







汉语拼音:bì xiān







  1. 唐 时应试举子相互间的一种称谓。谓其登第必在同辈之先,有推敬之意。

    五代 王定保 《唐摭言·轻佻》:“ 郑光业 常言及第之岁,策试夜,有一同人突入试铺,为吴语谓 光业 曰:‘必先!必先!可以相容否?’ 光业 为輟半铺之地……居二日, 光业 状元及第。”

  2. 以称下第的同人。

    唐 韩仪 《记知闻近过试》诗:“短行轴了付三銓,休把新衔恼必先。” 明 胡震亨 《唐音癸籤·诂笺三》:“ 韩仪 与关试后新人诗,有‘休把新衔恼必先’句,此必先又谓下第同人也。”



  1. Mencius once said: the day will be down to the great man also, must suffer, the labor of their bones, their body skin hunger.


  2. Pick the right tool for the job, but remember that the best tool is often not the one you would expect.


  3. A government that wants to be popular would be a huge change for the better.


  4. No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.


  5. One must first think of that made-click is the Legend of the North soft on soft GU Jian Zhang Yijun Zhu Long these terms.


  6. "Those whom the gods will destroy, they first make mad, " said the Greeks, and it is hard not to believe them.


  7. All things are difficult before they are easy. 8. A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.


  8. If you are using a connectionless protocol such as UDP, you do not have to call Connect before sending and receiving data.


  9. Now try displaying the information dialog for a planet directly, without having to first locate the planet on the map and right click on it.


  1. 成才必先成人

    He must Be Grown to Manhood before Becoming a Useful Person.

  2. 稳藏必先安康

    it is the most important to live a happy life to stablize Tibet

  3. 造物之前,必先造人。

    Form men before making things.

  4. 将欲取之, 必先与之

    in order to take, one must first give

  5. 要坚定信念, 必先怀疑。

    To believe with certainty we must begin with doubting.

  6. 凡事必先难而后易

    All things are difficult before they are easy

  7. 你在投票前必先登记。

    You must register before you can vote.

  8. 要记住,要想收获必先付出。

    Remember, you must give to get.

  9. 人必先自爱,然后人爱之。

    People must regard for oneself first, then people love it.

  10. 他们祈祷前必先净礼。

    Ablution was done by them as an indispensable preparation before the prayer.

  11. 治国必先治党,治党必须从严。

    So we must be strict in Party discipline.

  12. 治国必先治党,治党务必从严。

    To do this, we must be strict with the party members.

  13. 依法治国必先依法治党

    Regulaping the Party by Law Being the First thing to Regulaping the Country by law

  14. 要躺卧大地, 必先保护它。

    Conserve the earth before you lie on it.

  15. 任何人必先登记方能投票。

    A person must register before he can vote.

  16. 上帝要使人灭亡,必先使人疯狂。

    Whom God will destroy, the first made mad.

  17. 语云,将欲取之,必先与之。

    As the saying goes, give in order to take.

  18. 鼠只有一洞,必先把命送。

    It's a poor mouse that has only on hole.

  19. 欲知梨味道, 必先去尝它。

    To know the taste of a pear, you must first try it.

  20. 欲尝梨味道, 必先去摘它。

    To know the taste of a pear, you must first try it.

  21. 上帝欲使其灭亡,必先令其疯狂。

    Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.

  22. 欲吃坚果仁,必先破其壳。

    Who will eat the kernel of the nut must break the shell.

  23. 想攀树者必先从底下开始。

    Before you climb a tree, you must start at the bottom.

  24. 上帝欲毁灭之,必先使其疯狂。

    Whom God would ruin he first sends mad.

  25. 提高素质必先明确素质的基本内容。

    Making clear the basic contents of quality prior to improving quality.

  26. 上帝要谁灭亡,必先让他疯狂。

    Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first made mad.

  27. 要消除灾难,必先消除自己的罪业。

    To banish them, we must first purge our bad karma.

  28. 鼠只是有一洞,必先把命送。

    It's a poor mouse that has only on hole.

  29. 要使得社会和谐, 必先使阶层和谐。

    It must make the stratum harmonious first to make the society harmonious.

  30. 连接电线之前,必先去掉电线得包皮。

    Before making an electrical connection, you have to bare the end of a wire.