


长形的东西从中间分开:~裂。~层。~面。截~。~肠。~魂。~线风筝。不继续,禁绝:~粮。~水。~炊。~奶。~档。~流。~种(zhóng )。~交。~片。~续。~子绝孙。判定,决定:判~。诊~。~狱(审理和判决罪案)。一定,绝对:~乎不可。~……





汉语拼音:duàn shuǐ







  1. 切水。

    唐 李白 《宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云》诗:“抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。”

  2. 断绝水源。京剧《龙江颂》第八场:“ 李志田 :立刻关闸。

    江水英 :关闸? 李志田 :对! 江水英 :断水? 李志田 :不错!你同意吗? 江水英 (稍一停顿):不能同意。”

  3. 谓水源断绝。常指自来水供应不上。

    《新民晚报》1986.12.24:“ 鼓浪屿 这个地方用水十分紧张,一天只供应几小时,断水是常有的事。”

  4. 古宝剑名。

    晋 王嘉 《拾遗记·昆吾山》:“ 越王 句践 ,使工人以白马白牛祠 昆吾 之神,採金铸之,以成八剑之精:一名掩日……二名断水,以之划水,开即不合。”



  1. In Chenzhou, in Hunan province, 4m people have had no water or power for a week.


  2. Reserves need to be large enough to draw upon if foreign-currency financing suddenly dries up, and to ensure that trade flows smoothly.


  3. Unplug the heater , shut off the water supply and remove the front cover .


  4. Due to the short of water supply today, we only serve bottled drink, bottled water and cakes at the moment.


  5. The F61 serial liquid flow switch is widely used for conditioning, freezing and other places which need "setting off" protection.


  6. As the years passed, utility companies cut off the power and water to the woman's home, police said.


  7. Inside it, there is a high-sensitivity flow sensor, it has access to as well as cut off water and electricity without manual operation.


  8. Wang Zhenxing told reporters: "Christchurch after the earthquake, many areas are water and electricity, chaos. "


  9. Safety protection devices: high-low pressure, cold water, cold water temperature, oil temperature control heating and exhaust.


  1. 我们断水了。

    Our water supply has been cut off.

  2. 在那他们几乎断水了。

    Water was in great demand and they had very little of it.

  3. 政府得反应是对这些房子断水断电。

    The government reacted by cutting off water and electricity to the units.

  4. 政府的反应是对这些房子断水断电。

    The government reacted by cutting off water and electricity to the units.

  5. 断水保护,更好地延长激光器的寿命。

    Water break protecting, it can prolong the life of laser tube.

  6. 过去几天, 我接到几宗投诉断水的投诉。

    I have received numerous complaints about water disconnections in the last few days.

  7. 自从欠费断水以后我们就不用马桶了。

    We don't use the toilet anymore since we're cutting down on the water bill.

  8. 自从遭到暴风雨袭击以来,许多住宅断水了。

    Many houses have been without water since the storm hit.

  9. 他不付水费,是以自来水公司就以断水处理。

    He hadn't paid for his water, so the company had shut it off.

  10. 缺水情况如此严重,有些村民不久将完全断水。

    So critical is the shortage that some villagers will soon be completely without water.

  11. 蒸馏水器断水自动保护装置的设计与制作

    The Design and Manufacture of the Automatic Protection of the Electric Heating Distiller's Water Supply Cutting.

  12. 春小麦不同生育期断水对水分利用率的影响

    Effect of Break Water off in Different Growth Period on Water Use Efficiency of Spring Wheat.

  13. 在湖南郴州,当地400万群众断电断水已达一周。

    In Chenzhou, in Hunan province,4m people have had no water or power for a week.

  14. 直流锅炉应有中间点温度高警报和断水保护装置。

    Monotube boiler should be installed with medium high temperature alarming and water shortage protect device.

  15. 使用盘锯一定不要断水,防止摩擦生热阴燃起火。

    Make sure use the saw with continuous watering to prevent building a fire through scraping.

  16. 上星期断了水。

    The water was cut off last week.

  17. 打开水箱顶盖,空气进入,水即可断流。

    The water can be cut off by opening the tank top cover to let air in.

  18. 人道山长水又断, 萧萧微雨闻孤馆。

    Humanitarian mountain water off Xiao Xiao light, smell of solitary museum.

  19. 抽刀断水水更流,举杯销愁愁更愁。

    But since water still flows, though we cut it with our swords, And sorrows return, though we drown them with wine,

  20. 我要你在不断水的情况下修好它

    I need you to fix this with the water on.

  21. 拔掉热水器得头,关断水供应,拆卸前盖。

    Unplug the heater, shut off the water supply and remove the front cover.

  22. 拔掉热水器的头,关断水供应,拆卸前盖。

    Unplug the heater, shut off the water supply and remove the front cover.

  23. 绳可锯木断, 水可滴石穿。

    The soft drops of rain pierce the hard marble.

  24. 接着,他们又相继把我的煤气,电和水都给断了。

    Then, in succession, they cut off my gas, electricity, and water.

  25. 高含水断块交联聚合物堵水调剖研究与应用

    Research and application of water plugging and profile control of a crosslinked polymer solution in fault block with high water content

  26. 首先,使用清洁水或生理盐水小心清洗断指。

    First, gently clean the amputated part with water or saline.

  27. 从水勤务面板空气活门断开空气压力源。

    Disconnect the air pressure source from the air valve at the water service panel.

  28. 经候不调,经水忽来忽断,经水或多或少,月使不调

    irregular menorrhea

  29. 本装置禁止无水使用,如无通水时,请断开电源。

    Never use this device without water.Please switch off the power if the water runs out.

  30. 我们通过计量来管理水,电这些家用能源的断开。

    We manage the disconnection of domestic utilities, such as water or electricity, through metering.


  1. 问:断水阀门拼音怎么拼?断水阀门的读音是什么?断水阀门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:断水阀门的读音是duàn shuǐ fá mén,断水阀门翻译成英文是 water shut-off valve