如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 单 [dān]2. 单 [shàn]3. 单 [chán]单 [dān]不复杂:~纯。简~。~调(diào)。独一:~独。~一。~词。只,仅:做事~靠热情不够。奇(jī)数的:~日。~号。薄,弱:~薄。衣服被褥只有一层的:~裤。~衣。……
1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……
汉语拼音:dān shù
The departments and employees elements are perhaps unfortunately named; singular rather than plural might have been better.
departments和employees元素的名称可能选择得不太好,单数或许要比复数更好些。(used with a sing. verb)The scientific study of sound, especially of its generation, transmission, and reception.
(与单数动词连用)声学:研究声音的学科,尤其是有关其产生,传播和接收。Two or more singular subjects joined by AND but preceded by EACH, EVERY or NO take a singular verb, e. g.
两个或者更多的单数主语由and连接,不过在其之前有each,every或者no来修饰时,往往之后紧跟单数谓语动词。The word "trousers" is an uncommon noun because it is singular at the top and plural at the bottom.
裤子是一个不寻常的名词。因为它的上面都是单数下面是双数。The word "fruit" in the original text is singular but it includes a whole cluster of the characteristics of Christ.
这个词的原文是一个单数词,它却包含了基督的种种特性。ways (used with a sing. or pl. verb)Nautical The timbered structure on which a ship is built and from which it slides when launched.
(与单数或复数动词连用)【航海】船台,滑道:在轮船上面造的木质结构,当下水时从其上滑下。The parameter names should be a singular form of the array parameter followed by a numeric suffix .
参数名称应为数组参数的单数形式,后跟一个数字后缀。The plural of a noun is usually made by adding -s to the singular.
名词复数通常以单数加-s构成。a collegiate bench shall be formed by the court of second instance for the appellant case to hold a hearing.