


1. 论 [lùn]2. 论 [lún]论 [lùn]分析判断事物的道理:~断。~点。~辩。~据。~者。议~。讨~。辩~。分析阐明事物道理的文章、理论和言论:理~。舆~。专~。社~。学说,有系统的主张:系统~。看待:一概而~。衡量,评定:~……


极,无比的:~大。~高。~初。~终。~为(wéi )。聚合:忧喜~门。合计:“~大将军青凡七出击匈奴”。……



汉语拼音:lùn zuì






  1. 犹课最,论功。

    《文选·张协<七命>》:“论最犒勤,息马韜弦。” 李善 注引 张晏 《汉书注》:“最,功第一也。”



  1. Capitalism and democracy are the worst form of "polytheism" , causing war, global warming, poverty and costly mortgages.


  2. Often the decision to go ahead with a project is based on whether the worst-case NPV is within acceptable limits.


  3. Determining the nature of this missing mass is one of the most important problems in modern cosmology .


  4. Published in 1988, "A Brief History of Time" and a quantum physics and the theory of relativity on the best-selling book.


  5. Generally speaking, above all is nevertheless the issue of personal position.


  6. Perhaps most important of all: in a five-paragraph theme, form controls content, when it should be the other way around.


  7. Conspiracy theories flourish in societies where there is good reason to mistrust the mainstream media.


  8. Initial Survey into Methodology of Bid Awarded to Tenderer with Lowest Price Bid


  9. On the Principle of the most Significant Relationship


  1. 论最高额保证

    On the Guarantee Under the Debt Ceiling.

  2. 论最大模原理的部分应用

    On the Application of Maximum Modulus Principle

  3. 主要论述规划论中最优化算法在配棉中的实际应用。

    The paper mainly describes the practical uses of optimization methods of the planning theory in blending cotton.

  4. 据我自己得阅历而论,天下最愚蠢得人就是精明人。

    Indeed I think, from my own experience, that the knowing one is the silliest fellow under the sun.

  5. 据我自己的阅历而论,天下最愚蠢的人就是精明人。

    Indeed I think, from my own experience, that the knowing one is the silliest fellow under the sun.

  6. 导演说他的目的是想藉由血型论来达到最大的喜剧效果。

    The director said his idea was to maximize the comic effect by using the type theory.

  7. 试论最高额抵押

    On the Maximum Mortgage

  8. 论最高额抵押制度的完善

    On the Improvement of the Mortgage System of Maximum Amount

  9. 论最低价中标法的应用

    Initial Survey into Methodology of Bid Awarded to Tenderer with Lowest Price Bid

  10. 论最高额抵押的设立及变更的对抗力

    The Establishment of Maximum Amount Mortgage and the Counter Force to Its Change

  11. 所以, 生物学是发生认识论最重要的基础。

    Therefore biology is the most importantbase of genetic epistemology.

  12. 论最高额抵押得独立性及其在立法中得体现。

    On the Independent Nature and Embodiment of Maximum Hypothecation in the Law.

  13. 论最高额抵押的独立性及其在立法中的体现。

    On the Independent Nature and Embodiment of Maximum Hypothecation in the Law.

  14. 论水平接地网最大接触电位差的解析计算法

    On analytical method for maximum contact potential difference of horizontal ground grids

  15. 实际上,对于这类人来说,谈论别人是他们最大的消遣。

    In fact, talking about other people is her number one pastime.

  16. 论福利经济学分析最优财政收入规模的科学性与局限性

    On Scientific Nature and Limits of Best Financial Income Scale from the Perspective of Welfare Economics

  17. 测定这缺少的物质性质就是现代宇宙论最重要问题之一。

    Determining the nature of this missing mass is one of the most important problems in modern cosmology.

  18. 论约定保证责任的最长期限

    On the Max.Length of contracted warranty responsibility

  19. 论五代枢密使之权最重

    On the Power of Military Affairs Commissioner in the Five Dynasties

  20. 论算术级数中之最小素数

    On the least prime in an arithmetical progression

  21. 论有压水工隧洞最小覆盖厚度

    Minimum overburden of hydraulic pressure tunnel

  22. 自然主义和反自然主义是社会科学哲学中最著名的论争。

    Naturalism and anti naturalism is the most salient controversy in the philosophy of social science.

  23. 书桌上摆着入行论,这是我们最常读诵的一本论典。

    On the table was A Guide To the Bodhisattva Way Of Life, the Abhidharma text we read most.

  24. 作出最大的怀疑论变成坚信不疑!

    Make the biggest skeptic into a believer!

  25. 这个。德谟克利特发明了最早的原子论。

    The first atomic theory was proposed by Democritus.

  26. 弗莱德也发现在他心灵的最上层无法坚持决定论。

    Fried, too, finds it impossible to keep determinism at the top of his mind.

  27. 论文字, 最要知味。

    The first rule of a student of literature is to learn to sample different flavors.

  28. 心目中最健全的法理论

    The soundest theory of law

  29. 论宪法最高效力的本源

    On the Source of the Supreme Power of Constitution

  30. 论智力劳动力价值实现最大化

    How to Maximumize Mental Labor Value