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汉语拼音:cù è
犹嶙峋。愕,通“ 崿 ”。
清 许承钦 《报国寺双松歌》:“或言此松其太古 无怀氏 之民,边幅裂尽存吾真,傴僂错愕任笑嗔。”
仓促间感到惊愕。错,通“ 促 ”。
唐 韩愈 《曹成王碑》:“错愕迎拜,尽降其军。” 宋 周密 《齐东野语·王宣子讨贼》:“卒睹官军,错愕不知所为。” 清 黄景仁 《献县汪丞坐中观技》诗:“此时四座羣错愕,主人劝醉客将作。” 鲁迅 《呐喊·阿Q正传》:“ 阿Q 很出意外,不由的一错愕。”
When Maggie Betts wore a $400 pair of black silk pants to a formal family dinner, her mother was appalled.
当纽约电影制片人玛姬-贝茨(MaggieBetts)穿着价值400美元的黑色丝裤参加一个正式的家庭宴会时,她母亲大为错愕。JPMorgan insides said some bankers in London, where Mr Winters was based, were dismayed by the decision to oust him.
摩根大通内部人士表示,一些伦敦(温特斯的办公地点)银行家对赶走温特斯的决定感到错愕。But I have been appalled by the campaign's profound lack of curiosity as to whether this tax would be a good idea.
但让我相当错愕的是,至于这种税究竟是不是一个好主意,宣传活动则漠不关心。a photograph of an astonished gentleman with a pointed beard dominated an assortment of strange black lumps of various sizes.
在这大大小小奇奇怪怪的黑色块状物质中间,一张照片映入我的眼帘,照片上一位尖胡子的绅士表情错愕。All the more striking, then, that the American administration should have decided, this week, to restore full diplomatic relations.
可接下来让人错愕不已的是,本周美国政府竟然决定全面恢复同利比亚的外交关系。The shock disclosure was made by Mike Cowing, the head of a UN team of 100 people who have been studying environmental damage in the region.
这个令人错愕的消息是由MikeCowing披露的,他领导联合国100名工作人员对这个地区的环境破状况坏进行调查。It may no longer be much good at winning elections but it boasts a rare genius for staging jaw-dropping political farce.
它也许不再擅长赢得选举,但它拥有上演令人错愕的政治闹剧的难得天才。Two years earlier, he thrilled the Golden Melody audience by walking away with awards for best album, songwriter and producer.
两年前,他痛失最佳演唱专辑奖。最佳编曲人奖以及最佳专辑制作人奖,着实让金曲奖观众错愕不已。The man-eater of other is an astonishment first, begin to be inspected to explorer glower photograph next!
Do you see my guilt Should I feel fright?
我的朋友和时装界震惊万分, 错愕不已。
My friends and the fashion industry were in shock and disbelief.
她能说出这样的话, 真是让人错愕。
It is stunning that she should say something like this.
It is stunning that she should say something like this.
Industrialists in coimbature have also expressed anger and dismay.
I was dumbfounded that she could say such a thing.
实在令人既错愕愤怒, 又深感羞辱和不安。
We are stunned and outraged by this response, as well as ashamed and increasingly uneasy.
私下里, 英国官员对诺亚的言论感到错愕。
Privately British officials were astonished by the remarks.
在我们感到错愕的同时, 也在感叹现在的艺人究竟怎么了?
We are shocked at the same time, is now also lamented how the artists what ?
It has been greeted with dismay not just in France but in many other industrialised nations.
He said in an interview in July that he was stunned and appalled by the incident.
艾迪听到时很错愕, 因小时候的无心之过竟然害死蓝肤人。
Eddlie heard very astounded by that time, because of the childhood not intentional of over unexpectedly harm to die the blue man.