




1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……



汉语拼音:yī jiā







  1. Both ancient and modern doctors made a certain explanation about this relationship in the medical books.


  2. Historical doctors bring new ideas to the fire theory by rational distillation of historical experience and practical experience.


  3. Therefore causes to have the acne primary factor-androgen to become the hot spot which many doctors pay attention.


  4. well saying goes: "Every morning, a cup of tea, please do not physicians. "


  5. Objective: At present on clinical treats AP Fang Yao quite a lot, often is various medicines many by own experience treatment.


  6. ConclusionThe records of the health moxibustion of ancient physicians have been discussed many different and differently characteristiced.


  7. Zhang Zihe, an outstanding physician, is one of the four schools of the Jin-yuan Dynasty.


  8. SUN Yi-kui was a doctor of Ming dynasty. He had original idea on the research of life origin problem.


  9. Healers of Jin and Yuan dynasties were apt to think independently on medical theories and thus new remedies became a prevailing custom.


  1. 孟河医家新探

    A study on the Menghe medical sect.

  2. 清代医家张琦生平考

    Biography of Doctor Zhang Qi of Qing Dynasty

  3. 欲即亡, 医家规避没错。

    Desire is death, which physic did except.

  4. 岭南医家对鼠疫的辨证

    Syndrome Differentiation of Bubonic Plague by Lingnan Doctors

  5. 目的探讨历代医家的用药规律。

    Objective The laws of medicine application of physicians through the ages were discussed.

  6. 简评金元医家对方药分类的贡献

    Review Contribution of Prescription Classification on Physician of Jin and Yuan Dynasty

  7. 历代医家对单式针刺手法分类

    Classification of Acupuncture Manipulation by Physicians of Past Generations Department of Acupunctare and Massage, Shanxi College of TCM

  8. 岭南医家对鼠疫病因病机的认识

    Understanding on pathogeny and pathogenesis of plague in the south of the five Ridges

  9. 南宋时期浙江医家学派的嬗递及其成就

    Handing down heritage of Zhejiang medical schools of thoughts in the South Song Times together with their achievements

  10. 因此,药物的质量问题受到历代医家的关注。

    Therefore, the quality of medicine was paid close attention by doctors in past dynasties.

  11. 医家明堂论与道教的明堂符号养生法

    Doctor Mingtang Theory and Daoism Mingtang Symbol Regimen

  12. 浅析历代医家对痹证病因病机的认识

    Analyzing Realization of Pathogenic Factors and Pathogenesis of Bi Zheng by Doctors in Past Dynasties

  13. 论历代著名医家对中医体质理论的贡献

    Contribution of famous doctors in past ages to constitution theory of Chinese medicine

  14. 金元四大医家治疗糖尿病学术思想初探

    Discussion on the Academic Thoughts of Four Eminent Physicians in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties for Diabetes

  15. 历代医家的经验,也并非中医理论的核心内容。

    Experience of the medical practitioners in the successive dynasties were also not the kernel contents of Chinese medical theory.

  16. 目窍与五脏的密切关系,历代医家多有论述。

    Eye is closely related with five viscera, there's thesis on it from many doctors in generations.

  17. 从大司天理论探讨元明医家用药变化的原因

    Explore and Discuss on the Changing of Using Drug by Famous Doctors in Yuan and Min Dynasty From the Theory of Da Si Tian

  18. 历代医家对痛泻药方的方证病机存在不同的认识。

    The traditional physicians have different understanding to the pathogenesis of formula's syndrome about Tongxie Yaofang.

  19. 隋唐医家痰饮积聚学术特点初探及临证举隅

    Initial Exploration of Academic Feature on Retention of Phlegm and Fluid of Medical Practitioners in the Sui and Tang Dynasties and Examples of Clinical Application

  20. 间亦有略具联络者,今撮录一篇,以供医家研究。

    There are also some contact, this piper record a for traditional research.

  21. 为后世医家对于消渴病的研究与治疗提供了理论依据。

    Provides a theoretical basis for Physicians in Research and Treatment about Diabetes.

  22. 历代医家对气郁体质理论的形成与发展作出了重要贡献。

    Stagnation of qi family medical history of the formation and development of physical theory made important contributions.


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