


1. 五 [wǔ]五 [wǔ]数名,四加一(在钞票和单据上常用大写“伍”代):~彩。~官。~谷。~金。~代(中国朝代名,后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉、后周先后在中原建立政权的时期)。~帝(中国传说中的五个帝王,通常指黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、唐尧、虞舜)……





汉语拼音:wǔ shā







  1. 指墨、劓、剕、宫、大辟五刑。

    《墨子·尚同中》:“唯作五杀之刑,曰法。” 孙诒让 间诂:“伪 孔 传云:‘惟为五虐之刑,自谓得法。’”参见“ 五刑 ”。

  2. 犹五行。

    《淮南子·兵略训》:“善用兵者持五杀以应,故能全其胜。” 高诱 注:“五杀,五行也。”



  1. 网络
  2. penta kill;Rampage;unbreakable

  1. 至少88名巴勒斯坦人和37名以色列人在过去五周中被杀。

    At least88 Palestinians and37 Israelis have been killed in the past five weeks.

  2. 有五人和持枪者一起被射杀。

    Five people were killed along with the gunman.

  3. 她因过失杀人被判入狱五年。

    She was sentenced to five years imprisonment for manslaughter.

  4. 五氯苯酚被广泛用作杀真菌剂和木柴防腐剂。

    PCP is widely used as a fungicide and wood preservative.

  5. 警方猜想父亲先射杀了自己的妻子和五个孩子然后自杀。

    Officials think a father, who was distraught over losing his job, shot and killed his wife and five children before killing himself.

  6. 这个人因企图雇用枪手杀死对手而被判处五年徒刑。

    The man was sentenced to serve five years in prison for trying to hire a hatchet man to kill his opponent.

  7. 在过去三天, 针对以色列公民的杀人炸弹爆炸不少于五起。

    Over the past three days there have been no less than five homicide bombings targeting Israeli citizens.

  8. 我们称之为星期五屠杀夜

    It's called the Friday night slaughter.

  9. 哈姆雷特在第五幕时杀死国王。

    Hamlet kills the king in Act 5.

  10. 一方面,五尾狐得躲避猎人的疯狂追杀。

    On one hand, the fox has to evade the hunter's crazy tracing.

  11. 在书珊城,犹大人杀灭了五百人。

    And in Shushan the palace the Jews slew and destroyed five hundred men.

  12. 覆军杀将, 必以五危, 不可不察也。

    When an army is overthrown and its leader slain, the cause will surely be found among these five dangerous faults. Let them be a subject of meditation.

  13. 亚瑟王和他的骑士们杀死了五位国王。

    King Arthur and his knights killed the five kings.

  14. 哈姆雷特在第五幕第二场中杀死了国王。

    Hamlet kills the king in Act 5 Scene 2.

  15. 意思是借着屈原的墨迹来杀死五种毒虫。

    Qu Yuan by means of the ink to kill five worm.

  16. 五种配方药笔对德国小蠊杀灭效果的观察

    Observation on the Killing Efficacy of Five Kinds of Formulae Killing Chalk on Blattellae germanica

  17. 自星期五以来,他们已至少杀了10名巴勒斯坦人。

    Since Friday, at least10 Palestinians have been killed by the occupying forces.

  18. 被杀得五十多人中, 最先被杀得两人是完全无罪得乞丐。

    Of the more than fifty they murdered, the first two were perfectly innocent beggars.

  19. 被杀的五十多人中,最先被杀的两人是完全无罪的乞丐。

    Of the more than fifty they murdered, the first two were perfectly innocent beggars.

  20. 星期五仍会是我的朋友么?他的伙伴会杀死并吃掉我么?

    But what then? Would Friday still be my friend, or would his people kill me and eat me?

  21. 那名被判有罪的强奸杀人犯定在下周五处决。

    The convicted murderer and rapist is scheduled to be executed next Friday.

  22. 以色列的地面和海上炮击杀死了一家五口人。

    Five people in one family were killed by Israeli artillery from land and from the sea.

  23. 如有捏造兄弟歪伦。谋害香主。行刺杀人者五雷诛灭。

    If there are fabricated brother slanting Aaron. Sweet Lord. To assassinate the murderer against five ray invited the destroyer.

  24. 其中有一枚导弹落到了加沙地带里面, 杀死了一家五口人。

    One of the missiles falls short inside the Gaza Strip, killing a family of five.