







汉语拼音:bǐ wǒ






  1. 他和我;彼此。

    汉 扬雄 《解嘲》:“世异事变,人道不殊,彼我易时,未知何如。”《晋书·王羲之传》:“夫庙算决胜,必宜审量彼我,万全而后动。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·因习》:“及 隋氏 受命,海内为家,国靡爱憎,人无彼我。” 鲁迅 《热风·随感录五十九》:“甚至彼我间的是非爱憎,也免不了得到一个相反的结果。”



  1. My name's Bobby. I'm three.


  1. 我可以往,彼可以来,曰通。

    Ground which can be freely traversed by both sides is called accessible.

  2. 世尊妙相具, 我今重问彼, 佛子何因缘, 名为观世音。

    I now ask again, Why is this disciple of the Buddha, Called Gwan Shr Yin?

  3. 耶稣说, 你们说我是谁。彼的回答说, 是神所立的基督。

    He said unto them, But whom say ye that I am Peter answering said, The Christ of God.

  4. 柯尔特,对吧?对,请叫我彼得

    It's colt, right? yes, but please call me peter

  5. 我名叫彼得。

    My name is Peter.

  6. 我为彼得担心。

    I worry about about Peter.

  7. 妈妈,彼得踢我!

    Mummy, Peter kicked me!

  8. 彼得,我是朱迪。

    Peter, this is Judy.

  9. 我的名字叫彼特。

    My first name is Peter.

  10. 我得名字叫彼特。

    My first name is Peter.

  11. 请把彼事告知我。

    Please tell me about it.

  12. 我叫彼得,1250号房。

    My name is Peter. Room number 1250.

  13. 我渴望见到彼得。

    I look to see Peter yearningly.

  14. 我和彼得来做饭。

    Peter and I will do the cooking.

  15. 我喜欢彼德森老师。

    I like Mrs.Peterson.

  16. 嘱彼佳人, 备我衣缁。

    Tell her to make me a cambric shirt.

  17. 嘱彼佳人,备我衣缁。

    Tell her to make me a cambric shirt.

  18. 彼德, 你知道我在乎你。

    You know I care for you, peter.

  19. 我是彼得史密斯。

    This is Peter Smith.

  20. 彼得上白班,我上夜班。

    Peter is on the day shift and I am on the night shift.

  21. 是彼得借给我得钱。

    It was Peter who lent me the money.

  22. 我将翱翔至远彼方

    To far horizons I will fly

  23. 那是我的老友彼特。

    It's my old pal peter!

  24. 我得,彼得。图图跪下说。

    Mine, Peter, said Tootles on his knees.

  25. 我可以和彼得说话吗

    Unit 230 May I speak to Peter

  26. 昨夜我梦见圣彼得罗

    Last night i dreamt of san pedro

  27. 当时我跟彼得跟得很紧。

    I was very tight with gets with Peter then.

  28. 彼得表示感谢我的帮助。

    Peter showed his appreciation for my help.

  29. 我已派彼得做这事。

    I've earmarked Peter for the job.

  30. 是彼得借给我的钱。

    It was Peter who lent me the money.

