

    唐 韩愈 《喜雪献裴尚书》诗:“阵势鱼丽远,书文鸟篆奇。” 宋 刘过 《沁园春·张路分秋阅》词:“万马不嘶,一声寒角,令行 柳营 。见秋原如掌,枪刀突出,星驰铁骑,阵势纵横。” 清 李渔 《奈何天·分扰》:“咱两个分咐将校们,把近来演习的阵势,摆列一番,壮一壮行色。然后起兵,有何不可!” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第一章:“他把敌人的阵势讲了一番……这就是说,敌人从四面八方可天盖地的扑来了。”

  2. 世面;场面。

    杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第三章:“当然,可能是 韦珍 没有经过多大的阵势,一看风吹草动就懵头转向瞎叫唤。” 孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·杀楼》:“ 英华 ,别看你当了连长做了官了,就拿打仗来吓唬我们!你知道,我们也是见过大阵势的了。”

  3. 情势;架势。

    马烽 《村仇》:“正在这时, 田铁柱 追罢兔子回来了,一见这阵势可起火了,从地下捡了块石头,猛不防就朝地主家二小子甩去。” 徐迟 《汉水桥头》:“外围的铁驳和木船上装满水泥袋、砂子和碎石。所有的人员各就各位,摆好了阵势。”



  1. All day long the battle raged, and the king of Israel propped himself up in his chariot facing the Arameans until evening.


  2. Mr. Pillai says more troops are moving to the border with China, which he describes as a 'gradual' buildup of 'defensive positions. '


  3. This monarch had an army in full force because he had jobbed to himself Poland, and was determined to keep it.


  4. Instead, it has relied on a participatory process, even inviting the public at large to weigh in on what issues are of most importance.


  5. CEO who has never seen it before must be very surprised and look around, totally attracted.


  6. I'll examine real-world GQM scenarios for IT executives, project managers, architects, development managers, and software quality managers.


  7. She hasn't really been in this sort of company too often, but she's put in a sterling display today here on the Rod Laver Arena.


  8. Facing the powerful propaganda offensive of US and other developed countries, China is in an inferior position.


  9. They're lining up in position for the kickoff.


  1. 摆开阵势去攻打

    Take up their position for the attack on sb

  2. 这阵势让人心惊胆战。

    The situation made us shake with fear.

  3. 部队在野外摆下阵势。

    The army was arrayed in the open field.

  4. 他们排起阵势准备开球。

    They're lining up in position for the kick off.

  5. 以前没见过这阵势吗?

    Haven't you seen a funnel before?

  6. 部队在指挥官前列好阵势。

    The army was arrayed before the commander.

  7. 军队在山上布好阵势。

    The troops took up their position on the hill.

  8. 不知道,但我不喜欢这阵势

    I don't know, but I don't like all those police cars here.

  9. 他们正排起阵势准备开球。

    They is lining up in position for the kickoff.

  10. 他们在用策略以取得有利阵势。

    They were manoeuvring for position.

  11. 她兴致还很浓,重新摆弄阵势。

    Her interest is also very thick, manipulates the battle formation.

  12. 小我是无法抵御我们的联合阵势的。

    Against our united strength the ego cannot prevail.

  13. 他们将已摆开阵势的敌军击溃。

    They defeated the armies arrayed against them.

  14. 敌人在对面的山头上摆好阵势。

    The enemy forces were arrayed on the opposite hill.

  15. 敌人在对面得山头上摆好阵势。

    The enemy forces were arrayed on the opposite hill.

  16. 队伍到达开阔地便成扇形摆开阵势。

    The troops fanned out as they reached open ground.

  17. 许多拿着弓箭的兵士摆下了阵势。

    Soldiers, armed with bows and arrows, ranged themselves in order of battle.

  18. 许多拿着弓箭得兵士摆下了阵势。

    Soldiers, armed with bows and arrows, ranged themselves in order of battle.

  19. 陈应列成阵势,飞马绰叉而出。

    Drawing his line into formation, Chen Ying raced forward with his flying pike.

  20. 王姐,咱们这么大阵势是要去哪里啊?

    Sister Wang, where are we going with this much pomp and circumstance?

  21. 他们拉开阵势, 为自己摇旗呐喊, 场面格外热闹。

    They undrew the battle array to whoop for themselves, and the scene was very impassioned too.

  22. 海军现在摆下了阵势,防卫太平洋和大西洋。

    The navy is now positioned to safeguard both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

  23. 穿着防暴衣的警察在街道末端排成阵势。

    Police in riot gear lined up at the end of the street.

  24. 大多数选民都同意,他们从来没有见过这样的阵势。

    Most agree they have never quite seen anything like it.

  25. 各政党都已摆开了阵势来支持自己的候选人。

    The political parties have lined up behind their candidates.

  26. 狗也摆好阵势,要狂吠了,但是今晚,他们按兵不动。

    The dogs began to yip and howl, but tonight they kept their places.

  27. 更强的奇异性仅能被用于处理特殊的矩阵势。

    Stronger singularities can only be dealt with for special matrix potentials.

  28. 他命令将士们以一万人为单位摆成一个正方形的阵势。

    He ordered his men to form three square contingents.

  29. 你最富丽的山谷充满了战车, 骑兵已在门前布好阵势。

    And thy choice valleys shall be full of chariots, and the horseman shall place themselves in the gate.

  30. 那日,阵势越战越猛,有人扶王站在车上,抵挡亚兰人。

    All day long the battle raged, and the king was propped up in his chariot facing the Arameans.


  1. 问:阵势拼音怎么拼?阵势的读音是什么?阵势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阵势的读音是zhènshì,阵势翻译成英文是 battle formation


阵势,汉语词汇。注音:zhèn shì。释义:军队作战的阵容部署;世面,场面;情势,架势。