


1. 混 [hùn]2. 混 [hún]混 [hùn]搀杂在一起:~杂。~和。~同。~淆。~为一谈。乱,胡乱:~乱。~世魔王。蒙,充:蒙~。~充。~进。鱼目~珠。苟且度过:胡~。~事。混 [hún]同“浑”。……





汉语拼音:hùn zhàng









  1. 亦作“ 混账 ”。詈词。谓人言行无理无耻。

    《醒世恒言·杜子春三入长安》:“这人好混帐,吃透了许多东西,到説这样冠冕话。”《红楼梦》第三二回:“ 林姑娘 从来説过这些混账话吗?要是他也説过这些混账话,我早和他生分了。” 瞿秋白 《文艺杂著·弟弟的信》:“马路上一片的‘混帐!忘八!’的骂声。”

  2. 胡乱;敷衍。

    《警世通言·金令史美婢酬秀童》:“但平日与吏房相厚的,送些东道,他便混帐开上去,那里管新参、役满,家道殷实不殷实?这叫官清私暗。” 明 冯惟敏 《端正好·六秩写真》曲:“且休提随时混账,只求箇本来模样。”《儒林外史》第六回:“ 严振先 只得混帐覆了几句话。”

  3. 胡缠,搅扰。

    《警世通言·杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》:“自从那 李甲 在此,混帐一年有餘,莫説新客,连旧主顾都断了。”《廿载繁华梦》第二十回:“﹝ 周庸祐 ﹞把巡丁乱喝道:‘你们好没眼睛,把夫人来混帐!’”



  1. The passengers cursed the company in unison, but everyone went ahead and jumped regardless of the peril. Surprisingly, no mishaps occurred.


  2. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around--nobody big, I mean--except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff.


  3. a: i was just driving down the road and this asshole-excuse my french-rammed into me!


  4. Those Friends of Freedom bastards have planted bombs disguised as fire extinguishers in restaurants.


  5. If you make a decision without consulting her, you're a chauvinist pig, you bastard.


  6. He's a jerk. But it's my fault, and, and I'm leaving.


  7. The guy was a total douche bag because he stood me up on our first date!


  8. The charges are . . . that Roth's oeuvre isuneven, and that, moreover, he's a sexist pig.


  9. Face it China, you are a screwed up country that suppresses human rights.


  1. 混帐,该死

    Curse upon to!

  2. 你这混帐!

    You beast!

  3. 哎呀!混帐!畜生!

    The dickens!

  4. 我。她。她说你混帐

    I'm. She called. she called you a jackass.

  5. 我的混帐汽车坏了!

    My damn car has broken down!

  6. 我的混帐汽车坏了!

    My damn CAR has broken down!

  7. 你这混帐东西,想骗人?

    Now, what are you trying to pull, you sarcastic prick?

  8. 混帐东西, 浪费我得时间。

    Another hug antic, gnostic waste of my life.

  9. 别跟我来这套,混帐!

    Kristy Dont give me that, you jerk!

  10. 你是个爱评头论足的混帐。

    You're a judgmental asshole.

  11. 你这忘恩负义的混帐你在哪?

    You ungrateful little bastard! Where are you ?

  12. 看看这些混帐对肯做了什么。

    Look what those bastards did to Ken.

  13. 你想我有什么样的感受?你混帐!

    How do you think I feel, you shit?

  14. 我要让他知道他是一个混帐。

    I want to tell him that he's a jerk.

  15. 我呢,就在那混帐的悬崖边。

    I accommodate oneself to by that goddamn precipice.

  16. 我不敢相信那混帐还没打来。

    I just can't beIieve that prick hasn't called.

  17. 但是他还没有像布什那样混帐。

    But he'll never be as big an asshole as bush.

  18. 她最近跟杰克那个混帐混在一起。

    She's been hanging around with that Jack asshole.

  19. 那是因为故事还没完,你这个混帐。

    That's because it isn't finished, you git.

  20. 见鬼!现在,你看,那简直是太混帐了。

    Damn! Now, see, that's just too much ass.

  21. 除了惹人厌得混帐之外, 你是这意思么?

    Besides being an insufferable git, you mean?

  22. 除了惹人厌的混帐之外,你是这意思么?

    Besides being an insufferable git, you mean?

  23. 混帐!别活像一个给宠坏的小孩。

    Goddamn it! Quit acting like a spoiled child.

  24. 我是想说很遗憾你有个混帐父亲

    I was going to say that I'm sorry you have such a jerk for a dad.

  25. 能替我跟他说他是个混帐吗?不行

    Will you tell him hes an asshole for me No.

  26. 你这个混帐东西打算什么时候还我的钱。

    When are you going to pay me the money you owe me, you little turd?

  27. 他的同袍听到后说一个混帐死法。

    His comrades they were heard to say, WHAT A helluva way to die.

  28. 他嘴没骂出混帐来,他脸代替嘴表示了这句骂。

    He did not utter the curse, scoundrel. it was expressed on his face instead.

  29. 是我在酒吧看到和她一块那个混帐东西吗?

    Is it the bastard I saw her with in the pub

  30. 没人伦的混帐东西,起这个念头,叫他不得好死!

    The beast hasnt a shred of common decency. He deserves a bad end for dreaming of such a thing.