




把东西送进口中咽下,或依靠某种事物生活:~饭。~药。~斋。消灭(多用于军事、棋奕):~掉敌人一个连。吸:~烟。感受:~惊。~紧。~一堑,长(zhǎng )一智。挨:~官司。承受,支持:~不消。船身入水的深度:~水深浅。被:~那厮砍了一刀。说……







汉语拼音:tān chī lǎn zuò







  • 【解释】:指又馋又懒。


  1. na.
  2. be greedy of eating and lazy in doing work;lazy glutton

  1. 姑娘,别纵酒,别贪吃懒做,否则痛风会让?

    or the gout will seize you and plague you both.

  2. 一个好吃懒做的人

    a shiftless man

  3. 他总是游手好闲,好吃懒做。

    He always idles about and eats his own flesh.

  4. 他是个好吃懒做之徒。

    He is a gluttonous and lazy guy.

  5. 他气坏了,但仍旧好吃懒做。

    He flew into a rage, but was still too lazy to work.

  6. 已往他好吃懒做, 现在完全变了样。

    The sisters'personalities are completely different.

  7. 别给他钱,他是个好吃懒做的人。

    Don't give money to him; he is a parasite.

  8. 已往他好吃懒做,现在完全变了样。

    In the past he was greedy and lazy – now he's completely changed.

  9. 你不能鼓励他们好吃懒做,这可是些瘪三。

    You dont want to go encouraging of them. Theyre scum.

  10. 迈克, 你这个好吃懒做的家伙!你给我从沙发上起来!

    You're nothing but a couch potato, Mike!Get off the sofa, will you ?

  11. 迈克,你这个好吃懒做得家伙!你给我从沙发上起来!

    You're nothing but a couch potato, Mike! Get off the sofa, will you?

  12. 这个产量跟好吃懒做得斯莱特里家比也好不了多少。

    That was little more than the shiftless Slatterys raised.

  13. 这个产量跟好吃懒做的斯莱特里家比也好不了多少。

    That was little more than the shiftless Slatterys raised.

  14. 这份家业迟早要凋败在那几个好吃懒做得儿子手里。

    The family property will be exhausted by those parasitic sons before long.

  15. 这份家业迟早要凋败在那几个好吃懒做的儿子手里。

    The family property will be exhausted by those parasitic sons before long.

  16. 这份家业迟早要凋败在那几个好吃懒做的儿子手里。

    The family property will be exhausted by those parasitic sons before long.

  17. 肥胖症还引起了一个观念方面的问题:许多人认为只有好吃懒做的人才会得这个玻

    Obesity also presents a problem of perception: many people regard it as the domain of lazy slobs who eat too much.

  18. 懒人做工作,越懒越费力。

    Idle people have the most labour.

  19. 这个懒骨头,做功课了!

    You lazybones! Go to do your homework!

  20. 不要那么懒懒散散,做些事吧!

    Stop lazing about and do something!

  21. 他那个什么活也不愿意做的懒儿子,实在是他的大包袱。

    His lazy son, who refuses to do any work, is a millstone round his neck.

  22. 你越不做事越懒。

    The less you do the lazier you get.

  23. 越不做事人越懒。

    The less you do the lazier you get.

  24. 汤玛士很懒, 他整天不做任何事。

    Thomas is lazy. He doesnt do anything all day.

  25. 这种汤圆也挺好吃的,我这人比较懒,就不自己做啦!

    They're just as good, and I'm too lazy to make them!

  26. 他已经懒于做早操了。

    Has become lazy about doing morning exercises.

  27. 这懒女人一点事都不愿做。

    The lazy woman wouldnt do a stitch of work.

  28. 伸伸懒腰, 松松骨, 每小时都要做

    Stretch oneself and loose the bone, per hour

  29. 懒懒的孩子开始想看看自己到底能做什么。

    The lazy boy began to see what he could do.

  30. 男人都很懒,喜欢把活儿尽量交给别人做。

    Men like to be lazy and delegate as much work as possible.


【名称】贪吃懒做【拼音】tān chī lǎn zuò【解释】好吃而不肯好好工作。【出处】清·张南庄《何典》第七回:“看他如此今吃懒做,真象有磨子在肚子里牵的一般。”【近义词】好吃懒做