







汉语拼音:pì rú







  1. 比如。

    《周礼·考工记·弓人》:“恒角而达,譬如终紲,非弓之利也。”《史记·魏其武安侯列传》:“今人毁君,君亦毁人,譬如贾竖女子争言,何其无大体也。” 明 姜埰 《和陶荣木》之四:“譬如駑马,愧彼良驥。黽勉及时,为善期至。” 何其芳 《画梦录·岩》:“还是向前走好了,人生就譬如走路。”

  2. 与其。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷一:“解元休心头怒恶!譬如这里闹鑊鐸,把似书房里睡取一觉。” 凌景埏 校注:“譬如,这里是与其的意思。”



  1. If it uses the money to acquire a major rival like Tudou, which is reportedly up for sale ( previous post), then so much the better.


  2. Besides, Hetty, suppose you was a wife, now, having married some young man of your own years, and state, and color-Hurry, for instance.


  3. For instance, other stressors, such as pesticides and a lack of good nutrition, may be behind the bees' lack of resistance, she said.


  4. Valueclick, for instance, was trading below the cash it had in the bank.


  5. If a language has no future tense, for instance, its speakers would simply not be able to grasp our notion of future time.


  6. But then there's idiocy, like the beginning of last season when fans and journalists insisted on calling Odom the fourth best Laker.


  7. Every object in the opera comes alive and is a gigantic music instrument, like this chandelier. It takes up the whole stage.


  8. But when men lie, it is often nonverbal, as in doing what he says he would not do or not doing what he promised he would do.


  9. But we got such a kick out of your cute eyewitness accounts, what with the stories of our big dark eyes and little arms and all.


  1. 譬如,气候。

    and that contrast, say, is in climate.

  2. 譬如,法制领域。

    Take, for example, the legal field.

  3. 譬如?我哪里知道。

    Like what?I don't know.

  4. 譬如你修呼吸禅定。

    Suppose you're focusing on the breath.

  5. 譬如去年的纳税申报表格?

    Last year's tax forms?

  6. 譬如对于清白与否的猜忌。

    Like the doubts over his innocence.

  7. 譬如对于清白与否的猜忌。

    Like the doubts over his innocence.

  8. 譬如这里劳苦、争斗的生命。

    Such as here lives with toil and strife.

  9. 譬如说, 我们对家庭的感情。

    For instance, how we feel about our families.

  10. 有些东西贵如生命,譬如尊严。

    A person's dignity is as invaluable as his or her life.

  11. 譬如说, 看看上面这两幅图像。

    Take, for example, the two images above.

  12. 譬如, 这样是不是算不忠实呢?

    For instance, would it be a breach of faith ?

  13. 譬如饮食习惯,南北各不相同。

    Taking eating habits as an example, there are big differences between the north and the south.

  14. 譬如,我们学习了很长时间累了。

    For example, we are tired after a long time study.

  15. 譬如说有六百万放在桌上

    There's six billion dollars on the table.

  16. 用简单工具,譬如索引卡和白板。

    Use simple tools such as index cards and whiteboards.

  17. 譬如昨天晚上,我觉得鬼真可怕。

    Like last night, for instance, I thought ghosts were really scary.

  18. 譬如旧梦,譬如岁月,譬如对一个人的感觉。

    Like old dream, like years, like feel a person.

  19. 譬如说,像这个图案的颜色,是吗

    For instance, the color in this sketch.

  20. 站点譬如雅虎提供方式寻找人。

    Sites such as Yahoo provide ways to search for people.

  21. 譬如說,我的婚姻生活 目前還算過得去。

    For instance, in my marriage, I'd say I'm doing okay.

  22. 譬如,焊膏不足或元器件对准不佳。

    Good examples are insufficient solder or misaligned components.

  23. 譬如他明明就爱看我订的杂志。

    Like magazines I subscribe to, which he reads.

  24. 譬如说,山羊阴囊火锅,有人想尝尝吗?

    Goatscrotum hotpot, anyone

  25. 首当其冲的是缺少现实基础, 譬如网恋。

    The first and foremost one is no basis in reality, as net love.

  26. 首当其冲得是缺少现实基础,譬如网恋。

    The first and foremost one is no basis in reality, as net love.

  27. 重复得音符, 重复得音形, 各式各样得重复譬如模进。

    Repeated notes, repeated figures, varied repetitions such as sequences.

  28. 重复的音符,重复的音形,各式各样的重复譬如模进。

    Repeated notes, repeated figures, varied repetitions such as sequences.

  29. 譬如, 我们怎样知道没有其他的生命?没有人知道。

    For example, how do we know there is no other life? No one knows.

  30. 譬如,在 处女和天堂的那个小议题中。

    As in, for instance, that little matter of virgins and paradise.


  1. 问:譬如拼音怎么拼?譬如的读音是什么?譬如翻译成英文是什么?

    答:譬如的读音是pìrú,譬如翻译成英文是 take … for example



【词语】譬如 譬如小女孩能骑在荷叶上

【注音】pì rú


【例句】校园里种了许多花木,譬如夹竹桃、广玉兰、水杉、紫藤等等。 他爱用浅近的譬如反说明深刻的道理。



【扩词】譬如说 打个譬如

【英文解释】:to take ... for example