


1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……


1. 弹 [dàn]2. 弹 [tán]弹 [dàn]可以用力发射出去的小丸;装有爆炸物可以击毁人、物的武器:~丸。子~。~雨。枪~。氢~。导~。手榴~。原子~。古代指以竹为弦的弓:“左挟~,右摄丸”。弹 [tán]用手或工具拨动而发射出去……



汉语拼音:zhòng dàn






  1. The Italian Prime Minister can be propelled into the sky, bumping over white clouds, before landing with a thud in a cloud of dust.


  2. "I obviously knew that I'd been shot when I could see a bullet on the floor and a puddle of blood, " he said.


  3. The commander we were travelling with was hit in the chest and died. Ambulances have been racing back and forth all day from the front line.


  4. One of the soldiers was shot in the leg in Iraq, and is now serving in Afghanistan. The other broke a leg on a training exercise.


  5. All that music playing in his head would ultimately wake him up to notes he would put down on the paper.


  6. The body of a pregnant woman is also shown; police later claimed she had been killed in crossfire with Chungkam.


  7. Even so, it's almost inevitable that the bin Laden mythology will not end with the bullet in his head.


  8. CHICAGO: At least 17 people were shot, none fatally , by a gunman who opened fire in a class today at a suburban Chicago university.


  9. Witnesses said the shot of the village the shoulder of the blog a video camera, with a clear media features.


  1. 我们中弹了!我们中弹了!

    We've been hit! We've been hit!

  2. 战士肩部中弹。

    The soldier was pipped in the shoulder.

  3. 这只犀牛中弹了!

    This rhino's been shot!

  4. 我中弹了,不过没事。

    I've been hit, but I'm okay.

  5. 这个士兵中弹, 伤势严重。

    The soldier was shot up very badly.

  6. 他腿上中弹而受伤。

    He was wounded by a shot in the leg.

  7. 油库中弹起火被烧毁了。

    The gas tank was hit and went up in flames.

  8. 他中弹后滚入河中。

    He was shot and barreled down the river.

  9. 他中弹后滚入河中。

    He was shot and barreled down the river.

  10. 你中弹时会觉得痛吗?

    Does it hurt when you get shot?

  11. 不从堆栈中弹出任何值。

    No values are popped off the stack.

  12. 其中一个女儿腿部中弹。

    One of the daughters was shot in the leg.

  13. 他在一阵弹雨中中弹身亡。

    He was dead, killed in a hail of bullets.

  14. 他们冒着随时会中弹的危险。

    They ran the risk of being shot at any moment.

  15. 我肩膀上中弹之后昏过去了。

    I blacked out when I took one in the shoulder.

  16. 一次伏击中一名警察中弹身亡。

    A policeman has been shot dead in an ambush.

  17. 他们从起火的飞机中弹了出来。

    They were ejected from the burning plane.

  18. 飞行员从飞机中弹出,安然无恙。

    The pilot ejected from the plane and escaped injury.

  19. 他落马因为中弹,落马不表示他死了。

    He slumps because he's shot. don't mean he's dead.

  20. 从堆栈中弹出位于顶部的值。

    Pops the top value from the stack.

  21. 老虎一中弹, 就侧身翻倒在地。

    The moment the tiger got shot, it fell over on its side.

  22. 那个敌军官因头部中弹当即倒毙。

    Hit on the head, the enemy officer dropped dead instantly.

  23. 当你前额中弹了, 你就知道你有麻烦了。

    When you get shot in the forehead you know you're in trouble.

  24. 昨晚上发现她中弹死在你家中。

    She was found shot last night in your home.

  25. 他仅受到擦伤, 根本不晓得自己中弹。

    He suffered a bruise but didnt realize he had been shot.

  26. 也许让你想起了中弹那天的事。

    Maybe it reminded you the day you got shot.

  27. 一名牧师在布道时其心脏部位中弹。

    A pastor was shot through the heart while giving a sermon.

  28. 他们假装中弹倒下,然后爬起来拚命跑。

    They faked the fall and then picked themselves up and ran hard.

  29. 猎人把枪狗一起带回什么已经中弹。

    Hunters take a gun dog along with them to bring back whatever has been shot.

  30. 在事故中司机从挡风玻璃中弹了出来。

    In the crash the driver catapulted through the windscreen.


  1. 问:中弹拼音怎么拼?中弹的读音是什么?中弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中弹的读音是zhòngdàn,中弹翻译成英文是 to be struck by a bullet; to get shot