







汉语拼音:bāo jiǎng








  1. Superlatives do not do this man justice. Better than the best of the best. Our thoughts and prayers are with his beloved family.

  2. And again later when she was due to be the star of a Hollywood red-carpet event, honoured by a children's charity for her humanitarian work.

  3. Speaking at Sunday's ANC rally, former President Nelson Mandela did not endorse Zuma, and did not offer praise for his party's achievements.

  4. Jack Welch, much admired for his achievements as chair-man of General Electric, was later derided for his retirement perks.

  5. Since the opening of the play, Jude has received mostly praises for his performance as the mentally anguished Hamlet.

  6. similarly, it also seems entirely sensible to call for an incentive structure that rewards greater team-work and long-term vision.

  7. IT TAKES a special genius in politics to be assailed by both sides of an argument and receive no credit at all for standing in the middle.

  8. Mr Ma's actions have won praise in Washington, which is grateful to him for cooling one of the world's hottest flashpoints.

  9. Bankers who can raise funding in Asia are being lauded within the organization, he said.


  1. 这种行为应当受到褒奖。

    This kind of behaviour should be lauded.

  2. 他们因勇敢而受到褒奖。

    They are praised for bravery.

  3. 她意外地受到了褒奖。

    She received a compliment from an unexpected quarter.

  4. 她意外地受到了褒奖。

    She received a compliment from an unexpected quarter.

  5. 公交司机抓扒手受褒奖

    Bus driver rewarded for catching pickpockets

  6. 他们喜欢得到同行的褒奖。

    They actually thrive from peer recognition.

  7. 人类的确首先褒奖准确性。

    Humans do seem to prize accuracy above all.

  8. 怎样为你的网站赢得褒奖。

    How to win an award for your Web Site.

  9. 它既可以是褒奖,也可以是侮辱。

    It can be either a compliment or an insult.

  10. 她收到了难以置信的新闻褒奖。

    Then she was rewarded with unbelievable news.

  11. 这是他为了褒奖顶尖的实习生

    It's sort of his way of honoring the top intern.

  12. 首先多谢田教授对我的褒奖。

    Thank you for the very much, I mean for all those very kind introductory remarks.

  13. 首先多谢田教授对我得褒奖。

    Thank you for the very much, I mean for all those very kind introductory remarks.

  14. 这是祖国对英雄的最高褒奖。

    This is the hero of the supreme accolade.

  15. 也是对你伟大的祖国的一种褒奖。

    It is also a compliment to your great country.

  16. 根据员工的表演及贡献作出褒奖。

    Rewards employees based on performance and dedication.

  17. 人们永远不会忘记你的慷慨褒奖。

    It is also an act of generosity thats never forgotten.

  18. 那些从中受益的人对此大家褒奖。

    Those who have already benefited from practicing it sing high praise of it.

  19. 赞颂,颂扬对神,统治者或英雄的颂扬或褒奖。

    The extolling or exaltation of a deity,ruler,or hero.

  20. 温特斯中尉, 索伯上尉的褒奖信, 长官。中尉。

    EVANS Lt. Winters. With Captain Sobels compliments, sir. Lt.

  21. 丈夫应该在很多适当的场合赞扬和褒奖她。

    Praise and exalt her many good points.

  22. 褒奖对功勋行为得官方表彰, 尤指在军事服务

    An official commendation for meritorious action, especially in military service

  23. 褒奖对功勋行为的官方表彰,尤指在军事服务

    An official commendation for meritorious action, especially in military service.

  24. 这个奖项是对她多年全心全意工作的恰如其分的褒奖。

    The award was a fitting tribute to her years of devoted work.

  25. 他们如果成功,必获褒奖。如若失败,则或许永生难忘。

    If they succeed they gain great praise, if they fail they may never live it down.

  26. 他们如果成功,必获褒奖;如若失败,则或许永生难忘。

    If they succeed they gain great praise,if they fail they may never live it down.

  27. 他因在海洋搜救中的英勇表现赢得了领导的褒奖。

    He won merits of the leaders for his heroic deeds in the sea rescue.

  28. 问题是,他的推荐人从来没有写过这些褒奖之词。

    Problem was, his recommenders had never written those favorable words.

  29. 对她们而言,学校的支持和孩子们的心声就是最高的褒奖。

    To them, the support of the schools and the heartfelt wish of the children are the bestrewards.

  30. 如果别人没有给你更大的褒奖,你也可以给自己一点奖励的。

    Give yourself a little reward while you're waiting for others to give you bigger ones.


  1. 问:褒奖拼音怎么拼?褒奖的读音是什么?褒奖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:褒奖的读音是bāojiǎng,褒奖翻译成英文是 laud




【注音】:bāo jiǎng

