


1. 弄 [nòng]2. 弄 [lòng]弄 [nòng]玩耍,把玩:摆~。玩~。~臣(帝王所亲近狎昵的臣子)。~潮儿。戏~。~瓦(“瓦”是原始的纺锤,古代把它给女孩子玩,意为生女儿)。~璋(“璋”是一种玉器,古代把它给男孩子玩。意为生儿……


1. 坏 [huài]2. 坏 [pēi]3. 坏 [pī]4. 坏 [péi]坏 [huài]品质恶劣,有害:~蛋。~人。~事。~水。人体、东西受了损伤,被 毁: 破~。败~。质量差,不完美:这所房子不~。表示程度深(用在动词后面):忙~……



汉语拼音:nòng huài






  1. I'm angry with him for keeping me waiting so long.


  2. Breaking the vase was purely accidental; she did not mean to do it.


  3. i made another sand ball for you and said to you , " this time , do not smash it , or i will not make another one for you . "


  4. If he keeps fiddling with the clock, he is sure to put it out of order.


  5. Some boys told him that an elephant had damaged it The man did not believe them, but they took him to a circus which was near there.


  6. Whose Fault Jill : Daddy , Jack's broken my new doll . Daddy : How did he do that ? Jill : I hit him on the head with it .


  7. He keeps fiddling with the dials on the radio, he is sure to put it out of order.


  8. He said that broken whiskers oco uld be easily replaced without affecting the main body of the robot and its expensive engineering.


  9. A: I'm not quite sure what to say, but I seem to have broken your watch.


  1. 不,别弄坏它!

    No, don't break it!

  2. 不,别弄坏它!

    No,don't break it!

  3. 别把它弄坏了。

    Mind you don't spoil it.

  4. 直充也弄坏了。

    Fill continuously also bang up.

  5. 你把拉链弄坏了?

    Did you screw up the zipper ?

  6. 因技术拙劣而弄坏, 作坏

    make a botch of.

  7. 你弄坏你的玩具了吗?

    Did you break your toy?

  8. 我可能弄坏我的牙了

    I think I chipped my tooth.

  9. 有人把椅子弄坏了。

    Somebody has broken the chair.

  10. 这布看来已被弄坏。

    The fabric appears to be damaged.

  11. 但我怕弄坏了它们。

    But I'm afraid I might damage them.

  12. 我还把复印机弄坏了。

    And I broke the copier.

  13. 你怎么弄坏你的手腕呢

    How'd you bang up your wrist?

  14. 吉米把打字机弄坏了。

    Jimmy has gummed up the typewriter.

  15. 我想我把洗衣机弄坏了。

    I think I've broken the washing machine.

  16. 没有被别人弄坏的东西

    that wasn't ruined by everyone else.

  17. 我不是故意弄坏你的MP3的。

    I didn't mean to break your mp3 player.

  18. 罗恩弄坏了他的魔杖。

    Ron breaks his wand.

  19. 狗把我得枕头弄坏了。

    The dog did a job on my pillow.

  20. 那男孩把玩具弄坏了。

    The child did a job on the toy.

  21. 狗把我的枕头弄坏了。

    The dog did a job on my pillow.

  22. 人们弄坏了篱笆,推倒了墙。

    People have damaged hedges and pushed over walls.

  23. 你怎么能把齿轮弄坏呢

    How could you strip the gear

  24. 我把他们的餐桌弄坏了。

    I broke their dinner table.

  25. 我把他们的餐桌弄坏了。

    I broke their dinner table.

  26. 你是不是弄坏了咖啡机?

    Did you break my coffee maker?

  27. 不要弄坏你妹妹的玩具。

    Don't break your sister's toys.

  28. 画框被搬运工弄坏了。

    The frame of the painting was damaged by the movers.

  29. 画框被搬运工弄坏了。

    The frame of the painting was damaged by the movers.

  30. 把孩子们的大脑都弄坏了

    and it's destroying their brains.


  1. 问:弄坏拼音怎么拼?弄坏的读音是什么?弄坏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弄坏的读音是,弄坏翻译成英文是 murder