


1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……


1. 饮 [yǐn]饮 [yǐn]喝,又特指喝酒:~水思源。~酒。~泣(泪流满面,流到口里,形容悲哀到了极点)。~鸩止渴。指可喝的东西:冷~。~料。~食。中医汤剂的一种类型:香苏~。~子(不规定时间服用的汤剂)。中医学指体内水液传输不利停于……



汉语拼音:huì yǐn






  1. 聚饮。

    《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》:“ 秦 御史前,书曰:‘某年月日, 秦王 与 赵王 会饮,令 赵王 鼓瑟。’” 唐 沉既济 《任氏传》:“ 崟 与 郑子 偕行於 长安 陌中,将会饮於 新昌里 。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·马彪》:“路由 固原 ,有邀其入城会饮者,公力辞之。” 范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第四编第五章第三节:“ 天兴 三年(1234年)正月元旦, 蒙 军在城外会饮鼓吹。”



  1. I need a toilet tissue in daily, I drink at night, I taste yoga in somehow. . . etc. Actually, there have many thing I can do it. So?


  2. Plato's Symposium is the first reflective discussion of sex that has come down to us.


  3. and when it thirsts, it drinks even of dead waters.


  4. Give me wine, l'd drain the dregs


  1. 会饮是古希腊社会普遍流行的习俗。

    Symposium is a kind of generally popular customs in the ancient Greek society.

  2. 如有,你平均一星期有多少日会饮最少一杯的酒精饮品?

    If yes, on how many days per week during the last month, on average, do you drink at least one alcoholic drink?

  3. 美国人争论这一年龄是否降低, 是否年轻饮酒者会饮更多酒。

    American's Americans debate whether It'should be lowered, or whether young drinkers would only drink more.

  4. 你会一饮而尽的。

    You'll drink that whole glass.

  5. 祂说祂不会再饮这杯, 直等到祂进入神的国。

    He said He would not drink of this cup until He came into His rightful place in the kingdom.

  6. 晚上到了家,我仍需要一杯葡萄酒,不过我会慢慢啜饮。

    When I get home in the evening I still need a glass of wine but I can sip it slowly.

  7. 人们认为少量饮葡萄酒会有助于减少患心脏病的危险。

    Small amounts of wine are held to be good for slightly lowering health risks of the heart.

  8. 夜饮狂欢经常会让学生衣衫褪尽。

    Booze sometimes causes students'clothes to fall off.

  9. 没有人会拒绝与你共饮美酒

    There are none to decline your nectared wine

  10. 如果你能和这个星球上任何一个人共饮,那会是谁?

    If you could share a drink with anyone on the planet, who would it be?

  11. 酒逢知己饮,诗向会人吟

    Drink wine with your intimate friends and recite poetry with those who can

  12. 软饮会腐蚀你的胃壁。

    Soft drinks erode your stomach lining.

  13. 每天饮一杯蜂蜜水会不会有糖尿病?

    Everyday can water cup of honey have water diabetic ?

  14. 一个爱饮的人不会因为季节的变化而变化。

    A good drinker does not change with the seasons.

  15. 饮粥后睡觉,会觉得腹中暖暖的,宜入睡。

    Drink gruel after sleeping, will feel belly warm, appropriate to sleep.

  16. 夏季饮茶不当也会

    Drinking tea can inebriate people in summer

  17. 爱莉经常饮水,希望不会嘴辱很乾。

    Ally surreptitiously guzzles water at every chance to avoid the dreaded dry mouth kiss.

  18. 睡前饮水会影响眼睛周围的血液循环。

    Water before sleep harms blood circulation around eyes.

  19. 睡前饮水会影响眼睛周围得血液循环。

    Water before sleep harms blood circulation around eyes.

  20. 古人喝水是生饮还是会煮开再喝呢?

    What did the ancients drink, unboiled water or boiling water?

  21. 当初人们为什么会暴饮暴食,染上烟瘾酒瘾?

    Why do people overeat, or smoke or drink in the first place?

  22. 烹羊宰牛且为乐会须一饮三百杯?

    Mutton and beef are well prepared, Shall we have three hundred cupfuls to get relaxed?

  23. 忌饭后马上饮茶,茶中的鞣酸会影响消化。

    Bogey tea immediately after a meal, the tannin in tea can affect digestion.

  24. 凉爽的长饮,不是很烈但是会令人令人眼花缭乱。

    A cool long drink. Not strong but yet dazzling.

  25. 是啊!那里饮汤时大声一点也会听得到。

    Aggress may not like there, the place is too quiet.

  26. 那么要稍等一会, 等饮水机的热水热好。

    Good evening everyone. Today, I will introduce how to drinking fountain.

  27. 那么要稍等一会,等饮水机得热水热好。

    Good evening everyone. Today, I will introduce how to drinking fountain.

  28. 我的母亲酷爱培烘,所以会有各种各样的糕点和茶饮。

    My mother likes baking so there'd be lots of cakes and mugs of tea.

  29. 他们还在拿着瓶子暴饮吗?? ? 马上就会醉的。

    Are they still swigging at that bottle They'll soon be drunk.

  30. 他们还在拿著瓶子暴饮吗?他们马上就会醉的。

    Are they still swigging at that bottleTheyll soon be drunk.


  1. 问:会饮篇拼音怎么拼?会饮篇的读音是什么?会饮篇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:会饮篇的读音是,会饮篇翻译成英文是 Symposium

  2. 问:会饮者拼音怎么拼?会饮者的读音是什么?会饮者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:会饮者的读音是,会饮者翻译成英文是 compotator