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向前或向上移动、发展,与“退”相对:前~。上~。推~。跃~。~退。~取。~击。~驻。~行(xíng )。~而。入,往里去:~见。~谒。~谗。吃,喝:~食。~餐。滴水未~。收入或买入:~账。~货。日~斗金。奉上,呈上:~言。~奉。~献。旧式房……
强迫,威胁:~迫。~促。~命。~使。~问。~租。~债。切近:~近。~真。~视。~肖(xiào )(很相似)。狭窄:~仄。~侧。~狭。……
汉语拼音:jìn bī
见“ 进逼 ”。
亦作“ 进偪 ”。向前逼近。
《后汉书·吴汉传》:“ 汉 乘利,遂自将步骑二万餘人进逼 成都 。”《旧唐书·窦建德传》:“军至 滑州 , 世充 行臺僕射 韩洪 开城纳之,遂进逼 元州 、 梁州 、 管州 。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷一:“会大礮至,遂进偪 潼关 。” 闻一多 《什么梦》诗:“黄昏拥着恐怖,直向她进逼。”
Now that she seemed ready to yield, he pressed his advantage.
她现在请来有些同意了,他就趁势进逼。It came toward us slowly and patiently, like some enormous, cunning, and murderous beast, ready to devour, impossible to escape.
它犹如一头庞大的、狡诈的、杀气腾腾的猛兽,极有耐心地缓缓进逼过来,张开血盆大口,要把我们吞下去,难以幸免。The turtles saw them, approached them from the front, then shut their eyes so they were completely carapaced and ate them filaments and all.
海龟发现了它们,就从正面向它们进逼,然后闭上了眼睛,这样,从头到尾完全被龟背所保护着,把它们连同触须一并吃掉。Near the eastern horizon, the sky turned a pearly gray, but to the northwest, clouds hung low and threatening.
东方地平线上的天穹出现了灰白色,而西北方却乌云沉沉、步步进逼。The enemy w when improving. The snow was stained with continue.
首都弃守,仇人进逼,雪沾了血。But essential economic reforms are more halting than they should be, especially given the growing aggression of neighbouring Russia.
但必要的经济改革步伐过于缓慢,尤其是在邻国俄罗斯步步进逼的形势下。when they reached the fringe of the woods , the men separated , and lonnie found himself a part of the circle that was closing in on clem.
他们走近树林边缘时就四散开来,形成向克莱姆步步进逼的包围圈,朗尼发觉自己成了这个包围圈的一员。The enemy was advancing. The snow was stained with blood.
首都丢了,敌人在进逼,雪染上了血。As she moved threateningly forward he shrank back from him.