


1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……





汉语拼音:fēn háo




指很少的数量;些微~不爽 ㄧ不差~。



  1. 形容极细微或极少量。

    汉 傅毅 《七激》:“涔养之鱼,膾其鲤魴,分毫之割,纤如髮芒。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·博喻》:“盈乎万钧,必起於錙銖,竦秀凌霄,必始於分毫。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·崔秀才》:“覬覦分毫,錙銖必较,素所鄙夷,而弗屑者也。”



  1. Shut down, it's just such a shame --- i'm losing at this game, no fair --- why don't you seem to care?


  2. while the danger had not lessened , it had not as yet materialised , and with him no news was good news.


  3. No storm can do slightest damage to a giant rock; badmouthing and attacks can't harm someone who has "no-self" .


  4. When God is in the midst of a kingdom or city He makes it as firm as Mount Zion, that cannot be removed.


  5. He said that women and men shared responsibility, but added that "nobody puts even a fraction of blame" on women, the newspaper said.


  6. He also said, "If I can prove the Chinese soldier is the equal of any Allied soldier, I'll die a happy man. "


  7. Who will be in the dawn, the rain falls the dream at dusk, often respond to your miss, tolerate you to your smile, willful stupidly.


  8. The idea is to move all the data on the partition to the beginning, before changing the partition information, so that nothing will be lost.


  9. Some of the most generous and romantic gifts cost nothing in terms of dollars and cents.


  1. 分毫不差。

    that it took in the first place.

  2. 分毫不差的

    just right.

  3. 她的账目分毫不差。

    Her account does not have the slightest error.

  4. 如果我从前能及上他的分毫。

    If I'd done a little more of that in my day.

  5. 她知道她花多少钱, 分毫不差。

    She knows how much she spends, to the penny.

  6. 历史永远不会分毫不差地重演。

    Historical parallels are never precise.

  7. 它怒吼,它挣扎,可是始终不能移动分毫。

    It howled and twisted, but couldn't move.

  8. 他们实际上是固守原地,不移分毫。

    They were, to all intents, stationary.

  9. 并无分毫证据能证明生活是严肃的。

    Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.

  10. 世间唯有美丽, 时间不能有损分毫。

    Beauty is the only thing that time cannot harm.

  11. 时光不会使我们得爱情稍减分毫。

    Time will never cause our love to diminish.

  12. 时光不会使我们的爱情稍减分毫。

    Time will never cause our love to diminish.

  13. 据经纪商们表示, 分毫无损的基金寥寥无几。

    Very few funds have avoided losses, according to brokers.

  14. 你爱怎样就会分毫不差地那样做。

    You will do exactly as you please.

  15. 她分毫不差地遵照他的吩咐去做。

    She obeyed his instructions to the letter.

  16. 过去的事再也伤不到你分毫, 只要你愿意让过去的事过去。

    The past cant hurt you anymore not unless you let it.

  17. 他所劳碌得来的,手中分毫不能带去。

    He takes nothing from his labor that he can carry in his hand.

  18. 棍子及石头会打断骨头,而言语却绝不会伤害分毫。

    Sticks and stones may break my bones,but words will never hurt me.

  19. 高精确度意味着高准确度, 但并不意味着不差丝厘分毫。

    High precision implies a high degree of exactness but with no implication as to accuracy.

  20. 即使巫术法力或有几分真实性, 但绝对不会影响信徒分毫

    Even if there were any truth in witchcraft and omens, they could not affect the people of the LORD.

  21. 但无论做什么工作, 他对于古汉字的热爱未减分毫。

    Whatever he did, his love of ancient characters had never changed.

  22. 不幸的是, 运营建筑的成本在短时期内不会下降分毫。

    Unfortunately, the cost of running a building will not get any cheaper anytime soon.

  23. 在一个手术中 做错或做对 常常仅在手的分毫移动中决定

    The difference in an operation between doing something successfully and not may be moving your hand this much.

  24. 在100米赛跑中,第一名和第二名之间往往只有分毫之差。

    In A100 metres race, theres often just a razors edge between first and second place.

  25. 如果你认为自己是正确的, 就坚持己见, 别让人使你动摇分毫。

    If you feel that you're right, stick to your guns, and don't let anyone persuade you to budge an inch.

  26. 让忍耐, 惯了, 接受每一次申斥, 绝不会埋怨你对我损害分毫。

    And patience, tame to sufferance, bide each cheque, Without accusing you of injury.

  27. 平静地生活在属于自己的家中,死神的信使也无法动你分毫。

    Dwell in peace in the home of your own being, and the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you.

  28. 当神在一个城中, 他使那城象锡安山一般坚固, 不能移动分毫。

    When God is in the midst of a kingdom or city He makes it as firm as Mount Zion, that cannot be removed.


  1. 问:分毫拼音怎么拼?分毫的读音是什么?分毫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:分毫的读音是fēnháo,分毫翻译成英文是 a very small amount

  2. 问:分毫不差拼音怎么拼?分毫不差的读音是什么?分毫不差翻译成英文是什么?

    答:分毫不差的读音是,分毫不差翻译成英文是 perfectness