




与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……



汉语拼音:chū wài







  1. 离家外出。

    元 无名氏 《硃砂担》第四折:“自古道:出外做客,不要露白。”《水浒传》第六十回:“出外一里,不如屋里。” 王西彦 《病人》:“寒暄过后, 郝立明 先生就不嫌唐突地邀约我出外散步。”

  2. 谓超出某种范或界限。

    洪深 《赵阎王》第一幕:“他没精打采,很是疲倦,虽只四十来岁的人,然而世上的风波经得多了,看来却象五十出外。”



  1. The reason why he chose to work abroad was to avoid his nagging wife who constantly gave him a headache.


  2. The number of females who reported that they ate out for breakfast less than once a week was 448 .


  3. Dimitrov, who died aged 31, had the mobile with him when he was shot while eating out with a beautiful model.


  4. To acknowledge that going it alone is not always the best course is, in this writer's opinion, half of the battle towards greatness.


  5. Sometimes he took her out to dinner, but always to cheap restaurants.


  6. The number of males who reported that they ate out for lunch less than once a week was 120 .


  7. Excellent. You know we're going out for an outing tomorrow. . .


  8. Later we are going out for a meal, probably indian. . . there is a really nice restaurant close to us, so i'm looking forward to that.


  9. The number of females who reported that they ate out for breakfast once a week was 127 .


  1. 出外吹吹风。

    Go for a blow.

  2. 可出外走动的

    out and about.

  3. 没有移出外线

    had not stirred out of line.

  4. 被约请出外吃饭

    be invited out to a meal

  5. 出外公干旅费

    duty passage

  6. 她出外推销化妆品。

    She travels in toiletries.

  7. 老人出外不宜远行。

    It is not suitable for old people to go on a long journey.

  8. 他们把醉汉扔出外。

    They pitched the drunkard out.

  9. 昨天他应邀出外吃饭。

    He was invited out to a meal yesterday.

  10. 那你需要单独出外了。

    You have to go alone.

  11. 西蒙出外捕鲸鱼。

    Simon went fishing for to catch a whale.

  12. 安妮塔有出外什么的吗?

    Is Anita out of town or something?

  13. 孩子们出外找点喝的。

    The children went out in search of something to drink.

  14. 他们怕捉怕杀,逃跑出外。

    Afraid of being arrested or executed, they run away.

  15. 在家象狮子, 出外象老鼠。

    A lion at home, a mouse abroad.

  16. 盗窃或抢夺出外购物的小

    kid lay

  17. 盗窃或抢夺出外购物得小

    kid lay.

  18. 你对出外工作作何感觉。

    How did you feel about being away.

  19. 你出外的话要围好围巾。

    Mind you wrap up well if you go out.

  20. 我不喜欢出外太长时间。

    I don't like going away for too long.

  21. 这是出外野餐的理想天气。

    This weather is ideal for a picnic.

  22. 他的牙长得里出外进的。

    His teeth are uneven.

  23. 这次你们打算出外度假吗?

    Are you going anywhere for your vacation?

  24. 这个周末我们可以出外游玩。

    This weekend we'll go out.

  25. 每星期平均出外用餐多少次

    How many times do you dine out per week.

  26. 我热爱出外到旷野去野餐。

    I love to go out into the wilderness and have a picnic.

  27. 并非所有的蚂蚁都出外觅食。

    Not all the ants go out for the food.

  28. 就是跟男人一样出外打野食。

    Or just go out and have sex like a man.

  29. 我正打点行李准备出外旅行。

    I am packing it up preparatory to my journey.

  30. 在家千日好, 出外时时难

    at home you maybe a thousand days in comfort, away from home you are in constant trouble


  1. 问:出外拼音怎么拼?出外的读音是什么?出外翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出外的读音是chūwài,出外翻译成英文是 To leave one's home.; a little over

  2. 问:出外帮工制拼音怎么拼?出外帮工制的读音是什么?出外帮工制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出外帮工制的读音是chū wài bāng gōng zhì,出外帮工制翻译成英文是 living out system




【注音】:chū wài

【释义】: 1.离家外出。 英文:go out 例句:妻子也出外当打杂女工。 溯源: 元 无名氏 《朱砂担》第四折:“自古道:出外做客,不要露白。” 《水浒传》第六十回:“出外一里,不如屋里。” 明 冯梦龙 《喻世明言》第一卷:“饮酒中间,婆子问道:‘官人出外好多时了,还不回,亏他撇得大娘下。’” 王西彦 《病人》:“寒暄过后,郝立明先生就不嫌唐突地邀约我出外散步。” 2.谓超出某种范围或界限。 英文:beyond;outside 例句:年纪有五十出外。 溯源: 洪深 《赵阎王》第一幕:“他没精打采,很是疲倦,虽只四十来岁的人,然而世上的风波经得多了,看来却象五十出外。”