


1. 毛 [máo]毛 [máo]动植物的皮上所生的丝状物:~笔。羽~。~织品。~骨悚然。轻于鸿~。像毛的东西,指谷物或草:不~之地。衣物上的霉菌:老没见太阳都长~了。粗糙,没有加工的:~布。~估(粗略地估计)。~坯。不是纯净的:~利。~重……





汉语拼音:máo zhú






  1. 竹的一种。生长于南方,主要分布于我国 长江 流域各地山区。秆高大粗劲,坚韧富弹性,可制作家具、农具、渔具、纸张和用于建筑等。笋鲜美,可食用。

    唐 李商隐 《武夷山》诗:“ 武夷洞 里生毛竹,老尽曾孙更不来。”《说郛》卷六六引 元 刘美之 《续竹谱》:“毛竹生 武夷山 。”《广群芳谱·竹谱一》:“猫竹,一作‘茅竹’,又作‘毛竹’,榦大而厚,异於众竹,人取以为舟。” 茹志鹃 《高高的白杨树·百合花》:“我想到这里,又想起我那个小同乡,那个拖毛竹的小伙。”



  1. Any of various usually woody, temperate or tropical grasses of the genera Arundinaria, Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, Phyllostachys, or Sasa.


  2. The article described penetration experiments on bamboo chips of different sizes, locations, orientations, ages and moisture contents.


  3. The variety, quantity and distribution of trees mixed in bamboo communities significantly impact the bamboo production.


  4. Determined the dynamic changes of physiological index of phyllostachys edulis during seed germination.


  5. The results showed that the crystal area proportion of thick cell wall increased linearly during early bamboo growth.


  6. bamboo area of 36 hectares, is the main producing areas in Guangdong Province, one of bamboo.


  7. abstract: AIM: To examine the antibacterial activity of the extracts from Phyllostachys pubescens and Pleioblastus amarus.


  8. There had no relation between callus inductions with germination of seed in the process of callus induction.


  9. It's used in loading, unloading transporting, stacking and unstacking of wood, grass and reed.


  1. 毛竹竹冠结构的研究

    Studies on the structure of bamboo crown of Phyllostachys pubescens

  2. 毛竹蚧壳虫药剂防治试验

    Prevention and Treatment Experiment on Bamboo Scale Insects

  3. 标题毛竹的三个新变型。

    Three new forms of Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel.

  4. 楠笋又名毛竹笋, 玉兰片。

    Nan bamboo shoot, also called Mao bamboo shoot or Yulanpian driedbamboo shoots.

  5. 毛竹低产林改造效果分析

    Analysis on the Improvement Effect of Phyllostachys pubescens Low Production Forest

  6. 材用毛竹低产林改造试验

    The Remake Experiment on Phyllostachys pubescens LowYield Forests Used for Timber

  7. 要把毛竹去节, 去青, 取簧。

    The green outer covering of the bamboo has to be peeled off.

  8. 毛竹鞭梢年生长节律的研究

    Study on the annual growth rhythm of the rhizome apices of Phyllostachys pubescens

  9. 毛竹低产林深翻施肥效应研究

    Effect of Deep Digging and Fertilizer Application on the Growth of Moso Bamboo

  10. 枫香毛竹混交造林生长效应

    Effects on Growth of Chinese Maple and Bamboo Mixture Plantation

  11. 笋竹两用毛竹低产林改造试验

    Experiment of the low productivity Moso Bamboo Land for higher bamboo shoot and culm production

  12. 毛竹叶螨综合防治技术及其应用

    Integrated control of moso Tetranychidae and its application

  13. 毛竹林笋期管护及合理挖笋

    Managing Bamboo Forests and Digging Bamboo Shoots in the Stage of Shoots

  14. 毛竹竹材人工造型技术试验初报

    Preliminary Report on Artificial Formative Technology for Bamboo Culm

  15. 毛竹笋干微波干燥工艺的研究

    Study on Drying Technique of Bamboo Shoot

  16. 是毛竹之嫩茎,长于山野河谷之中。

    It is tender caudex of Mao bamboo that grows in mountains and river valleys.

  17. 毛竹竹秆直径与材积的垂直格局

    Vertical Patterns of Diameter and Volume of Moso Bamboo Stem

  18. 毛竹节间性状及其海拔效应研究

    A Study on the Main Internode Characters of Mao Bamboo and its Altitude Effect

  19. 毛竹林地施厩肥效应试验初报

    Test on Manure Application Effect in Moso Forest

  20. 对毛竹等经济林实行统一规划, 分户经营。

    To the economy as bamboo Lin Shi unites a program all right, cent door is managed.

  21. 铣削参数对毛竹表面粗糙度影响的研究

    Study on the Effects of Milling Parameters for Moso Bamboo on its Surface Roughness

  22. 毛竹、杉木人工林生态系统碳平衡的估算

    Estimate the carbon balance of Moso bamboo and Chinese fir plantation ecosystem

  23. 毛竹材质生成过程中微纤丝角的变化

    Variations of the microfibril angle in developmental moso bamboo culms

  24. 毛竹实生苗造林基肥种类比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Basic Fertilizer Kinds of Phyllostachys pubescens Seedling Afforestation

  25. 毛竹茎杆纤维细胞的发育生物学研究

    Study on the Developmental Biology of Fiber in the Culms of Phyllostachys Edulis

  26. 毛竹笋、材加工剩余物的饲用价值

    Feeding value of processing residue from bamboo shoot and timber

  27. 新造毛竹林竹鞭生长规律的研究

    Study on Rhizome Growth Regularity of New planted Phyllostachys edulis

  28. 你看那些像棉絮一样的东西是毛竹纤维。

    You see the stuff looking like cotton fibers is bamboo fibers.

  29. 毛竹笋用林旱季人工浇水试验初报

    Preliminary Report on Watering during Dry Season in Shoot Use Phyllostachys heterocycla var. Pubescens Stand

  30. 垦复对毛竹林鞭系生长影响的研究

    Influences of scarification on bamboo rhizome system growth


  1. 问:毛竹拼音怎么拼?毛竹的读音是什么?毛竹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毛竹的读音是máozhú,毛竹翻译成英文是 cv.; Pubescens

  2. 问:毛竹柄锈菌拼音怎么拼?毛竹柄锈菌的读音是什么?毛竹柄锈菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毛竹柄锈菌的读音是máozhú bǐngxiùjūn,毛竹柄锈菌翻译成英文是 Puccinia phyllostachydis

  3. 问:毛竹根绒蚧拼音怎么拼?毛竹根绒蚧的读音是什么?毛竹根绒蚧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毛竹根绒蚧的读音是máozhúgēnróngjiè,毛竹根绒蚧翻译成英文是 Rhizococcu rugosus



“毛竹”是个多义词,它可以指毛竹(常绿乔木状竹类植物), 毛竹(青海籍女记者、作家)。