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汉语拼音:dōng lín
《易·既济》:“东邻杀牛,不如西邻之禴祭,实受其福。”《后汉书·刘赵淳于江传序》:“言以义养,则 仲由 之菽,甘于东邻之牲。” 唐 元结 《漫问相里黄州》诗:“东邻有渔父,西邻有山僧。” 叶圣陶 《穷愁》:“赌窟既破,全市喧传,群来聚视博徒何如人…… 阿松 东邻子 金荣 与焉。”
战国 楚 宋玉 《登徒子好色赋》:“ 楚国 之丽者,莫若臣里,臣里之美者,莫若臣东家之子。”后因以“东邻”指美女。
唐 李白 《效古》诗之二:“自古有秀色, 西施 与东邻。” 五代 阎选 《浣溪沙》词:“ 刘 阮 信非仙洞客, 嫦娥 终是月中人,此生无路访东邻。”
亦作“ 东厸 ”。特指 殷 纣王 。
《汉书·叙传上》:“东厸虐而歼仁兮,王合位虖三五。” 颜师古 注:“ 应劭 曰:‘东厸, 紂 也。’厸,古邻字也。”一本作“ 东邻 ”。
Jingzhou City and Jingmen east, south Hunan Shimen, west Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, north of Shennongjia and Xiangfan City.
东邻荆州市和荆门市,南抵湖南省石门县,西接恩施土家族苗族自治州,北靠神农架林区和襄樊市。He is a JiangYang giant steal, but always steal to east neighbour girl "s heart. "
他是一个江洋巨偷,却总偷到东邻少女的芳心。West minded Dragon Gate Nankunshan, east Heyuan Moluhu, Long (doors) new (Feng), a road shining margin.
西倚龙门南昆山,东邻河源万绿湖,龙(门)新(丰)公路擦边而过。South east Luanhe, Tanghai County, West and Ninghe bordering the Bohai Sea south, northfeng run qu.
东邻滦南、唐海县,西与宁河县接壤,南临渤海,北靠丰润区。Beiju Shanghai 120 km, 60 km south of Hangzhou, east of Hangzhou Bay Bridge through Ningbo, Shaoxing, traffic speed, the logistics flow.
北距上海120公里,南接杭州60公里,东邻杭州湾跨海大桥直通宁波绍兴,交通快捷,物流畅通。Wuxi lies west of Shanghai and east of Nanjing.
无锡东邻上海,西连南京。The Yipu Garden Facing the Geyuan garden on the east, Yipu garden was built by Lihesheng, a famous broker of Qianye in early Republic China.
《逸圃》逸圃东邻个园,系民国初年钱业经纪人李鹤生所筑。East in the zone, that is known nationwide Jinan University Science Park.
在开发区东邻,就是享誉全国的济南大学科技园。export of high-speed Changping, two kilometres north of West Guan's Huandao that is, 110 State Road east, western Badaling high speed.
We neighbors should help each other.
Interconnection planning of extended West European power system with its Eastern neighbors.
Border on Changzhou airport, the east in the north and adjoin the railway station of Changzhou, the traffic is convenient.
老太太扯起东邻西舍的闲事, 总是不住嘴。
The old woman would keep on and on gossiping about her neighbours.
It was our neighbour in the East that introduced the nuclear factor into the South Asian security equation.
The crowd of people broke up, except for Hussein the merchant, Mousa the owner of the field next to ours on the east, and two men I 'd never seen before.