







汉语拼音:èr shěn






  1. A People's Court of second instance shall form a collegial panel and open a court session to hear a case of appeal.


  2. Therefore, the Appellant requests second-instance court to make a fair judgment on the basis of ascertaining all facts of this case.


  3. In particular situation, the court of second instance should remand after the fact is clear through investigation.


  4. One day, his neighbor Aunt Wang put the key at home and was locked out, many people came to help her, but in vain.


  5. In a lawsuit he filed last December against the local government in the hope of revoking the punishment, Yang lost his second trial.


  6. And yet the outcome of the second trial is uncertain.


  7. At home, the best test of Russia's direction in 2010 may be the outcome of the second trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a jailed former tycoon.


  8. And that may explain why opinion polls reveal more public sympathy for Mr Khodorkovsky in his second trial than in his first.


  9. Without legitimate trial mode, we could neither balance justice and efficiency, nor maintain the existence of appellate proceeding.


  1. 二审开庭审理

    avow the second judgment

  2. 一罪不二审

    non bisnin idem.

  3. 二审发回重审

    the second trial sending backs to retry

  4. 这案子二审还没结案。

    The second trial has not finished yet.

  5. 这案子二审还没结案。

    The second trial has not finished yet.

  6. 二审法院将择日宣判。

    Court of second instance will choose a sentencing date.

  7. 论刑事二审程序的完善

    On Improving Criminal Procedure of Second Instance

  8. 刑事附带民事诉讼的二审程序

    On the Final Trial of the Criminal Procedure Attached with Civil Procedure

  9. 深化刑事二审庭审方式改革初探

    On Probing into Deepening the Reform of the Trial Pattern of Criminal Appeal Case

  10. 文强上诉失败二审维持死刑判决。

    Wen Qiang loses death sentence appeal in Chongqing.

  11. 该案无视一案不二审得普世规则。

    It ignores the universal rule that nobody can be tried for the same crime twice.

  12. 该案无视一案不二审的普世规则。

    It ignores the universal rule that nobody can be tried for the same crime twice.

  13. 民事二审程序的功能定位及其裁判方式

    On the Functional Definition and the Rule of Decision in the Second Civil Instance

  14. 二审由上诉法院行使,三审由最高法院行使。

    The second instance is exercised by the Court of Appeal, and the third instance by the Supreme Court.

  15. 有关公诉案件二审发回重审程序的几点思考

    Review on rehearing of procedure of second instance

  16. 如实供述后在二审翻供的不影响自首的认定。

    Second statement after the facts of confession does not affect the surrendered.

  17. 刑事二审程序应当具有权利救济功能和裁判过滤功能。

    The criminal procedure of second instance has two functions, namely right remedy and judgment review.

  18. 二审的审查范围不受上诉或抗诉的限制,实行全面审查。

    Since it can examine the whole case, its examination scope is beyond the limitof the appeal and protest.

  19. 他心软了,找来工具,费了好半天,帮王二审打开了锁。

    He was softhearted, he found out the tools and took great effort to open the lock.

  20. 二审期间, 公诉机关对自己的指控和定罪进行了辩护。

    During the ap peal , prosecutors stood by the charges and conviction.

  21. 初审败诉的当事方可向二审行政法院提出上诉。

    An appeal may be lodged before the second instance administrative courts by the defeated party of the first instance.

  22. 对一起非医疗事故纠纷案二审改判理由的几点思考

    Discussion on a case of non medical malpractice changed the judgment at appellate court

  23. 第三部分完善我国刑事二审发回重审制度得建议。

    The three part introduces the opinions of improving the remanding retrial in the criminal appeal trial.

  24. 第三部分完善我国刑事二审发回重审制度的建议。

    The three part introduces the opinions of improving the remanding retrial in the criminal appeal trial.

  25. 第二部分我国刑事二审发回重审制度存在的问题和原因。

    The second part introduces the problems and causes of the remanding retrial in the criminal appeal trial.

  26. 第二部分我国刑事二审发回重审制度存在得问题和原因。

    The second part introduces the problems and causes of the remanding retrial in the criminal appeal trial.

  27. 第一部分我国刑事二审发回重审制度的概念和立法价值。

    The first part introduces the characteristics and the legislation values of the remanding retrial in the criminal appeal trial.

  28. 第一部分我国刑事二审发回重审制度得概念和立法价值。

    The first part introduces the characteristics and the legislation values of the remanding retrial in the criminal appeal trial.

  29. 王二审感激万分, 特意买来了一盒过滤嘴香烟, 非要塞给他。

    Aunt Wang thanked him very much, she specially bought filter cigarettes for him.


  1. 问:二审拼音怎么拼?二审的读音是什么?二审翻译成英文是什么?

    答:二审的读音是èrshěn,二审翻译成英文是 To have a trial on the case of first instance agai...

  2. 问:二审案件拼音怎么拼?二审案件的读音是什么?二审案件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:二审案件的读音是èr shěn àn jiàn,二审案件翻译成英文是 case of second instance

  3. 问:二审裁判拼音怎么拼?二审裁判的读音是什么?二审裁判翻译成英文是什么?

    答:二审裁判的读音是èrshěncáipàn,二审裁判翻译成英文是 adjudication of second instance

  4. 问:二审裁定拼音怎么拼?二审裁定的读音是什么?二审裁定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:二审裁定的读音是èrshěncáidìng,二审裁定翻译成英文是 second instance order

  5. 问:二审上诉审法院拼音怎么拼?二审上诉审法院的读音是什么?二审上诉审法院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:二审上诉审法院的读音是èr shěn shàng sù shěn fǎ yuàn,二审上诉审法院翻译成英文是 first Court of Appeal